Combined Pile-Raft Foundations Design and Practice
Author(s)/Editor(s): Oliver Reul, Mark Randolph | Size: 35.45 MB| Format:PDF| Quality:Original preprint| Publisher: CRC Press| Year: December 16, 2024| pages: 270 | ISBN: 9781032155500
This book presents the fundamental features of the design and performance of combined pile-raft foundations (CPRFs). Whereas in a traditional foundation the loads are carried either by the raft or by the piles, the capacity of CPRFs is assessed for the foundation as a whole, reducing total and differential settlements economically.
The five chapters provide an overview of the historical development of piled rafts in practice and research, and of the design concepts developed for piled rafts over the last decades. Fundamental aspects of their bearing behaviour are presented, as well as an overview of the framework of the design process for CPRFs, including the safety concept, the design approach summarised in the ISSMGE Combined Pile-Raft Foundation Guideline (ISSMGE TC 212 2013) and the interaction between structural and geotechnical engineering. For numerical analysis based on the finite element method, guidance is given on creating the model and performing the calculations before providing basic information on the requirements for the site investigation, supervision of the construction process and monitoring of the foundation performance. Detailed case studies illustrate the design and performance of CPRFs, and a design example for the foundation of a multi-storey office building founded in non-cohesive soil is investigated, carrying out 3D finite element analysis to estimate deformations and design parameters for structural engineering.
Based on the combined experience of the authors obtained in the last decades working in the industry and research, the book particularly suits consulting engineers engaged in foundation engineering, as well as graduate students and researchers interested in the bearing behaviour of piled rafts and pile groups.
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Structural Mechanics covers three different aspects of modern engineering: the foundation of structural mechanics, the solution to urgent industrial problems, and the reconstruction of major accidents. This book offers six case studies that teach how to identify the most important phase of the collapse or fracture of a complex system, develop a simple mathematically tractable model, and offer a discussion of the analytical and numerical solutions.
This book originated from the lecture notes of Professor Tomasz Wierzbicki who taught at MIT and Stanford University. The notes were amended and improved many times over the years to provide a link between rigorous theoretical foundations with solutions to important engineering problems. The book discusses complex man-made structures under accidental impact or explosive loads, resulting in the loss of life and/or extensive property, infrastructural, and environmental damage. The book deals with reconstructing the sequence of events of such accidents from the structural point of view. The book is not restricted to the accident reconstruction only - concepts and solutions of the elasticity, advance plasticity and ductile fracture were used throughout the reconstruction of the accidents. The additional 17 lectures provide theoretical foundations for the elastic structures, plastic plates and shells, and ductile fracture.
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A proper design of the substation bus is aimed towards a safe and reliable operation of the substation and the power system. Two different types of buses are used in substations: the rigid bus and the strain (cable). Information is provided by this guide on the different bus arrangements used in substations stating the advantages and disadvantages of each. Information as related to each bus type and construction is also provided. Once the bus type is selected, the calculation tools for each bus type are provided by this guide. Based on these calculations, the bus size, forces acting on the bus structure, the number of mounting structures required, and hardwa...
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Could you please share the 2023 version of the following standard? Thanks in advance.
Title: Guide for Bus Design in Air Insulated Substations
Code #: IEEE 605-2023
Date of Publication: 24 July 2024
Electronic ISBN:979-8-8557-0689-5
Sponsor Committee: PE/SUB - Substations Committee
Publisher: IEEE
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Dears I am looking for the below design handbook with SI units, i searched the forum but could only find the lb/in version, it will be great if someone has a copy and can share it.
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Bentley OpenRail ConceptStation offers rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge design capabilities to help rail engineers and designers create intelligent models in context. Evaluate conceptual design options with real-world data and cost analysis to rapidly determine optimal designs. Utilize data acquisition, reality modeling, and conceptual design to eliminate high-cost and high-risk items in the preliminary and planning design stages of your rail network projects.
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