I believe that performance based design are widely used in most countries. Here in my country, there is only one structure I know that was designed using that kind of approach because still static and dynamic analysis are the most common in here.
This advancement of structural design approach really challenges the capability of all structural engineers. I must admit that I don't have an experience yet in using this kind of approach but somehow I have a little idea of this procedure. May I know how often you use performance based design in your country?
The Code for Sustainable Homes covers nine categories of sustainable design:
• Energy and CO2 Emissions
• Water
• Materials
• Surface Water Run-off
• Waste
• Pollution
• Heath and Well-being
• Management
• Ecology.
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Author: Arnold Verruijt | Size: 0.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Delft UT | Year: 2005 | pages: 204
This book was written as class notes for the course on ”Offshore Soil Mechanics” of the Department of Civil Engineering of the Delft University of Technology, as given until 2002. In the latest version, which is published on the internet, the format of the pages has been changed to the landscape shape, some figures have been improved by adding color, and multi-line formulas have been reduced to a single line, profiting from the wider page format. Also two chapters (on consolidation and waves in piles) have been copied from the Soil Dynamics book. Some additional material may be included later. For many problems elementary computer programs are given, in Turbo Pascal. These programs may be used, copied and distributed without restriction. No responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from use of these programs is accepted, however. Some more advanced programs can be downloaded from the author’s website.
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The notes have been prepared using the LATEX version (Lamport, 1986) of the program TEX (Knuth, 1986).
Delft, January 1994, August 2000; Zoetermeer, April 2005 Arnold Verruijt
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Author: A. Verruijt | Size: 5.11 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Delft UT | Year: 2010 | pages: 333
This is the screen version of the book SOIL MECHANICS, an elementary textbook for students of civil engineering.
This book is the text for the introductory course of Soil Mechanics in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Delft University of Technology, as I have given from 1980 until my retirement in 2002. It contains an introduction into the major principles and methods of soil mechanics, such as the analysis of stresses, deformations, and stability. The most important methods of determining soil parameters, in the laboratory and in situ, are also described. Some basic principles of applied mechanics that are frequently used are presented in Appendices. The subdivision into chapters is such that one chapter can be treated in a single lecture, approximately. Comments of students and other users on the material in earlier versions of this book have been implemented in the present version, and errors have been corrected. Remaining errors are the author’s responsibility, of course, and all comments will be appreciated. An important contribution to the production of the printed edition, and to this screen edition, has been the typesetting program TEX, by Donald Knuth, in the LATEXimplementation by Leslie Lamport. Most of the figures have been constructed in LATEX, using the PICTEXmacros. The logo was produced by Professor G. de Josselin de Jong, who played an important role in developing soil mechanics as a branch of science, and who taught me soil mechanics. Since 2001 the English version of this book has been made available on the internet, on the website <http://geo.verruijt.net>. Several users, from all over the world, have been kind enough to send me their comments or their suggestions for corrections or improvements. In recent versions of the screenbook it has also been attempted to incorporate the figures better into the text, using the macro wrapfigure, and colors. In this way the appearance of many pages seems to have been improved. Upon the suggestion of Prof. Emmanuel Detournay of the University of Minnesota, the problems at the end of chapters have been supplemented in the 2010 version by worked examples, as a further aid to students. Additional sets of exercises and problems are available in the file SoilMex.ZIP.
Delft, July 2010
A. Verruijt
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BS EN 14679:2005
Execution of special geotechnical works. Deep mixing
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UIC 774-3 Track - bridge Interaction. Recommendations for calculations
Thanks in advance
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This is the final report of Work Package 2 of the European FIT (Fire in Tunnels) project devoted to design fire scenarios for road and rail tunnels. It collects data from different countries (e.g. Germany, France, Italy, UK), international organisations (e.g. PIARC, ITA, UPTUN) as well as from the experiences in individual tunnels (e.g. Mont Blanc, Tauern, Nihonzaka, Caldecott, Pfänder). The report includes basic principles of design fires, tunnel fire statistics and impacts of fires / smoke in tunnels on people, equipment and structure. The data is analysed and different sets of data are compared to ascertain the degree of confidence attributed to the information. Recommendations are made within the text on specific issues when this was deemed appropriate and reliable.
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I need some photos and the name of this structure:
all I know about it:
location: Jiangxi China
The autocad drawings are available on this site, maybe they contain some information which could help someone to identify the structure, unfortunately all comments are in chinese:
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Hi everyone
Anybody have conference
No 32 (2010): Proceedings of 32nd Conference on Coastal Engineering, Shanghai, China, 2010.
No 31 (2008): Proceedings of 31st Conference on Coastal Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, 2008.
No 30 (2006): Proceedings of 30th Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, California, 2006.
No 29 (2004): Proceedings of 29th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004.
No 28 (2002): Proceedings of 28th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Wales, United Kingdom, 2002.
No 27 (2000): Proceedings of 27th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 2000.
No 26 (1998): Proceedings of 26th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998.
Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes
by Finite Element and Soft Computing Methods
Authors: Prakash Mahadeo Dixit, Uday S. Dixit
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Springer, 2008
ISBN: 1848001886, 9781848001886
Length: 590 pages
Pdf: 6.6 Mb Pdf Quality Condition: 9 points (over 10)
The physics of metal forming and metal removing is normally expressed using non-linear partial differential equations which can be solved using the finite element method (FEM). However, when the process parameters are uncertain and/or the physics of the process is not well understood, soft computing techniques can be used with FEM or alone to model the process. Using FEM, fuzzy set theory and neural networks as modeling tools; Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes provides a complete treatment of metal forming and machining, and includes: an explanation of FEM and its application to the modeling of manufacturing processes; a discussion of the numerical difficulties of FEM; chapters on the application of soft computing techniques in this modeling process. The algorithms and solved examples included make Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes of value to postgraduates, senior undergraduates, lecturers and researchers in these fields. R&D engineers and consultants for the manufacturing industry will also find it of use.
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