Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Author: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff | Size: 50.2 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2002. | pages: 649
This volume covers the technologies that are applied to the treatment and purification of water. Those who are generally familiar with this field will immediately embrace the subject as a treatise on solid-liquid separations. However, the subject is much broader, in that the technologies discussed are not just restricted to pollution control hardware that rely only upon physical methods of treating and purifying wastewaters. The book attempts to provide as wide a coverage as possible those technologies applicable to both water (e.g., drinking water) and wastewater (i.e., industrial and municipal) sources. The methods and technologies discussed are a combination of physical, chemical and thermal techniques. There are twelve chapters.
This is not only a platform for advertising and selling equipment, but there is a wealth of information available to help address various technical aspects of water treatment.
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This British Standard gives recommendations on the design, installation, testing and maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems supplying non-potable water in the UK. It covers systems supplying water for domestic water uses (in residential, commercial, industrial or public premises) that do not require potable water quality such as laundry, WC flushing and garden watering. It does not cover systems supplying water for drinking, food preparation and cooking, dishwashing and personal hygiene. NOTE Although this Standard does not give specific recommendations relating to the use of rainwater for fire suppression or commercial irrigation, these applications are not excluded. It covers individual and communal systems, and those providing stormwater control. It does not cover water butts. It also does not cover product design for specific system components. It applies to retrofitting and new build.
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This Design Guide provides all necessary information about the construction and static calculation of the superstructure of composite bridges for small and medium spans by using new innovative standard solutions.
The Design Guide includes all main topics concerning erection, construction details and the static analyses. Design charts are added to enable a fast forward pre-design. This report is based on the ECSC-Project “Composite bridge design for small and medium spans” which is shortly described later on. The results of the test programmes performed in this ECSCproject are summarised in standard solutions in this Design Guide. This Design Guide covers composite bridges with standard solutions by applying partially- and fully prefabricated slabs as well as solid slabs up to a span of 50 m. Furthermore a software has been developed to verify different kinds of constructions and enable a very fast static calculation by the practical engineer. Two examples of a single span bridge with fully prefabricated elements and a two span bridge with partially prefabricated slab are attached as tender documents including the static analyses by using the software and drawings with all details.
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This document describes the connection resistance calculator, created in Excel, for typical, nominally pinned joints used in braced steel frames. It explains the scope of the workbook and lists the National Annexes and languages that are supported in the workbook. A description is given of each of the worksheets and the input information on each sheet. A screenshot of typical output is presented.
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This guide provides guidance to developers of software for the design of composite beams used in multi-storey buildings, according to the Eurocodes. It covers simply supported beams connected to the concrete slab using shear studs and gives technical requirements. The ULS verifications are to be based on plastic design.
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This guide is a Model Construction Specification to be used in contract documents for a typical construction project of a single-storey building. Its main objectives are to achieve greater uniformity in steelwork contract specifications in Europe and to provide a guide to specification of appropriate standards for the design, fabrication and erection of steelwork structures for buildings. It deals with structural steelwork designed in accordance with applicable parts of the Eurocode Standards, to be executed in accordance with applicable parts of EN 1090. All the relevant Sections of the model specification are included in an appendix that can be directly copied and used in contracts, with any additional project-specific information that may be required.
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This publication provides an introduction to the design process for moment-resisting bolted connections in single storey steel framed buildings. It explains that the design process is complex, involving many steps to determine the resistance of individual bolt rows in the tension zone, checking whether the resistance of the bolt group has to be reduced on account of the performance of the connected elements, and evaluating the bending resistance from the tensile resistances of the rows. To simplify design, a series of design tables for standard connections are given, for eaves and apex connections in portal frames, with haunched and un-haunched rafters
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European Recommendations for Aluminium Alloy Structures Fatigue Design
Size: 2.77 MB | Format:PDF | pages: 70
code 068
Authors TC 2
Publisher ECCS
Year 1992
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Axial strength of cold-formed thin-walled steel channels under non-uniform temperatures in fire
M. Feng, Y. C. Wang, and J. M. Davies
Fire Safety Journal
Volume 38, Issue 8, December 2003, Pages 679-707
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Thermal performance of cold-formed thin-walled steel panel systems in fire
M. Feng, Y. C. Wang and J. M. Davies
Fire Safety Journal
Volume 38, Issue 4, June 2003, Pages 365-394
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An experimental study of loaded full-scale cold-formed thin-walled steel structural panels under fire conditions
M. Feng and Y.C. Wang
Fire Safety Journal
Volume 40, Issue 1, February 2005, Pages 43-63
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Experimental study of the mechanical properties of light gauge cold-formed steels at elevated temperatures
Thanuja Ranawakaa and Mahen Mahendran
Fire Safety Journal
Volume 44, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 219-229
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Posted by: Adam Smith - 03-06-2011, 03:13 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear Members,
It is requested to all esteemed members that anybody having following title may kindly upload,
1. Method of Analysis and Design of Concrete Box-Girder with Side Cantilevers
Authors - M F Rolls and B I Baisal Publisher - Cement and Concrete
Association, London.
Adam Smith
Industrial Wastewater Management Treatment and Disposal
Author: John B. Barber, Kartik Chandran and others | Size: 3.36 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Water Environment Federation | Year: 2008 | pages: 602
The focus of this book is exclusively on management of industrial wastewater; how wastewater characteristics varies by industry; what methods of treatment are used in industry, developing trends; and how industrial design, construction, and operations services are or could be procured. This Manual of Practice is a totally revised and expanded edition of the 1994 WEF bestseller Pretreatment of Industrial Wastes. Besides an overall updating and editing of the technical material, this edition contains:
•An update on current regulations,
•Agreatly expanded section on biological treatment of industrial wastes,
•Anew section on organoclays,
•Anew chapter on instrumentation and control of industrial waste treatment processes, and
•Anew chapter on innovative methods for procuring services related to facility design, construction, and operation.
This book is intended to appeal to a wide range of professionals responsible for regulating, monitoring, and designing industrial waste facilities. Engineering consultants, industrial waste managers and purchasing department managers, government regulators, and graduate students will find this book invaluable. The book has been written by a diverse group of professionals experienced in the particular area of concern. Design engineers, industrial managers, university professors, and regulators have combined their efforts to produce a book that is thoroughly grounded in theory but is a practical resource for those who need to apply industrial wastewater principles to facility design or even to retaining an engineers or contractor.
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Recommendations for soil and rock anchorage systems of the grouted or mechanical type.
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