Slabjacking is used to level and align concrete slabs-onground that have shifted due to settlement, erosion, flooding, or shrinkage of the soil or base below the slab.
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Leveling and Reprofiling of Vertical and Overhead Surfaces
Leveling or reprofiling is indicated whenever concrete with an unacceptable finish is exposed to the elements or in contact with aggressive chemicals. Leveling or reprofiling can be used on exterior or interior façades, foundations, beams, columns and soffits found in buildings, parking structures, retaining walls, bridges, storage tanks, and tunnels. It can also be used on interior façades and soffits of
process tanks, water treatment tanks, and secondary containment with different chemical exposures. Usually, leveling or reprofiling is used to improve the aesthetic appearance or prepare the surface for subsequent coating or application.
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Spall Repair of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces
Horizontal surface repair is common on slabs either elevated or on grade. Deterioration may be caused by corrosion of embedded reinforcement resulting in delamination and spalling. Other common causes include freezing-and-thawing
deterioration and chemical attack. After an evaluation of the deterioration by an engineer, a plan should be developed including objectives and specifications for the repair. Steps for repairs that include layout, removals, edge preparation,
mixing, bonding, placement, and curing have been included below as a step-by-step guide for use by field personnel.
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Vertical and Overhead Spall Repair by Hand Application
One of the most common application methods for repairing concrete is by hand troweling mortars to replace damaged concrete. This method can be used to repair spalled or deteriorated concrete (Fig. 1) or to resurface vertical, overhead, and horizontal concrete surfaces. Applying repair materials by hand does not require extensive or complicated equipment and is ideal for shallow surface repairs, especially in areas with limited or difficult access. While both portland cement-based and resin-based repair mortars have been used for trowel-applied vertical and overhead repairs, this field guide focuses on the application of portland cement-based repair materials.
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Surface Repair Using Form-and- Pump Techniques
The form-and-pump repair technique is a multi-step process of preparing and constructing formwork, and pumping repair material into the cavity confined by formwork and existing concrete. The form-and-pump technique allows the use of
many different repair materials. The necessary requirement for material selection is pumpability. Various pumps are used, depending on the mixture design with focus on aggregate size. Prior to construction of formwork, any surfaces that may
cause air to become trapped during the pumping process must be trimmed, or vent tubes installed.
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Surface Repair Using Form-and- Pour Techniques
The form-and-pour placement technique is a multistep process of preparation, formwork construction, and placement of repair materials. Repair materials are placed in the cavity between the formwork and the prepared substrate with
buckets, pumps, chutes, or buggies. The form-and-pour technique allows the use of many different castable repair materials. Placeability is the primary consideration material selection. Depending on the consistency of the repair
material, consolidation is accomplished by vibration, rodding, or when the material has extremely high slump (self consolidating), no additional steps may be required.
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Concrete Repair by Low-Velocity Spraying
Low-velocity spray mortars can be used for structural or non-structural repairs based on the design. Low-velocity sprayed concrete repair materials are prepackaged mortars applied using purpose-built mortar pumps or small concrete pumps that force the mixed, low-slump mortar through a hose to the nozzle where air is added to accelerate and expel the mortar. This document reviews when to use this repair method, how to prepare the surface, material selection, equipment used, and safety considerations.
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Field Guide to Concrete Repair Application Procedures
Crack Repair by Gravity Feed with Resin
This topical application for crack repair uses a thin polymer resin to fill the crack. Penetrating by gravity alone, the resin fills the crack and forms a polymer plug that seals out water, salts, and other aggressive elements. In some cases, a structural repair of the crack can be achieved. Before any concrete is repaired, the cause of the damage must be assessed and the objective of the repair must be
Typical causes of concrete cracking include steel corrosion, freezing and thawing, sulfate attack, and alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR). Poor practices during the original construction can cause excessive shrinkage or settlement in the structure. Improper joint spacing and load imbalances also contribute to cracking.
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Field Guide to Concrete Repair Application Procedures
Structural Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection
Certain things in life are inevitable. Some are said to include death, taxes, and concrete cracks! The latter is subject to volumes of literature on causes and cures. Some of the more typical causes for concrete cracking include:
- Drying shrinkage;
- Thermal contraction or expansion;
- Settlement;
- Lack of appropriate control joints;
- Overload conditions that produce flexural, tensile, or shear cracks in concrete;
- Restraint of movement;
One of the potentially effective repair procedures is to inject epoxy under pressure into the cracks. The injection procedure will vary, subject to the application and location of the crack(s), with horizontal, vertical, and overhead cracks requiring somewhat different approaches. The approach used must also consider accessibility to the cracked surface and the size of the crack.
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