AS 1597.1 Part 1: Small culverts (not exceeding 1200 mm span and 1200 mm height)
AS 1597.2 Part 2: Large culverts (from 1500 mm span and up to and including 4200 mm span and 4200 mm height)
ISO/TR 22762-7:2024 Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators Part 7: Relationship of the ISO 22762 series to the design and testing of seismic isolation systems
This document explains the relationship of the ISO 22762 series to the design and testing of seismic isolation systems, including the relationship to national seismic codes.
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This document specifies specifications and test methods for elastomeric seismic isolators used for buildings to guarantee high durability and high performance.
It is applicable to elastomeric seismic isolators used to provide buildings with protection from earthquake damage. The isolators covered consist of alternate elastomeric layers and reinforcing steel plates. They are placed between a superstructure and its substructure to provide both flexibility for decoupling structural systems from ground motion, and damping capability to reduce displacement at the isolation interface and the transmission of energy from the ground into the structure at the isolation frequency.
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This document specifies minimum requirements and test methods for flat sliding seismic-protection isolators used for buildings and the materials used in the manufacture of such isolators.
It is applicable to flat sliding seismic-protection isolators used to provide buildings with protection from earthquake damage. The sliders are each mounted on elastomeric bearings to provide vertical compliance and rotational flexibility about horizontal axes.
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This document provides guidance on ISO 22762-3:2018. It includes examples of design calculations, and provides data on the characteristics obtained from all types of elastomeric isolators.
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This document specifies minimum requirements and test methods for elastomeric seismic elastomeric isolators used for buildings and the rubber material used in the manufacture of such elastomeric isolators.
It is applicable to elastomeric seismic elastomeric isolators used to provide buildings with protection from earthquake damage. The elastomeric isolators covered consist of alternate elastomeric layers and reinforcing steel plates. They are placed between a superstructure and its substructure to provide both flexibility for decoupling structural systems from ground motion, and damping capability to reduce deflection at the isolation interface and the transmission of energy from the ground into the structure at the isolation frequency.
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This document specifies minimum requirements and test methods for elastomeric seismic isolators used for bridges, as well as rubber material used in the manufacture of such isolators.
It is applicable to elastomeric seismic isolators used to provide bridges with protection from earthquake damage. The isolators covered consist of alternate elastomeric layers and reinforcing steel plates, which are placed between a superstructure and its substructure to provide both flexibility for decoupling structural systems from ground motion and damping capability to reduce displacement at the isolation interface and the transmission of energy from the ground into the structure at the isolation frequency.
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This document specifies the test methods for determination of
a) the properties of the rubber material used to manufacture the elastomeric isolators, and
b) the characteristics of elastomeric isolators.
It is applicable to elastomeric isolators used to provide buildings or bridges with protection from earthquake damage. The elastomeric isolators covered consist of alternate elastomeric layers and reinforcing steel plates which are placed between a superstructure and its substructure to provide both flexibility for decoupling structural systems from ground motion, and damping capability to reduce displacement at the isolation interface and the transmission of energy from the ground into the structure at the isolation frequency.
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This document specifies methods for calculating the resin, fibre and void contents of a carbon-fibre-reinforced composite from the densities of the resin, the fibre and the composite and the mass of fibre in the composite (using method A), for calculating the fibre content from the thickness of the composite (using method B), and for calculating the fibre content by volume and areal void content through microscopic analysis (using method C).
Method A specifies three different resin removal procedures for the determination of the mass of fibre in the composite (viz a combustion procedure, a procedure by digestion in nitric acid and a procedure by digestion in a mixture of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide). The selection of the procedure to be used is made by considering the combustibility of the resin used in the composite, its ability to decompose and the type of resin concerned. Method A is only of limited applicability when filled resins are present that can prevent complete dissolution and/or combustibility of the resin.
Method B (thickness measurement method) is only applicable to composites moulded from prepregs of known fibre mass per unit area.
Method C (microscopic method) is only applicable to carbon-fibre-reinforced composites with unidirectional, orthogonal and multidirectional laminates. It can also be used as reference for determination of the areal void content and fibre volume content of aramid- or glass-fibre-reinforced plastics, but is not applicable to fabric reinforced composites.
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This guidebook is a practical and essential tool covering all the necessary steps for structural design engineers to create detailed and accurate calculations in accordance with Australian and international standards.
General project requirements are explained in terms of project management and document control. Calculation methods and details are shown for actions (wind, seismic, dead and live loads). Design details are then provided for steel, concrete, timber, and geotechnical calculations (footings, piles, retaining walls, etc.). Detailed worked example calculations are included throughout the text, as well as typical CAD details for design drawings. Design items are explained for typical items of equipment found across various industries (e.g. piping, vessels, lifting, machine foundations, access, composite structures, bunds, and more). Design aids are provided, including guides and examples for popular engineering programs (Space Gass, Strand7 and Rhinoceros 3D). Comprehensive capacity tables are also included for steel and concrete elements.
This edition has been updated to include the latest design requirements from Australian Standards, including Steel Structures (AS 4100–2020), Concrete Structures (AS 3600–2018) (including steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs), Earthquake Actions (AS 1170.4–2024), and basic requirements from Timber Structures (AS 1720.1–2010). Requirements from many more Australian Standards and international standards are also provided in the context of typical design projects.
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