The strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures using advanced fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites, and in particular the behaviour of FRP-strengthened RC structures is a topic which has become very popular in recent years. This popularity has arisen due to the need to maintain and upgrade essential infrastructure in all parts of the world, combined with the well-known advantages of FRP composites, such as good corrosion resistance and ease for site handling due to their light weight. The continuous reduction in the material cost of FRP composites has also contributed to their popularity.
While a great amount of research now exists in the published literature on this topic, it is scattered in various journals and conference proceedings. This book therefore provides the first ever comprehensive, state-of-the-art summary of the existing research on FRP strengthening of RC structures, with the emphasis being on structural behaviour and strength models. The main topics covered include:
* Bond behaviour
* Flexural and shear strengthening of beams
* Column strengthening
* Flexural strengthening of slabs.
For each area, the methods of strengthening are discussed, followed by a description of behaviour and failure modes and then the presentation of rational design recommendations, for direct use in practical design of FRP strengthening measures.
Researchers, practicing engineers, code writers and postgraduate students in structural engineering and construction materials, as well as consulting firms, government departments, professional bodies, contracting firms and FRP material suppliers will find this an invaluable resource.
Contents --
FRP Composites for Strengthening RC Structures.
Bond Strength of FRP-to-concrete Joints.
Flexural Strengthening of Beams.
Shear Strengthening of Beams.
Flexural Strengthening of Slabs.
Strengthening of Axially and Eccentrically Loaded Columns.
Seismic Retrofit of Columns.
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Authors: Julie A. Bannantine, Jess J. Comer, James L. Handrock
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Prentice Hall, 1990
ISBN: 013340191X, 9780133401912
Length: 273 pages
Pdf: 14.5 mB Pdf Quality Condition: 7 points (over 10)
The first book to present current methods and techniques of fatigue analysis, with a focus on developing basic skills for selecting appropriate analytical techniques. Contains numerous worked examples, chapter summaries, and problems.
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A step-by-step text on the basic tests performed in soil mechanics, Introduction to Soil Mechanics Laboratory Testing provides procedural aids and elucidates industry standards. It also covers how to properly present data and document results. Containing numerical examples and figures, the information presented is based on American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, and US Army Corps of Engineers engineering manuals.
The authors discuss the different methods of in situ field methods and ex situ laboratory methods of soil description and identification. They present equations for the physical properties of soil and laboratory methods of soil classification. They also discuss tests for the interaction of soil and water, and hydraulic conductivity and consolidation. These tests produce information useful in the identification and characterization of soil samples and their engineering behaviors.
A comprehensive resource, the book describes the evaluation of physical properties of soils, including mass, weight, unit weight, and mass density of the soil mass and its component phases. These properties are then expanded to define a number of weight and volumetric relationships. The book also discusses tests used in the evaluation of the density-water content relationships in soils and in the evaluation of the quality of compaction operations. These features and more make this book an excellent guide for testing soils.
This laboratory manual originated from class notes developed for geotechnical engineering classes at Louisiana State University.
These notes were expanded upon by faculty and students in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Louisiana State University over the last 5 years.
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Offshore Magazine covering key issues; trends relative to offshore technology, oil and gas E&P operations. Oil and gas news for oil exploration, oil sands, oil drilling, offshore oil drilling, drilling rigs, core drilling, offshore oil rigs, oil production, oil and gas conferences.
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PowerPoint presentation (24 slides) about concrete repair in seriously damaged finger Jetty.
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This book should be a permanent part of every engineer's baggage, and it will be as valuable to the experienced engineer as to the new recruit. Today's offshore engineer must carry out an enormous range of tasks and so a full appreciation of the industry is an essential prerequisite to success.
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Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of Offshore Structures
Author: Linus S. Etube
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Professional Engineering, 2001
Original from the University of Michigan
Digitized: Nov 29, 2007
ISBN: 1860583121, 9781860583124
Length: 164 pages
Pdf: 10.0 mB Pdf Quality Condition: 9 points (over 10)
The tubular welded joints used in the construction of offshore structures can experience millions of variable amplitude load cycles during their service life. Such fatigue loading represents a main cause of degradation in these structures. As a result, fatigue is an important consideration in their design. Fatigue and Fracture Mechanisms of Offshore Structures present novel research and the results of wave-induced stress on the operational life of offshore structures.
Containing results of an investigation undertaken to assess the fatigue and fracture performance of steels used in the offshore industry, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of Offshore Structures includes,
•Stress analysis of tubular joints
•Fatigue design
•Fatigue loading in Jackup structures
•Jack-up dynamic response
•Modelling of wave loading
•Test specimen considerations
•The stress intensity factor concept
•Variable amplitude crack growth models
•Consideration of sequence effects
•Sea state probability model
The important research in this book will be of interest to those dealing with a wide range of engineering structures - from bridges and buildings to masts and pipelines, as well as fatigue and fracture specialists, and those concerned with materials technology.
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