Posted by: poolmand - 12-31-2024, 07:56 AM - Forum: CsiPlant
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CSiPlant v9.0.0.1467 x64
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Piping Design
- Handling of ASME B31J is enhanced, giving the ability to control when to apply Note 3 from Table 1-1. This is applicable when calculating the flex factors for 90 degree bends and elbows that match the thickness of the adjacent pipes.
- ASME B31.12- 2023 has been added.
- Users can now select tees in the model based on the assigned tee type.
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Posted by: poolmand - 12-15-2024, 06:51 AM - Forum: ACI
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ACI-TMS CODE-122.3-24: Thermal Properties of Concrete and Masonry for Use in Determining Energy Code Compliance Except for Low-Rise Residential Buildings—Code Requirements and Commentary
This Code prescribes minimum design and construction requirements for energy efficiency of building envelopes of new buildings and additions to buildings. It applies to buildings having concrete walls, roofs, or floors; masonry walls; and masonry veneer, including veneer attached to frame walls as part of the building envelope. It also provides minimum thermal properties for these assemblies for code compliance.
This Code is applicable to commercial and mid- to high-rise residential buildings that use either electricity from any generation source or fossil fuel. It can be used with applicable energy codes and standards such as ASHRAE 90.1 and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
energy efficiency; specific heat; thermal conductivity; thermal diffusivity; thermal resistance; thermal transmittance.
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ACI CODE-440.13 was developed to provide design professionals a code for the design of strengthening strategies for concrete structures using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) systems.
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“Low-Carbon Concrete—Code Requirements and Commentary” (“Code”) provides provisions for concrete where reduced global warming potential (GWP) is required. The Code was developed by a consensus process and addresses cast-in-place concrete with specified compressive strength greater than 2500 psi and less than or equal to 8000 psi. Precast concrete, tremie concrete, auger-cast concrete/grout, shotcrete, pavers, and masonry units are not included in the scope of the Code. This is the first edition of the Code and the scope is limited by the available benchmark data. Future editions of the Code will be broader in scope as data beyond strength benchmarks and for other types of concrete becomes available.
The Code may be adopted as a stand-alone code or can be used in combination with a structural design code or low-carbon material code adopted by an authority having jurisdiction. The Code is in a format that allows reference to a set of chapters based on the structure type. Adoption would include all of Chapters 1 to 4, the applicable Chapter(s) of 5, 6, 7, and/or 8, plus Appendix A. This Code is written in a format that allows reference without change to its language. Therefore, background details or suggestions for carrying out the requirements or intent of the Code provisions cannot be included with the Code itself. The Commentary is provided for this purpose.
Some considerations of the committee in developing the Code are discussed in the Commentary along with references for the user desiring to study individual questions in greater detail.
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This Specification addresses requirements for drilled pier construction. Drilled piers are sometimes called drilled shafts, drilled caissons, drilled piers with bells, drilled shafts with bells, or bored piles. This Specification includes: excavation; the use of liners and casing; drilling slurry and concrete free-fall placement methods; testing; reinforcement fabrication and placement; concrete properties and placement; quality control and quality assurance; and acceptance. The successful installation and performance of a drilled pier is fundamentally dependent on the means and methods of construction along with the effects of the site-specific subsurface conditions.
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This guide provides a protocol for the exchange of data related to concrete reinforcement between software applications. This guide presents a human-readable list of concrete reinforcement entities, attributes, property sets, and relationships, with sufficient specificity so that the format and syntax for machine-readable exchanges based on Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) can be employed, enhanced, or developed. This specific set of exchange requirements is referred to as a model view definition (MVD). Material and geometric attributes, property sets, and relationships, both required and optional, that address the requirements of most reinforced concrete applications for buildings and nonbuilding structures are presented. This guide is intended to be used by building information modeling (BIM) software developers to assist in the development of consistent and accurate exchanges of concrete reinforcement information between applications.
attribute; building information modeling; Industry Foundation Classes; model view definition; post-tensioning tendon; reinforcing bar.
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This Reference Specification for the Architect/Engineer can be applied to projects providing minimum requirements for construction of concrete parking lots and site paving by citing it in the Project Specification. A mandatory requirements checklist and an optional requirements checklist are provided to assist the Architect/Engineer in supplementing the provisions of this Specification as required or needed by designating or specifying individual project requirements. Included are requirements for submittals, testing and inspection, concrete materials, distributed steel, embedded steel at joints, jointing and sealant material, forms, subgrade preparation, subbase, placing, texturing, curing, jointing, tolerances, and opening to traffic. The materials, processes, quality control measures, and inspection described in this document should be tested, monitored, or performed as applicable only by individuals holding the appropriate ACI certification or equivalent.
construction; curing; inspection testing; jointing; pavements; site paving; texturing.
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This Specification covers minimum requirements for installing epoxy grouting between foundations and equipment bases. Included are requirements for materials, placement, forming, testing, repair, and quality control. A mandatory requirements checklist and an optional requirements checklist are provided to assist the Architect/Engineer in supplementing the requirements of this Specification as required or needed by designating or specifying individual project requirements.
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