This design example, “Reinforced Rectangular Concrete Column Interaction Diagram Example,” works through the procedure to draw an interaction diagram for a 16 x 12 in. nonslender tied column reinforced with six No. 8 vertical bars and No. 3 ties at 12 in. on center bending around its x-axis. The example follows the provisions of ACI 318-19, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
ACI Committee E702, “Designing Concrete Structures Committee,” is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure. Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design. The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents. These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or evaluations.
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The design example, Evaluation of Concrete Cores Test Results According to ACI 318-19, works through three case studies in which the field engineer must evaluate the concrete core strength results provided by a testing laboratory. The example follows the provisions of ACI 318-19, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.” Additionally, discussion of the assumptions needed to evaluate concrete compressive strength test results and references are provided.
ACI Committee E702, “Designing Concrete Structures Committee,” is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure. Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design. The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents. These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or evaluations.
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The design example, “Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Shear Strengthening,” works through calculations for a one way slab with an interior beam that requires shear strengthening. The example follows the provisions of ACI CODE 318-19, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary.”
ACI Committee E702, “Designing Concrete Structures Committee,” is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure. Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design. The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents. These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or evaluations.
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The design example, “Design a Concrete Floor System using the Pan and Joist System,” works through calculations for a pan and joist floor system following the provisions of ACI CODE 318-14, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary.”
ACI Committee E702, “Designing Concrete Structures Committee,” is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure. Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design. The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents. These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or evaluations.
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The design example, “Slender Reinforced Concrete Wall Design—Solid Wall with Out-of-Plane Loading Due to Wind,” works through calculations for a wall design following the provisions of ACI CODE 318-19, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary.”
ACI Committee E702, “Designing Concrete Structures Committee,” is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure. Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design. The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents. These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or evaluations.
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The design example, “Buried Concrete Basement Wall Design,” details strength design (durability and other considerations not included) for a new buried concrete basement wall in a single-story masonry building. The example follows the provisions of ACI 318-19, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary.” Throughout the example, discussion of the “in practice” decisions/situations the designer may encounter are included. Additionally, at the conclusion of the problem some “what-ifs” are evaluated.
ACI Committee E702, “Designing Concrete Structures Committee,” is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure. Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design. The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents. These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or evaluations.
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The design example, “Acceptance of Concrete Compressive Strength Test Results,” works through a project situation in which the field engineer must evaluate the compressive strength results provided by a testing laboratory. The example follows the provisions of ACI 318-19, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
Additionally, discussion of the assumptions needed to evaluate concrete compressive strength test results, resolution to the project data provided, and references are provided.
ACI Committee E702, “Designing Concrete Structures Committee,” is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure. Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design. The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents. These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or evaluations.
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MOP 158 : Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings: A Guideline
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Abstract: Sponsored by the Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings Subcommittee of the Structural Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Buildings Committee of the SEI Codes and Standards Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings: A Guideline, a new adaptation of ASCE Standard 11-99, Guideline for Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings, provides current suggested guidelines on building condition assessments for selected materials and other areas related to the structural performance of existing buildings.
Topics include:
Assessment procedure,
Structural materials assessment,
Evaluation procedures and evaluation of structural components and systems,
Reporting on structural condition assessment, and
Common building materials.
MOP 158 was created to reformat the original ASCE 11-99 guidelines into a more user-friendly, accessible format for utilization by qualified professional structural engineers and regulatory officials concerned with existing structures.
ASCE-Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures
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Abstract: The proceedings of the 1990 Specialty Conference on Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures was held in Ithaca, New York from June 18-21, 1990. It presents a total of 50 papers addressing, the general topics of historical perspectives, wall selection, contracting practices, waterfront structures, gravity walls, mechanically stabilized systems, cast-in-place walls, soil nailing, tied-back excavations and seismic design. The papers survey the current state of the practice of earth retention and support, detail the rapid and profound changes that design and construction practices have undergone in the last 20 years, and forecast technological developments which are likely to carry the practice into the next century. Invited papers by 16 internationally known experts address aspects of each of the general topics, including trends in ground movements, effects of material selection and construction practices, and advances in design analyses and procedures. The 34 other papers generally address specific case histories of various types of earth retaining structures, providing results of performance monitoring, comparing predicted to actual performance, and assessing the impacts of construction practice and design procedures on performance.
(ISBN-10): 0-87262-761-6
Pg. 914
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