As we know how impeccable this site is, and we know that it has helped many people in many ways, I would suggest a new thanking section where people can share their experience when they get what they want, Many times i wish to say more than pressing the thanks button.
Soil and Water Contamination: From Molecular to Catchment Scale
Author: Marcel van der Perk | Size: 5.78 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2006 | pages: 402 | ISBN: 9780415409438
This textbook provides an overview of transport and fate processes of environmental contamination, in such a way that the reader can both understand and predict contaminant patterns in soil, groundwater, and surface water. In contract to most existing texts, soil and water pollution are treated as integrated environmental matter from a geographical/spatial perspective at point, local, regional, and catchment scales. The spatial approach links up with recent developments and trends in environmental legislation and other integrated catchment management initiatives.
It consists of four coherent parts: 1. Introduction to soil and water contamination; 2. Source, role, and behavior of substances in soil and water; 3. Transport and fate processes of substances in soil and water; and 4. Patterns of substances in soil and water.
Intended for undergraduate and graduate students in Earth and Environmental Sciences, who understand the fundamentals of chemistry, hydrology and soil science; may also serve as a useful reference for professionals.
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Author: C. T. F. Ross
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: Ellis Horwood, 1987
ISBN: 0470208740, 9780470208748
Length: 338 pages
DJVU: 24 mB Djvu Quality Condition: 7 points (over 10)
Advanced Applied Stress Analysis is a sequel to Applied Stress Analysis, an earlier book by the author, and it is intended for use by senior undergraduates and postgraduates in engineering and architecture. Like its predecessor, Applied Stress Analysis, Advanced Applied Stress Analysis has been written in a style that caters for the mathematical difficulties experienced by many modern undergraduates.
Although, of course, in the industrial world, much structural design is carried out by computer methods, it is the present author's belief that structural designers should have a thorough knowledge of the principles and concepts of stress analysis, so that they can satisfactorily interpret the results presented in their computer output. The book, therfore, takes this into account, by removing those sections of traditional stress analysis that are better replaced by computer methods, but retaining those sections that introduce or enhance fundamental concepts and principles. In any case, for many structural designs, all that is required are the use of closed-loop trivial solutions, and if such solutions exist for the structure in question, then the structural designer might well as use these solutions.
The book contains a large selection of worked examples in every chapter, and all chapters contain a section entitled "Examples for Practice", which the reader might find useful for consolidating his/her newly acquired skills.
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Author: Quoc Son Nguyen
Edition: illustrated
Publisher: John Wiley, 2000
ISBN: 0471492884, 9780471492887
Length: 398 pages
Pdf: 12.8 mB Pdf Quality Condition: 8 points (over 10)
Although the problem of stability and bifurcation is well understood in Mechanics, very few treatises have been devoted to stability and bifurcation analysis in dissipative media, in particular with regard to present and fundamental problems in Solid Mechanics such as plasticity, fracture and contact mechanics. Stability and Nonlinear Solid Mechanics addresses this lack of material, and proposes to the reader not only a unified presentation of nonlinear problems in Solid Mechanics, but also a complete and unitary analysis on stability and bifurcation problems arising within this framework. Main themes include:
* elasticity and plasticity problems in small and finite deformation
* general concepts of stability and bifurcation and basic results
* elastic buckling
* plastic buckling of structures
* standard dissipative systems obeying maximum dissipation.
These themes are developed in 20 chapters and illustrated by various analytical and numerical results. The coverage given here extends beyond the limited boundaries of previous works, resulting in a text of lasting interest and value to postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners working in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering, as well as materials science.
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Modes of failure of Beam- Column
Johnson [3] has mentioned a number of modes of failure that characterizes a beam-column behavior which are summarized as
Failure by yielding: in the case of member subjected to bending moment and axial tension force.
Failure by instability in the plane of bending without twisting for the case of beam-column that is transversely loaded but is stable w.r.t. Lateral torsional buckling.
Failure by lateral torsional buckling for beam-column loaded about their strong axis without adequate bracing.
Failure by instability about one of the principle axes for members subjected to axial compressive force and biaxial bending moment with stiff sections (W-shapes).
Failure by combined twisting and bending for the case of thin walled open sections (that are torsionally weak sections) subjected to axial compression force and biaxial bending moment.
Design Criteria of Beam-Column
Assessment of Buckling length
Effect of P-
Design of sections subjected to M,T and others subjected to M,N
Checking local buckling
Preliminary section design
Assessment of Buckling
1. Kinds of buckling in beam column:
Buckling out of plan (Lby) : will be governed by the vertical bracing profile
Buckling in plan (Lbx) : will be governed by the end conditions of the columns and the relative stiffness between different
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Design Phases of Main Girders
1. Structural analysis for the main system determining the max.
and min. straining actions at critical sections
2. Design of Web Plate
3. Design of Flange Plate
4. Design of Stiffeners (end bearing and intermediate)
5. Design of Connections between web plate and flange plate
6. Design of Splices
7. Check fatigue for all details
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I am a student at the faculty building in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), which in the past year, I would like if possible and have some arhitecura plans for a hotel or apartment block on reinforced concrete frames for bachelor's degree, I must architecture only planes that I can start the calculation of resistance
Nice if you can please help me
My email
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Posted by: Grunf - 03-07-2011, 08:06 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear friends,
I'm looking for this standard:
DIN 59232
Origin code : DE
Document identifier : DIN 59232
Publication date : 1978-07-00
Status : ST, N
Update flag : H
Title (English) : Flat Steel Products; Hot Galvanized Wide Strip and Sheet of Mild Unalloyed Steels and General Structural Steels; Dimensions, Permissible Deviations on Dimension and Form
Title (German) : Flachzeug aus Stahl; Feuerverzinktes Breitband und Blech aus weichen unlegierten Stählen und aus allgemeinen Baustählen, Maße, zulässige Maß- und Formabweichungen (I'm sorry if there are some spelling mistakes regarding German title - this is the title I've found using Google search engine)
History of versions : DIN EN 10143 (2006-09)
DIN EN 10143 (1993-03)
DIN 59232 (1978-07)
Replaced by : DIN EN 10143 (1993-03)
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I'd be very grateful to the person who's willing to share above requested standard.
NOTE - DIN 10143 can be found here:
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Posted by: louislouis - 03-07-2011, 08:04 AM - Forum: Archive
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Does any body have this book?
Kumar, A.: Stability theory of structures, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1985.
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