Methods and Tools for Drought Analysis and Management (Water Science and Technology Library)
Methods and Tools for Drought Analysis and Management (Water Science and Technology Library)
Author(s): Giuseppe Rossi
Publisher: Springer
Date: 2007-12-03
Format: PDF
Language: English
ISBN10: 140205923X
ISBN13: 9781402059230
Pages: 418
Size: 15.70 MB on disk
Implementation of effective drought management policies requires both advanced technologies and appropriate methods. Monitoring and forecasting systems, practical tools for risk assessment, as well as simple and objective criteria to select and implement appropriate drought mitigation measures are key elements for a successful drought management strategy.
These key issues have been tackled by universities and public agencies involved in the EU projects Sedemed and Sedemed II (Programme Interreg IIIB MEDOCC), aimed at the definition of an integrated network for real time monitoring of drought, the development of common methodologies for drought analysis and forecasting, as well as the definition of proper mitigation strategies for the Mediterranean countries.
The book presents the main outcomes of such projects with a special focus on: drought monitoring and forecasting techniques at different spatial scales; new or modified agrometeorological indices and remote sensing technique for drought identification and characterization; tools to improve surface water resources management under drought conditions; methods and tools for groundwater resources monitoring and management, based on hydrogeological and hydrodynamics characteristics of aquifers; general criteria to select and implement mitigation strategies to prevent or minimize drought impacts.
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Alternatives for Ground Water Cleanup
Author(s): Committee on Ground Water Cleanup Altern
Publisher: National Academies Press
Date: 1994-01-01
Format: pdf
Language: English
ISBN10: 0309049946
ISBN13: 9780309049948
Pages: 336
Size on disk: 4.20 MB
More Description:
This book offers conclusions and research needs and recommends policies for restoring contaminated ground water to drinking water standards.
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Does anybody have this book? Thanks in advance! By the way its very urgent!!!!
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Stroud's papers on estimation of cohesive soil parameters by SPT
I belive that using of any correlation formula without reading original paper that suggested it,probably, lead to wrong way. Because any suggestion, is based on assumption that should be in mind, when they are used. Three papers listed below (specially no.3) are principal refrences in estimation of cohesive soil parameters by SPT. I will be very thankful if any of our friends can help me to get them. Thanks in advance.
1)STROUD, M.A. (1974)
The Standard Penetration Test in Insensitiv
Clays and Soft Rocks
Proc. Eur. Symp. on Penetration Testing
(ESOPT I), pp367-75
2) STROUD, M.A. (1989)
The Standard Penetration Test - its
application and interpretation
Proc. ICE Conf. on Penetration Testing in the
UK, Birmingham. Thomas Telford, London
3) STROUD, M.A. and BUTLER, F.G. (1975)
The Standard Penetration Test and the
engineering properties of glacial materials
Proc. Symp. on Engineering Properties of
Glacial Materials, Midlands Geotechnical
Society, Birmingham, 117-28
The Disposable Knee-Bracing Technique in steel frames
Author : J.D.Aristizabal - Ochoa
Size: 2.5 MB
This paper illustrates the stuctural benefits of the DKB technique - particularly the high strength and ductility.
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I've found this video rather interesting so I think it would be ok to share it with others.
Laem Chabang Port, located in the eastern part of Thailand, covered an area of 2,572 Acres, is the main deep sea port of Thailand that offers universal services in order to exchange goods worldwide.
It is one of the highest (trading) growth rates in the world; rated World Top Container Port by the world’s leading magazine such as Loylld List etc. The rating had leapfrogged from the twenty-third in 1998 – 1999 to the twentieth and eighteenth in 2002 and 2003 accordingly.
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Author: Gross, D., Hauger, W., Schröder, J., Wall, W., Bonet, J. | Size: 2.47 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2011 | pages: 309 | ISBN: 9783642128851
A bestseller in engineering mechanics education in German-speaking countries - now available in English Presents undergraduates in mechanical and civil engineering with a clear knowledge of engineering mechanics Numerous topics are covered, and each chapter contains a variety of problems and solutions Mechanics of Materials is the second volume of a three-volume textbook on Engineering Mechanics. It was written with the intention of presenting to engineering students the basic concepts and principles of mechanics in as simple a form as the subject allows. A second objective of this book is to guide the students in their efforts to solve problems in mechanics in a systematic manner. The simple approach to the theory of mechanics allows for the different educational backgrounds of the students. Another aim of this book is to provide engineering students as well as practising engineers with a basis to help them bridge the gaps between undergraduate studies, advanced courses on mechanics and practical engineering problems. The book contains numerous examples and their solutions. Emphasis is placed upon student participation in solving the problems. The contents of the book correspond to the topics normally covered in courses on basic engineering mechanics at universities and colleges. Volume 1 deals with Statics; Volume 3 contains Particle Dynamics and Rigid Body Dynamics.
Content Level » Lower undergraduate
Keywords » beames, frames, arches - center of gravity - distributed forces - equilibrium conditions - free-body diagram - friction - kinematically determinate systems - method of sections - moment of a couple - moment of a force - normal and shear force, bending - potential energy - principle of virtual work - principle of work and energy - stability of equilibrium - statically determinate systems - support reactions - systems of concentrated forces - trussses - work
Related subjects » Mechanical Engineering - Mechanics
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Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
British Steel, Swinden Technology Centre, in collaboration with the Building Research Establishment recentlya large European research initiative to study the behaviour of a steel framed multi- storey building subjectedfire attack. The overall objective was to gain a greater understanding of the natural fire resistance of suchfistructures, to correlate existing predictive numerical models and to establish the basis for a new more rational mlesign methodology for steel framed buildings subject to fire attack. Qlhis publication introduces the research project as a whole and, in particular, summarises the results of six major fire tests carried out within the eight storey steel framed structure located within the BRE Large ,,Building Test Facility at Cardington, Bedfordshire. It was found that this composite steel framed building possessed a very significant degree of inherent fireresistance even although the steel floor beams remained entirely unprotected against fire attack. The detailed results of the fire test programme represent a very significant contribution to the development of structural fire engineering and will lead, together with the associated numerical analyses, to a morelogical approach to the designof steel framed buildings in fire
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1. ak_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:47 56M The Alaska Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
2. ak_electrical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:49 61M The Alaska Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
3. ak_elevator.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:52 76M The Alaska Elevator Code, which incorporates ANSI/ASME A17.1-2004, the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (with Supplements).
4. ak_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:53 36M The Alaska Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
5. ak_fuelgas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:54 13M The Alaska Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
6. ak_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:54 11M The Alaska Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
7. ak_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:55 30M The Alaska Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2003, the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code.
8. al_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:57 56M The Alabama Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
9. al_electrical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:01 127M The Alabama Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
10. al_energy.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:32 5.7M The Alabama Energy Code.
11. al_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:03 36M The Alabama Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
12. al_fuelgas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:03 13M The Alabama Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
13. al_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:03 11M The Alabama Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
14. al_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:04 11M The Alabama Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
15. ar_electrical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:08 127M The Arkansas Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
16. ar_electrical_safety.pdf 01-Sep-2008 11:48 24M The Arkansas Electrical Safety Code, which incorporates IEEE/ANSI C2-2002, the National Electrical Safety Code.
17. ar_elevator.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:11 76M The Arkansas Elevator Code, which incorporates ANSI/ASME A17.1-2004, the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (with Supplements).
18. ar_energy.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:12 16M The Arkansas Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2003, the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code.
19. ar_littlerock_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:14 56M The City of Little Rock Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
20. az_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:15 35M The Arizona Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2003, the 2003 International Fire Code.
21. az_phoenix_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:18 76M The City of Phoenix Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
22. az_phoenix_energy.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:18 7.5M The City of Phoenix Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
23. az_phoenix_fuelgas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:18 17M The City of Phoenix Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
24. az_phoenix_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:19 16M The City of Phoenix Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
25. az_phoenix_residential.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:21 67M The City of Phoenix Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
26. 08-Dec-2010 12:51 - Source Code for California Safety Codes
27. 14-Jul-2009 11:14 - Historical California Safety Codes
28. ca.local/ 08-Apr-2009 10:20 - California Municipal and County Administrative Codes
29. ca_2010_title24_01.pdf 29-Jul-2010 14:02 21M California 2010 Administrative Code
30. ca_2010_title24_02.1.pdf 29-Jul-2010 14:50 61M California 2010 Building Code (Vol 1)
31. ca_2010_title24_02.2.pdf 29-Jul-2010 15:42 64M California 2010 Building Code (Vol 2)
32. ca_2010_title24_02.5.pdf 04-Aug-2010 13:40 47M California 2010 Residential Code
33. ca_2010_title24_03.pdf 29-Jul-2010 16:33 89M California 2010 Electrical Code
34. ca_2010_title24_04.pdf 29-Jul-2010 16:56 26M California 2010 Mechanical Code
35. ca_2010_title24_05.pdf 29-Jul-2010 17:33 35M California 2010 Plumbing Code
36. ca_2010_title24_06.pdf 29-Jul-2010 17:40 9.4M California 2010 Energy Code
37. ca_2010_title24_09.pdf 29-Jul-2010 18:18 48M California 2010 Fire Code
38. ca_2010_title24_11.pdf 29-Jul-2010 18:30 13M California 2010 Green Building Code
39. ca_2010_title24_12.pdf 04-Aug-2010 13:48 12M California 2010 Referenced Standards Code
40. ccr/ 08-Jun-2009 12:40 - The California Code of Regulations
41. co_denver_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:48 57M The City of Denver Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
42. co_denver_energy.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:49 6.0M The City of Denver Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
43. co_denver_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:50 37M The City of Denver Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
44. co_denver_fuelgas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:50 14M The City of Denver Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
45. co_denver_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:51 12M The City of Denver Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
46. co_denver_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:51 12M The City of Denver Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
47. co_denver_residential.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:52 48M The City of Denver Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
48. ct_accessibility.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:53 5.9M The Connecticut Accessibility Code, which incorporates ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.
49. ct_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:54 54M The Connecticut Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2003, the 2003 International Building Code.
50. ct_electrical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:56 61M The Connecticut Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
51. ct_energy.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:57 16M The Connecticut Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2003, the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code.
52. ct_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:57 14M The Connecticut Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2003, the 2003 International Mechanical Code.
53. ct_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:58 12M The Connecticut Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2003, the 2003 International Plumbing Code.
54. de_energy.pdf 29-Aug-2008 16:58 14M The Delaware Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2000, the 2000 International Energy Conservation Code.
55. de_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:01 70M The Delaware Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Fire Code.
56. de_fire_carbondioxide.pdf 01-Sep-2008 11:48 8.1M The Delaware Carbon Dioxide Systems Code, which incorporates NFPA 12-2005, the Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems.
57. de_fire_extinguisher.pdf 01-Sep-2008 11:49 7.3M The Delaware Fire Extinguisher Code, which incorporates NFPA 10-2002, the Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
58. de_fire_foam.pdf 01-Sep-2008 11:49 14M The Delaware Fire Foam Code, which incorporates NFPA 11-2005, the Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam.
59. de_wilmington_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:03 54M The City of Wilmington Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2003, the 2003 International Building Code.
60. fl_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 09:43 120M The Florida Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
61. fl_existing_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 09:43 9.9M The Florida Existing Building Code, which incorporates IEBC-2006, the 2006 International Existing Building Code.
62. fl_fuelgas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 09:44 16M The Florida Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
63. fl_hurricane.pdf 29-Aug-2008 09:44 30M The Florida Test Protocols for High-Velocity Hurricane Zones.
64. fl_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 09:45 14M The Florida Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
65. fl_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 09:45 16M The Florida Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
66. fl_residential.pdf 29-Aug-2008 09:48 77M The Florida Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
67. ga_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:04 56M The Georgia Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
68. ga_electric.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:07 61M The Georgia Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
69. ga_energy.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:07 5.3M The Georgia Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
70. ga_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:08 36M The Georgia Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
71. ga_gas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:08 13M The Georgia Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
72. ga_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:09 11M The Georgia Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
73. ga_plumbing.pdf 07-Oct-2008 11:00 11M The Georgia Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
74. hi_honolulu_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:11 54M The City of Honolulu Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2003, the 2003 International Building Code.
75. hi_honolulu_plumbing.pdf 22-Jan-2011 12:15 28M The City of Honolulu Plumbing Code, which incorporates UPC-1997, the 1997 Uniform Plumbing Code.
76. ia_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:13 56M The Iowa Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
77. ia_energy.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:13 4.6M The Iowa Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
78. ia_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:13 10M The Iowa Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
79. id_electric.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:18 127M The Idaho Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
80. id_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:18 30M The Idaho Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2003, the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code.
81. in_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:20 56M The Indiana Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
82. in_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:22 36M The Indiana Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
83. in_gas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:22 13M The Indiana Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
84. in_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:22 11M The Indiana Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
85. in_residential.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:24 48M The Indiana Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
86. ky_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:26 58M The Kentucky Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
87. ky_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:28 69M The Kentucky Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Fire Code.
88. ky_lifesafety.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:30 42M The Kentucky Life Safety Code, which incorporates NFPA 101-2006, the 2006 Life Safety Code.
89. ky_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:30 2.3M The Kentucky Plumbing Code.
90. la_plumbing.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:44 12M The Louisiana Plumbing Code, which incorporates the 1994 Standard Plumbing Code.
91. ma_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:35 78M The Massachusetts Building Code, 7th Edition.
92. ma_building_manual.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:35 2.8M The Massachusetts Building Code User Manual, 7th Edition. (Seriously!)
93. ma_elevator.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:36 18M The Massachusetts Elevator Code, 7th Edition.
94. ma_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:38 29M The Massachusetts Fire Code, 7th Edition.
95. ma_fuelgas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:39 18M The Massachusetts Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates NFPA 54-2002, the 2002 National Fuel Gas Code, 7th Edition.
96. ma_petroleum.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:40 15M The Massachusetts Petroleum Code, which incorporate NFPA 58-2001, the Liquified Petroleum Gas Code.
97. ma_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:41 19M The Massachusetts Plumbing Code.
98. ma_residential_2011.pdf 21-Feb-2011 12:00 77M The Massachusetts Residential Code, 8th Edition which incorporates IRC-2009, the 2009 International Residential Code.
99. md_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:44 56M The Maryland Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
100. md_existingbuilding.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:45 18M The Maryland Existing Building Code, which incorporates IEBC-2006, the 2006 International Existing Building Code.
101. md_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:49 69M The Maryland Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Fire Code.
102. md_lifesafety.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:52 42M The Maryland Life Safety Code, which incorporates NFPA 101-2006, the 2006 Life Safety Code.
103. me_fire.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:56 69M The Maine Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Fire Code.
104. me_fire_carbondioxide.pdf 01-Sep-2008 11:50 8.1M The Maine Carbon Dioxide Systems Code, which incorporates NFPA 12-2005, the Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems.
105. me_fire_foam.pdf 01-Sep-2008 11:51 14M The Maine Fire Foam Code, which incorporates NFPA 11-2005, the Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam.
106. me_fire_life.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:59 42M The Maine Life Safety Code, which incorporates NFPA 101-2006, the 2006 Life Safety Code.
107. me_gas.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:59 13M The Maine Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates NFPA 54-2006, the 2006 National Fuel Gas Code.
108. mi_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:13 56M The Michigan Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
109. mi_electric.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:16 61M The Michigan Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
110. mi_existing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:17 18M The Michigan Existing Building Code, which incorporate IEBC-2006, the 2006 International Existing Building Code.
111. mi_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:18 11M The Michigan Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
112. mi_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:19 11M The Michigan Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
113. mn_accessibility.pdf 29-Aug-2008 17:59 6.1M The Minnesota Accessibility Code, which incorporates ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.
114. mn_boiler_care.pdf 16-Sep-2008 10:33 12M The Minnesota Boiler Care and Safety Code, which incorporates ASME BPVC VI-2007, Boiler Pressure and Vessel Code, Section VI, with 2008 addenda.
115. mn_boiler_construction.pdf 16-Sep-2008 10:35 27M The Minnesota Boiler Care and Safety Code, which incorporates ASME BPVC IV-2007, Boiler Pressure and Vessel Code, Section IV, with 2008 addenda.
116. mn_building.pdf 29-Aug-2008 18:02 56M The Minnesota Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
117. mn_electrical.pdf 18-Sep-2008 10:33 127M The Minnesota Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
118. mn_elevator.pdf 29-Aug-2008 18:10 76M The Minnesota Elevator Code, which incorporates ANSI/ASME A17.1-2004, the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (with Supplements).
119. mn_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:21 36M The Minnesota Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
120. mn_mechanical.pdf 29-Aug-2008 18:11 14M The Minnesota Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2000, the 2000 International Mechanical Code.
121. mn_plumbing.pdf 29-Aug-2008 18:11 1.2M The Minnesota Plumbing Code.
122. mn_residential.pdf 29-Aug-2008 18:14 47M The Minnesota Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
123. mo_elevator.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:25 76M The Missouri Elevator Code, which incorporates ANSI/ASME A17.1-2004, the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (with Supplements).
124. mo_stlouis_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:29 55M The City of St. Louis Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2003, the 2003 International Building Code.
125. mo_stlouis_electric.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:32 52M The City of St. Louis Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-1999, the 1999 National Electrical Code.
126. mo_stlouis_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:33 12M The City of St. Louis Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2000, the 2000 International Mechanical Code.
127. mo_stlouis_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:35 30M The City of St. Louis Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2003, the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code.
128. mt_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:37 56M The Montana Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
129. mt_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:39 61M The Montana Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
130. mt_elevator.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:42 76M The Montana Elevator Code, which incorporates ANSI/ASME A17.1-2004, the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (with Supplements).
131. mt_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:43 15M The Montana Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2003, the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code.
132. mt_existingbuilding.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:44 18M The Montana Existing Building Code, which incorporates IEBC-2006, the 2006 International Existing Building Code.
133. mt_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:45 13M The Montana Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
134. mt_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:45 10M The Montana Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
135. mt_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:48 38M The Montana Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code.
136. mt_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:51 47M The Montana Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
137. nc_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 14:55 57M The North Carolina Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2003, the 2003 International Building Code.
138. nc_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:03 127M The North Carolina Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
139. nc_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:04 16M The North Carolina Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2003, the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code.
140. nc_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:06 35M The North Carolina Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2003, the 2003 International Fire Code.
141. nc_gas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:07 16M The North Carolina Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2003, the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code.
142. nc_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:07 14M The North Carolina Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2003, the 2003 International Mechanical Code.
143. nc_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:08 12M The North Carolina Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2003, the 2003 International Plumbing Code.
144. nd_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:12 56M The North Dakota Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
145. nd_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:19 127M The North Dakota Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
146. nd_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:20 13M The North Dakota Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
147. nd_lifesafety.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:23 42M The North Dakota Life Safety Code, which incorporates NFPA 101-2006, the 2006 Life Safety Code.
148. nd_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:23 11M The North Dakota Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
149. nd_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:25 48M The North Dakota Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
150. ne_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:29 57M The Nebraska Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2000, the 2000 International Building Code.
151. ne_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:32 61M The Nebraska Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
152. ne_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:33 17M The Nebraska Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2003, the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code.
153. ne_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:37 60M The Nebraska Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 1-2003, the 2003 Uniform Fire Code.
154. ne_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:39 42M The Nebraska Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2000, the 2000 International Residential Code.
155. nh_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:43 56M The New Hampshire Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
156. nh_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:50 127M The New Hampshire Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
157. nh_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:50 4.6M The New Hampshire Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
158. nh_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:54 60M The New Hampshire Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 1-2003, the 2003 Uniform Fire Code.
159. nh_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:55 10M The New Hampshire Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
160. nh_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:55 11M The New Hampshire Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
161. nh_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 15:58 47M The New Hampshire Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
162. nj_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:01 56M The New Jersey Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
163. nj_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:03 61M The New Jersey Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
164. nj_electricalsafety.pdf 01-Sep-2008 11:52 24M The New Jersey Electrical Safety Code, which incorporates IEEE/ANSI C2-2002, the National Electrical Safety Code.
165. nj_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:03 4.8M The New Jersey Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
166. nj_gas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:03 13M The New Jersey Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
167. nj_plumbing.pdf 16-Sep-2008 10:14 27M The New Jersey Plumbing Code, which incorporates NSPC-2006, the 2006 National Standard Plumbing Code.
168. nj_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:05 47M The New Jersey Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
169. nm_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:08 56M The New Mexico Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
170. nm_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:09 4.6M The New Mexico Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
171. nm_existing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:10 18M The New Mexico Existing Building Code, which incorporates IEBC-2006, the 2006 International Existing Building Code.
172. nm_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:11 27M The New Mexico Mechanical Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UMC 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Mechanical Code.
173. nm_pumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:14 38M The New Mexico Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code.
174. nm_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:16 47M The New Mexico Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
175. nv_lasvegas_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:20 58M The City of Las Vegas Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
176. nv_lasvegas_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:24 63M The City of Las Vegas Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
177. nv_lasvegas_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:25 27M The City of Las Vegas Mechanical Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UMC 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Mechanical Code.
178. nv_lasvegas_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:28 39M The City of Las Vegas Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code.
179. nv_lasvegas_poolandspa.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:28 1.1M The City of Las Vegas Pool and Spa Code.
180. nv_lasvegas_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:30 47M The City of Las Vegas Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
181. ny_fuelgas.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:44 11M The New York State Fuel and Gas Code.
182. ny_mechanical.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:45 10M The New York State Mechanical Code.
183. ny_plumbing.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:46 9.8M The New York State Plumbing Code.
184. oh_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:34 56M The Ohio Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
185. oh_fire.pdf 16-Sep-2008 09:44 76M The Ohio Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
186. oh_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:34 10M The Ohio Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
187. oh_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:35 11M The Ohio Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
188. ok_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:38 56M The Oklahoma Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
189. ok_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:42 61M The Oklahoma Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
190. ok_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:44 35M The Oklahoma Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
191. ok_fire_flammable.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:45 14M The Oklahoma Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, which incorporates NFPA 30-2003, the 2003 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code.
192. ok_fire_naturalfuel.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:46 13M The Oklahoma Fuel Gas Code, which incorporates NFPA 54-2006, the 2006 National Fuel Gas Code.
193. ok_fire_waterbased.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:46 13M The Oklahoma Water-Based Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 25-2002, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.
194. ok_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:47 13M The Oklahoma Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
195. ok_lifesafety.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:50 42M The Oklahoma Life Safety Code, which incorporates NFPA 101-2006, the 2006 Life Safety Code.
196. ok_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:50 11M The Oklahoma Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
197. ok_propertymaintenance.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:50 3.2M The Oklahoma Property Maintenance Code, which incorporates IPMC-2006, the 2006 International Property Maintenance Code.
198. or_fire.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:48 41M The Oregon Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
199. or_mechanical.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:48 23M The Oregon Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
200. or_residential.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:50 42M The Oregon Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
201. or_structural.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:52 69M The Oregon Structural Specialty Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
202. pa_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:52 56M The Pennsylvania Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
203. pa_electricaladmin.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:52 2.5M The Pennsylvania Electrical Administration Code, which incorporates ICCEC-2006, the 2006 International Code Council Electrical Code Administrative Provisions.
204. pa_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:53 4.7M The Pennsylvania Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
205. pa_existingbuilding.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:54 18M The Pennsylvania Existing Building Code, which incorporates IEBC-2006, the 2006 International Existing Building Code.
206. pa_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:56 36M The Pennsylvania Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
207. pa_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:57 13M The Pennsylvania Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
208. pa_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:57 11M The Pennsylvania Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
209. pa_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 16:58 11M The Pennsylvania Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
210. pa_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:01 47M The Pennsylvania Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
211. pa_wildlandurban.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:01 3.6M The Pennsylvania Wildland-Urban Interface Code, which incorporates IWUIC-2006, the 2006 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code.
212. ri_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:02 57M The Rhode Island Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
213. ri_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:06 127M The Rhode Island Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
214. ri_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:07 4.8M The Rhode Island Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
215. ri_gas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:07 13M The Rhode Island Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
216. ri_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:08 11M The Rhode Island Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
217. ri_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:09 48M The Rhode Island Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
218. sc_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:11 61M The South Carolina Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
219. sc_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:12 16M The South Carolina Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2003, the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code.
220. sd_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:13 54M The South Dakota Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2003, the 2003 International Building Code.
221. sd_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:20 127M The South Dakota Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
222. sd_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:23 34M The South Dakota Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2003, the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code.
223. tn_boiler_care.pdf 16-Sep-2008 10:36 12M The Tennessee Boiler Care and Safety Code, which incorporates ASME BPVC VI-2007, Boiler Pressure and Vessel Code, Section VI, with 2008 addenda.
224. tn_boiler_construction.pdf 16-Sep-2008 10:36 27M The Tennessee Boiler Care and Safety Code, which incorporates ASME BPVC IV-2007, Boiler Pressure and Vessel Code, Section IV, with 2008 addenda.
225. tn_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:26 56M The Tennessee Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
226. tn_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:28 60M The Tennessee Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 101-2003, the 2003 Life Safety Code.
227. tn_fire_too.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:30 35M The Tennessee Other Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
228. tn_lifesafety.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:33 42M The Tennessee Life Safety Code, which incorporates NFPA 101-2006, the 2006 Life Safety Code.
229. tn_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:33 10M The Tennessee Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
230. tx_building.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:53 58M The Texas Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2000, the 2000 International Building Code.
231. tx_mechanical.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:54 11M The Texas Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2000, the 2000 International Mechanical Code.
232. tx_plumbing.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:54 11M The Texas Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2000, the 2000 International Plumbing Code.
233. tx_residential.pdf 28-Aug-2008 13:56 42M The Texas Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2000, the 2000 International Residential Code.
234. ut_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:37 56M The Utah Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
235. ut_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:44 127M The Utah Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
236. ut_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:45 4.7M The Utah Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
237. ut_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:45 13M The Utah Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
238. ut_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:46 11M The Utah Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
239. ut_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:47 11M The Utah Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2006, the 2006 International Plumbing Code.
240. ut_residential.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:50 47M The Utah Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
241. va_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:53 58M The Virginia Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
242. va_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:55 36M The Virginia Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
243. vt_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 17:58 54M The Vermont Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2003, the 2003 International Building Code.
244. vt_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:00 60M The Vermont Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 1-2003, the 2003 Uniform Fire Code.
245. vt_fire_gas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:00 14M The Vermont Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates NFPA 58-2001, the Liquified Petroleum Gas Code.
246. vt_fire_sprinkler.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:01 34M The Vermont Sprinkler Code, which incorporates NFPA 13-2002, Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
247. vt_fire_water.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:02 13M The Vermont Water-Based Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 25-2002, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.
248. vt_lifesafety.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:06 54M The Vermont Life Safety Code, which incorporates NFPA 101-2003, the 2003 Life Safety Code.
249. wa_building.2009.pdf 25-Jun-2010 10:45 49M The 2009 Washington Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2009, the 2009 International Building Code and ANSI 117.1-2003.
250. wa_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:09 57M The Washington Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
251. wa_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:12 62M The Washington Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
252. wa_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:12 1.3M The Washington Energy Code.
253. wa_fire.2009.pdf 25-Jun-2010 10:47 7.7M The 2009 Washington Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2009, the 2009 International Fire Code.
254. wa_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:14 36M The Washington Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
255. wa_mechanical.2009.pdf 25-Jun-2010 10:50 7.2M The 2009 Washington Mechanical Code, which incorporates IFGC-2009, the 2009 International Fuel Gas Code.
256. wa_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:15 11M The Washington Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
257. wa_olympia_building.pdf 04-Nov-2008 10:24 56M The City of Olympia Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
258. wa_olympia_fire_fuelgas.pdf 04-Nov-2008 10:24 13M The City of Olympia Fire Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates NFPA 54-2006, the 2006 National Fuel Gas Code.
259. wa_olympia_fuelgas.pdf 04-Nov-2008 10:24 13M The City of Olympia Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
260. wa_olympia_mechanical.pdf 04-Nov-2008 10:24 11M The City of Olympia Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
261. wa_olympia_plumbing.pdf 04-Nov-2008 10:25 38M The City of Olympia Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code.
262. wa_olympia_property_management.pdf 04-Nov-2008 10:25 2.3M The City of Olympia Property Management Code, which incorporates IMPC-2006, the 2006 International Property Management Code.
263. wa_olympia_residential.pdf 04-Nov-2008 10:26 47M The City of Olympia Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2006, the 2006 International Residential Code.
264. wa_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:17 39M The Washington Plumbing Code, which incorporates IAPMO/ANSI UPC 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code.
265. wa_residential.2009.pdf 25-Jun-2010 10:48 78M The 2009 Washington Residential Code, which incorporates IRC-2009, the 2009 International Residential Code.
266. wi_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:21 56M The Wisconsin Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
267. wi_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:23 61M The Wisconsin Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2005, the 2005 National Electrical Code.
268. wi_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:23 4.7M The Wisconsin Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2006, the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code.
269. wi_existing_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:24 18M The Wisconsin Building Code, which incorporates IEBC-2006, the 2006 International Existing Building Code.
270. wi_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:26 69M The Wisconsin Fire Code, which incorporates NFPA 1-2006, the 2006 Uniform Fire Code.
271. wi_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:26 13M The Wisconsin Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
272. wi_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:27 11M The Wisconsin Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
273. wv_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:28 54M The West Virginia Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2003, the 2003 International Building Code.
274. wv_energy.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:29 16M The West Virginia Energy Code, which incorporates IECC-2003, the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code.
275. wv_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:30 16M The West Virginia Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2003, the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code.
276. wv_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:30 14M The West Virginia Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2003, the 2003 International Mechanical Code.
277. wv_plumbing.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:30 12M The West Virginia Plumbing Code, which incorporates IPC-2003, the 2003 International Plumbing Code.
278. wy_building.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:32 56M The West Virginia Building Code, which incorporates IBC-2006, the 2006 International Building Code.
279. wy_electrical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:37 127M The Wyoming Electrical Code, which incorporates NFPA 70-2008, the 2008 National Electrical Code.
280. wy_fire.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:39 36M The Wyoming Fire Code, which incorporates IFC-2006, the 2006 International Fire Code.
281. wy_fuelgas.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:40 13M The Wyoming Fuel and Gas Code, which incorporates IFGC-2006, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code.
282. wy_mechanical.pdf 30-Aug-2008 18:41 11M The Wyoming Mechanical Code, which incorporates IMC-2006, the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
All public codes mentioned abobe can be downloaded in form of PDF-files from:
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