The Terra Aqua Stable Slope System is a mechanically reinforced soil gabion wall fabricated from a continuous double twisted PVC coated wire mesh that makes up the gabion basket facing and the mesh reinforcement panel. Terra Aqua’s monolithic design of the Stable Slope System allows the mesh reinforcement and the gabion wall face to offer porosity, strength, durability, and flexibility. Each unit should be placed in the direction of maximum strength, which is the direction the mesh is woven, lying parallel to the direction of soil stress.
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gabion gravity retaining wall systems are monolithic gravity mass structures and follow standard design methods for gravity retaining walls. The following information is provided by Terra Aqua as a design guide to assist Professional Engineers, Government Agencies, Land Developers, and Contractors in the proper design, specification, construction and inspection of gabion gravity retaining walls.
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forums usually have a tag button to add tags in a thread in order to' when somebody searches something (e.g. like me "bs 8110" a few minutes ago etc) to get it fast and not to get as a result all the threads with the term "bs 8110" included.
tags make search more fast and more practical. and take in mind that, forums that didn't organized when the members and the posts were relative few, turned into a mess over the years with the information lost in thousands irrelevant posts and threads
Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete Kassel, Germany March 05-07, 2008
Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) not only offers superior compressive strength but also extraordinary ductility and far more durability than ordinary concrete. It enables to build structures which are sustainable and economical and come with light and filigree appearance at the same time. During the last four years, since the First International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete held in Kassel in 2004, UHPC has gained much more attendance all over the world, being it by different types of applications for interesting structures or by research on the material itself and the optimization of its production and behaviour. Much of this work has been presented and discussed at the Second International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete in Kassel in 2008 in more than 100 lectures. The presentations have given a broad survey of all aspects of UHPC including raw materials, micro- and macro-structures, mechanical behaviour, durability as well as of construction and design specifications appropriate for this material. Exciting architectural concepts and many examples of interesting engineering applications have been presented at the symposium. The symposium was organized by the Institute of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Kassel, Germany. The Conference Proceedings contain the conference papers and presentations. We hope that the conference and the excellent papers will promote further development and exploitation of Ultra High Performance Concrete – one of the most challenging construction material for the 21st century.
Kassel, March 2008
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Fehling Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Schmidt
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This manual provides background information in geotechnical engineering and design. It also includes guidance for performing geotechnical investigations, preparation of design recommendations, and submittal of the Geotechnical Report. It is based on past Indiana Department of Transportation (referred to herein as “INDOT” or “the Department”) experience, the experience of other groups and agencies with similar requirements, and the current state of the practice in geotechnical engineering. The intent is that this manual will stand on its own; however, to avoid unnecessary duplication, reference is often made to other available manuals and publications of the Department, as well as other references which are readily available. Additionally, since it is impractical to be totally encompassing, and since the state of the practice is continually evolving, some documents are simply referenced as needed.
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"Soil moduli and damping factors for dynamic response analyses"
Seed, H. Bolton; Idriss, I. M.
UCB/EERC-70/10, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 1970-12, 40 pages (475/S41/1970)
Structural Design Guide to the ACI Building Code - Hoffman
Any hope for this book to get it fully? Its partially available in 4shared.
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This book presents a comprehensive and systematic analysis of problems of transversely isotropic materials that have wide applications in civil, mechanical, aerospace, materials processing and manufacturing engineering. Various efficient methods based on three-dimensional elasticity are developed under a unified framework, including the displacement method, the stress method, and the state-space method. In particular, a three-dimensional general solution is derived to solve practical problems such as the infinite space, half-space, bimaterial space, layered medium, bodies of revolution, thermal stresses and three-dimensional contact. Exact and analytical solutions are also derived for static and dynamic problems of plates and shells, which may be used as the benchmarks for numerical or approximate analysis. Coupling effects of inner/outer fluids and surrounding elastic media on the free vibration cylindrical and spherical shells are discussed in detail. New state-space formulations are established for the analysis of rectangular plates and spherical shells, from which two independent classes of vibrations can be easily clarified. In short, this is the first monograph on mechanics of transversely isotropic materials, which is unique, covers topics of practical importance and provides many references for the reader.
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Earthshaking Science: What We Know (and Don't Know) about Earthquakes
Author: Susan Elizabeth Hough
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Princeton University Press, 2002
ISBN: 0691050104, 9780691050102
Length: 238 pages
Pdf: 8.3 mB Pdf Quality Condition: 9 points (over 10)
Earthshaking Science is the first book to really make sense of the dizzying array of information that has emerged in recent decades about earthquakes. How do earthquakes start? How do they stop? Do earthquakes occur at regular intervals on faults? If not, why not? Are earthquakes predictable? How hard will the ground shake following an earthquake of a given magnitude? How does one quantify future seismic hazard?As Hough recounts in brisk, jargon-free prose, improvements in earthquake recording capability in the 1960s and 1970s set the stage for a period of rapid development in earthquake science. Although some formidable enigmas have remained, much has been learned on critical issues such as earthquake prediction, seismic hazard assessment, and ground motion prediction. This book addresses those issues.Because earthquake science is so new, it has rarely been presented outside of technical journals that are all but opaque to nonspecialists. Earthshaking Science changes all this. It tackles the issues at the forefront of modern seismology in a way most readers can understand. In it, an expert conveys not only the facts, but the passion and excitement associated with research at the frontiers of this fascinating field.
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Six-Minute Solutions for Structural PE I Exam Problems
By: Christine A. Subasic (Author)
Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Professional Publications (CA) (February 28, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591260701
ISBN-13: 9781591260707
Product Description:
Successfully prepare for the civil PE exam Important strategies on how to solve problems in just minutes 100 challenging multiple-choice problems, just like the exam Two levels of difficulty: 20 general (breadth) problems and 80 more complex (depth) problems A hint for each problem, to help you get started on the right path Step-by-step solutions outlining how to answer problems quickly and correctly Explanations of how to avoid common errors
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