This report provides methods for estimating the in-place strength of concrete in new and existing construction. These methods include: rebound number, penetration resistance, pullout, pull-off, ultrasonic pulse velocity, maturity, and cast-in-place cylinders. The principle, inherent limitations, and repeatability of each method are reviewed. Procedures are presented for developing the relationship needed to estimate compressive strength from in-place results. Factors to consider in planning in-place tests are discussed, and statistical techniques to interpret test results are presented. The use of in-place tests for acceptance of concrete is introduced. The Appendix A provides information on the number of strength levels that should be used to develop the strength relationship and explains a regression analysis procedure that accounts for error in both dependent and independent variables.
Keywords: coefficient of variation; compressive strength; construction safety; in-place tests; nondestructive tests; sampling; statistical analysis.
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This guide provides information, requirements, and procedures for bonding freshly mixed and hardened concretes by using epoxy or latex adhesives. This guide covers evaluation of hardened concrete, selection of suitable epoxy or latex adhesives, and application methods.
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This document is a guide for the design and construction of fixed reinforced and prestressed concrete structures for service in a marine environment. Only fixed structures that are founded on the seabed are covered.
Contents include materials and durability; dead, deformation, live, environmental, and accidental loads; design and analysis; foundations; construction and installation; and inspection and repair. The two appendixes discuss environmental loads such as wave, wind, and ice loads in detail, and the design of offshore concrete structures for earthquake resistance.
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[img]ACI PRC-334.3-24: Construction of Concrete Shells Using Inflatable Forms - Report[/img]
This report provides information on the construction of structural concrete shells using an inflated form. Major facets of the construction process are covered, including foundations, inflation, monitoring, and backup systems. Other aspects, such as the geometric variations of inflated forms, thickness of polyurethane foam, and mixture proportions for shotcrete, are also considered.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Steven L. Kramer, Jonathan P. Stewart | Size: 25.91 MB| Format:PDF| Quality:Original preprint| Publisher: CRC Press| Year: November 28, 2024| pages: 1042 | ISBN: 1032842741
This fully updated second edition provides an introduction to geotechnical earthquake engineering for first-year graduate students in geotechnical or earthquake engineering graduate programs with a level of detail that will also be useful for more advanced students as well as researchers and practitioners. It begins with an introduction to seismology and earthquake ground motions, then presents seismic hazard analysis and performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) principles. Dynamic soil properties pertinent to earthquake engineering applications are examined, both to facilitate understanding of soil response to seismic loads and to describe their practical measurement as part of site characterization. These topics are followed by site response and its analysis and soil–structure interaction. Ground failure in the form of soil liquefaction, cyclic softening, surface fault rupture, and seismically induced landslides are also addressed, and the book closes with a chapter on soil improvement and hazard mitigation. The first edition has been widely used around the world by geotechnical engineers as well as many seismologists and structural engineers.
The main text of this book and the four appendices:
Cover fundamental concepts in applied seismology, geotechnical engineering, and structural dynamics
Contain numerous references for further reading, allowing for detailed exploration of background or more advanced material
Present worked example problems that illustrate the application of key concepts emphasized in the text
Include chapter summaries that emphasize the most important points
Present concepts of performance-based earthquake engineering with an emphasis on uncertainty and the types of probabilistic analyses needed to implement PBEE in practice
Present a broad, interdisciplinary narrative, drawing from the fields of seismology, geotechnical engineering, and structural engineering to facilitate holistic understanding of how geotechnical earthquake engineering is applied in seismic hazard and risk analyses and in seismic design
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AS 1597.2-2013: recast reinforced concrete box culverts Large culverts (exceeding 1200 mm span or 1200 mm height and up to and including 4200 mm span and 4200 mm height)
Sets out minimum requirements for the design, manufacture and installation of precast reinforced concrete rectangular box culverts for conveying water not under pressure, and for carrying roadway and railway loadings specified by the AS5100 series.
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Provides designers, manufacturers, installers and specifiers of culverts with minimum requirements for the design, testing, manufacture and installation of precast reinforced concrete rectangular box culverts not exceeding 1200mm span and 1200mm height.
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I am looking for ACI CODE-350-20: Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures (ACI 350-20) and Commentary (ACI 350R-20)
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