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Size: 0.657 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Year: 1997 | pages: 57
HUD has released The Rehab Guide, a series of nine guidebooks to inform the design and construction industry about state-of-the-art materials and innovative practices in housing rehabilitation. The Rehab Guide series focuses on building technologies, materials, components, and techniques rather than projects such as adding a new room. When the series is complete, each volume will cover a distinct element of housing rehabilitation and feature breakthrough materials, labor-saving tools, and cost-cutting practices.
This publication, The Rehab Guide: Foundations is one in a series of guidebooks produced by the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development to keep the design and construction industry abreast ofinnovations and state-of-the-art practices in home rehabilitation. As is too often the case, innovative techniques,materials, technologies, and products are slow to make their way into accepted practice. The Rehab Guide series is intended to accelerate this process by informing builders, architects, engineers, and other housing rehabilitation professionals about such innovations and state-of-the-art practices. The Rehab Guide was also prompted by the lack of a comprehensive publication to make thedesign and construction industry aware of innovative and cost-saving developments in housing rehabilitation. Professional trade magazines, conferences, and trade shows offer some distribution of this information, but they are rarely focussed exclusively on housing rehabilitation, as this series is, nor are they comprehensive. It is evident that such innovations will not advance unless the industry is made aware of them and they are tested.
The focus of this series is on housing rehabilitation, which is different than home improvement. Rehabilitate means “to restore to good condition,” not necessarily to improve to a state that is significantly different than the original. This is a fine line, but it distinguishes this series from “home improvement” books written for the amateur. The Rehab Guide focuses on building technology, materials, components, andtechniques rather than “projects” such as adding a new room, converting a garage into a den, or finishing an attic. Nor is The Rehab Guide intended to be a “diagnostic” tool; a number of such books is already available to the industry. The content for this guidebook, Foundations, has been gathered from professionals in the housing rehabilitation field; manufacturers and suppliers of innovative technologies, materials, components, tools, and equipment; trade shows, conferences, reports, and publications considering such issues; trade organizations; and building research centers. Assistance from the Remodelor’s™ Council of the National Association of Home Builders, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, and the National Multi- Housing Council was also solicited. Nine volumes will eventually make up The Rehab Guide in its entirety, and they are listed on theback cover of this volume. Each one is devoted to distinct elements of the house, and within each volume is a range of issues that are common to that element of home rehabilitation work. The present volume, Foundations, for example, covers topics from the design and engineering of rehab foundation systems to shoring and repair, waterproofing, crack repair, drainage, and insulation. Each volume addresses a wide range of techniques, materials, and tools, and recommendations based on regional differences around the country. Throughout The Rehab Guide, special attention is given to issues related to energy efficiency, accessible design, and sustainability.
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Size: 0.696 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Year: 1999 | pages: 52
This publication, The Rehab Guide: Exterior Walls is one in a series of guidebooks produced by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to keep the design and construction industry abreast of innovations and state-of-the-art materials and practices in home rehabilitation. As is too often the case, innovative techniques, materials, technologies, and products are slow to make their way into accepted practice. The Rehab Guide series is intended to accelerate this process by informing builders, architects, engineers, and other housing rehabilitation professionals about such innovations and state-of-the-art practices. The Rehab Guide was also prompted by the lack of a comprehensive publication to make the design and construction industry aware of innovative and cost-saving developments in housing rehabilitation. Professional trade magazines, conferences, and trade shows offer some distribution of this information, but they are rarely focused on housing rehabilitation, as this series is, nor are they comprehensive. It is evident that such innovations will not advance unless the industry is made aware of them and they are tested. The focus of this series is on housing rehabilitation, which is different than home improvement. Rehabilitate means “to restore to good condition,” not necessarily to improve to a state that is significantly different than the original. This is a fine line, but it distinguishes this series from “home improvement” books written for the amateur. The Rehab Guide focuses on building technology, materials, components, and techniques rather than “projects” such as adding a new room, converting a garage into a den, or finishing an attic. Nor is The Rehab Guide intended to be a “diagnostic” tool; a number of such books are already available to the industry. The content for this guidebook, Exterior Walls, has been gathered from professionals in the housing rehabilitation field; manufacturers and suppliers of innovative technologies, materials, components, tools, and equipment; trade shows, conferences, reports, and publications considering such issues; trade organizations; and building research centers.
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By: Dennis Lock (Author)
Paperback: 520 pages
Publisher: Gower Publishing Ltd; 9Rev Ed edition (27 Sep 2007)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0566087723
ISBN-13: 9780566087721
Product Description:
Dennis Lock's masterly exposition of the principles and practice of project management has been preeminent in its field for four decades. It was among the very few early books to treat project management holistically, rather than as a collection of separate techniques. It thus explains the entire project management process in great detail, demonstrating techniques ranging from the simplest of charts to sophisticated computer applications. Everything is reinforced throughout with case examples and diagrams. The text has been completely restructured and largely rewritten for this ninth edition, so that the sequence now follows even more closely the life-cycle of a typical project from its earliest definition to final close-out. Case examples and diagrams have all been reviewed, updated, augmented or replaced. Expansion from 25 to 30 chapters has allowed greater emphasis to be given to stakeholders' perceptions of success, the organization and management of business change projects, people's roles in project management and the wider business contexts in which project management has been adopted. As with previous editions, meticulous care has been taken to ensure that the text style is reader-friendly and free of unnecessary jargon, with clear diagrams and a construction that is logically organized, well indexed and simple to navigate. The result is certain to maintain the book's acclaimed status as the standard work for managers and students alike.
About the Author:
Dennis Lock is a freelance writer who specializes in project management. His exceptionally wide industrial experience has included subminiature electronics, defence systems, heavy engineering and international mining, with a progression of successful management positions in all of those industries. He has fulfilled consultancy assignments in Britain and overseas and in recent years has taught project management to masters degree students as an external lecturer at two British universities. Of over 30 books that he has written or edited, almost all have been published by Gower.
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very interesting tech. report about the behaviour of r.c flat slab and its treatment in British standards and codes of practices
also the method of determining moment transfer to the column from the slab and shear influence on the slab punching shear capacity resulting from this moment and shear interaction, were considered to be the main subjects requiring investigation.
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upon the completion of this course, you will have a better understanding of
the history evolution of the construction process
the life cycle of a facility from project conception to facility management
project stages and documents required in both the design - bid - build and design - build process
relationships, expectations and communications between the owner, designer, contractor and supplier teams
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Moderator Note:
Dear mowafi3m, Instead of have no ISBN (not a classified book), please put with a little bit more information:
- File size,
- Number of pages;
- Type of file.
- etc.,
This book presents the proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Connections in Steel Structures. The workshop was held at the Westin Michigan Avenue Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, USA during the period 23-25 June, 2008 under the auspices of the American Institute of Steel Construction and the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork.
The five preceding international workshops were held in Cachan, France, in 1987; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA in 1991; Trento, Italy, in 1995; Roanoke, Virginia, USA, in 2000; and in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2004. Proceedings for the five preceding workshops were published by Elsevier Applied Science Publishers (1988), the American Institute of Steel Construction (1992), Pergamon/Elsevier Science (1996), the American Institute of Steel Construction (2002) and Bouwen met Staal, the Netherlands (2005). The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and the European Convention for Constructional Steel (ECCS) supported the idea of holding a sixth workshop, thus making it possible. Financial support for the workshop was provided by the American Institute of Steel Construction, Nucor-Yamato Steel, Gerdau Ameristeel, and Steel Dynamics.
The American Institute of Steel Construction was the official host of this workshop that was held in their home city. Outstanding work by the staff of AISC made the workshop possible. The contributions of Katy Preston, Elizabeth Robelet, and Ashley Melvin to the planning and on-site arrangements are particularly appreciated. Areti Carter and Janet Cummins took charge of the technical details and the preparation of these proceedings for which we are all very grateful. In addition, the participation of the individuals who served as session chairs contributed significantly to the smooth running of all three days of the workshop.
Finally, the support and technical contributions of the 71 participants from 19 countries who presented 56 technical papers must be acknowledged. Without their commitment to research, design, and construction of structural steel connections worldwide, none of this would have been possible. It is expected that the continued commitment of these participants and others to come in the future, will result in another successful workshop in Timisoara, Romania in 2012.
Louis Geschwindner
Frans Bijlaard
Reidar Bjorhovde
September 2008
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Author: Richard E. Westney | Size: 36,13 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: M. Dekker | Year: 1997 | pages: 776 | ISBN: 0824797965
Offers coverage of each important step in engineering cost control process, from project justification to life-cycle costs. The book describes cost control systems and shows how to apply the principles of value engineering. It explains estimating methodology and the estimation of engineering, engineering equipment, and construction and labour costs; delineates productivity and cash-flow analysis; and more.
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This Code sets forth criteria for the trade practices involved in steel buildings, bridges, and other structures, where other structures are defined as those structures designed, fabricated, and erected in a manner similar to buildings, with building-like vertical and lateral load resisting elements. In the absence of specific instructions to the contrary in the contract documents, the trade practices that are defined in this Code shall govern the fabrication and erection of structural steel.
The practices defined in this Code are the commonly accepted standards of custom and usage for structural steel fabrication and erection, which generally represent the most efficient approach. This Code is not intended to define a professional standard of care for the owners designated representative for design, change the duties and responsibilities of the owner, contractor, architect or structural engineer of record from those set forth in the contract documents, or assign to the owner, architect or structural engineer of record any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of the contract documents. This Code is not applicable to steel joists or metal building systems, which are addressed by SJI and MBMA, respectively.
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