Design Example Three Span Single Level Parking Structure ( Hand Calculation )
Design Example Three Span , Single Level Parking Structure
Hand Calculation For Typical PT Beam
This note present analysis & design Post-Tensioning By Adapt
program and versus By Hand Calculation. And some pti technical note.
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I would like to send out a request/suggestion to the Administration of this wonderful and fruitful forum to include a sub forum/subsection under software for CSC products.
The same may apply to the software problems sections ( let CSC products follow through just as Autodesk and CSI have done).
This will aid us to have a one stop to all CSC products and problems, and anything else that may be found worthwhile.
I looked at the solution manual of engineering mechanics, Dynamics, Hibbeler, 12th edition, which is given here in the forum. But it is not parallel with the main book. In the solution manual, i have got different problem than it is in the main book. Can anyone please upload the correct solution manual of the engineering mechanics, dynamics, 12th edition by Hibbeler.
Snow Loading is a frequent and costly cause of structural performance failures. In fact, snow is the controlling roof load in half of US States. As a structural engineer, you must be familiar with snow loads. Snow Loads: A Guide to the Use and Understanding of the Snow Load Provisions of ASCE 7-02 will provide you with the tools you need to understand and compensate for snow loads in structural design. This is the only book of its kind that provides a detailed authoritative interpretation of snow load provisions of ASCE Standard 7-02. Included are examples of flat roof loads, sloped roof loads, partial loads, as well as all types of conventional drift loading. Readers will benefit from the frequently asked questions section, which addresses and demonstrates the correct implementation of the provisions of ASCE 7-02, such as unique snow loading cases and ways to mitigate drift loads on existing roofs due to new additions.
This Guide is essential for practicing structural engineers. Over 70 figures and tables clearly illustrate snow load scenarios. In addition, each chapter contains numerous worked examples that will aid in understanding and applying difficult wind loads concepts.
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Snow Loads: Guide to the Snow Load Provisions of ASCE 7-05 provides a detailed authoritative interpretation of the snow load provisions of ASCE/SEI Standard 7-05. The new Snow Loads is a revision of the previous edition that served as a guide to ASCE/SEI Standard 7-02. Like its predecessor, the new Snow Loads includes examples of flat roof loads, sloped roof loads, partials loads, and all types of conventional drift loading. New material includes a chapter of three complete design examples: a metal building with a roof step, a pole barn with a hip roof, and a single-family residence with attached, two-car garage. Also included are recent changes to the provisions for unbalanced loads and rain-on-snow surcharge loads. Several example problems have been updated and two fresh examples added. The revised and expanded Frequently Asked Questions chapter addresses common snow loading cases not explicitly covered in ASCE/SEI Standard 7-05. The new Snow Loads is the only book devoted to the illustration, interpretation, and application of the snow load provisions of ASCE/SEI Standard 7-05. An essential reference for practicing structural engineers.
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Snow Loads: Guide to the Snow Load Provisions of ASCE 7-10 provides a detailed and authoritative interpretation of the snow load provisions of Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Standard ASCE/SEI 7-10. With clear, concise language, Snow Loads illustrates the key concepts and guides for applying the provisions to the design of new and existing structures that could collect falling or drifting snow. Like its predecessors that accompanied earlier editions of the Standard, this new book includes examples of flat roof loads, sloped roof loads, partial loads, and all types of conventional drift loading. New material includes design examples for leeward drift and sliding loads on adjacent structures and an improved discussion of bays susceptible to ponding loads. The Frequently Asked Questions chapter contains six new discussions.
Snow Loads is an essential supplement to ASCE/SEI Standard 7 for all engineers, architects, and construction professionals who work on projects in regions subject to snow.
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Water and Sanitary Sewer System - Design and Construction Manual - Rubidoux District
Author: Ronald R. Robinson | Size: 7,67 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Rubidoux Comunity Services District | Year: 2005 | pages: 242 | ISBN: not cataloged
Instead of it's a dedicated manual (specific for Rubidoux District - California - US), they represents an good reference and examples that could be useful for others design.
It's a complete manual for criteria and specification design, including examples of technical and official documentation need to approval this type of service.
US units and specifications of components, standards and commercial references.
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Paperback: 104 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (30 Jun 1988) republished 2005 Language English ISBN-10: 1850320322 ISBN-13: 978-1850320326
Case 1: Tyne Construction Ltd Case
Case 2: Jones Bros Ltd Case
Case 3: Environmental Services Ltd Case
Case 4: GM Construction Co Ltd Case
Case 5: The Scott Case
Case 6: The National Plant Co Ltd Case
Case 7: Northern Construction Ltd Case
Case 8: North East Development Ltd Case
Case 9: Discipline Cases
Case 10: The 4½ Day Week Case
Case 11: Proposed Consortium Case
Case 12: S Sands (North East) Ltd Case
Case 13: Lawnswood Housing Ltd Case
Case 14: UK Construction Ltd Case
Case 15: Dispute Case
Case 16: Northumbria Construction Ltd Case
Written by the country's leading authority on construction management training, this book gives practical examples of construction management problems and how to deal with them.
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Posted by: erthqkengnr™ - 03-13-2011, 08:00 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
If anyone have following research paper. Kindly post.
Title: On the effective seismic input for non-linear soil-structure interaction systems
Authors: Jacobo Bielak and Paul Christiano
Journal: Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Pages 107–119, 1984.
BS 8486-1:2007 Examination and test of new lifts before putting into service – Specification for means of determining compliance with BS EN 81 – Part 1: Electric lifts
This part of BS 8486 specifies one means of determining compliance with the provisions for examination, testing and recording results for new electric lifts specified in BS EN 81-1:1998, before being put into service. This part of BS 8486 does not cover the following types of lift or lift equipment:
a) positive drive lifts by use of drum and ropes;
b) positive drive lifts by use of sprocket and chains;
c) rack and pinion lifts conforming to DD 222;
d) hydraulic lifts conforming to BS EN 81-2;
NOTE 1 Hydraulic lifts are covered in BS 8486-2.
e) Programmable Electronic Systems in Safety Related Applications for Lifts (PESSRAL).
NOTE 2 Due to the varied nature of such equipment the manufacturers of these systems should provide full details of the means by which it can be tested. Since on site testing might not be practical or possible, this may be verification of design as certified by the party responsible for quality assurance under the Lifts Regulations 1997 [1].
This part of BS 8486 also specifies a means of determining compliance with the provisions for examination and testing of electric lifts specified in:
1) BS EN 81-28:2003;
2) BS EN 81-70:2003;
3) BS EN 81-71:2005;
4) BS EN 81-72:2003;
5) BS EN 81-73:2005.
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Examination and test of new lifts before putting into service – Specification for means of determining compliance with BS EN 81 – Part 2: Hydraulic lifts
This part of BS 8486 specifies one means of determining compliance with the provisions for examination, testing and recording results for new hydraulic lifts specified in BS EN 81-2:1998, before being put into service.
This part of BS 8486 does not cover the following types of lift or lift equipment:
a) electric lifts conforming to BS EN 81-1;
NOTE 1 Electric lifts are covered in BS 8486-1.
b) Programmable Electronic Systems in Safety Related Applications for Lifts (PESSRAL).
NOTE 2 Due to the varied nature of such equipment the manufacturers of these systems should provide full details of the means by which it can be tested. Since on site testing might not be practical or possible, this may be verification of design as certified by the party responsible for quality assurance under the Lifts Regulations 1997 [1].
This part of BS 8486 also specifies a means of determining compliance with the provisions for examination and testing of hydraulic lifts specified in:
1) BS EN 81-28:2003;
2) BS EN 81-70:2003;
3) BS EN 81-71:2005;
4) BS EN 81-72:2003;
5) BS EN 81-73:2005.
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The General Specification for Civil Engineering Works lays down the quality of materials, the standards of workmanship, the testing methods and the acceptance criteria for civil engineering works undertaken for the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Where necessary, this General Specification should be supplemented by a particular specification. The 2006 Edition of the General Specification comprises considerable greening of the Eighth Reprint of the 1992 Edition (October 2002) according to the current green practices of the construction industry. The text relating to "green measures" is printed in green colour in this Edition with a view to making it easier for reader's reference. It was produced over a 15-month period from March 2005 under the guidance of a Steering Committee comprising members from the main Government departments involved in civil engineering works. The greening of each section was undertaken by a works department with the appropriate expertise. The Standards Unit of Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) was responsible for the overall co-ordination of comments received from departmental circulation, editing and production of the document. Amd 1/2007 Sustainability is the prime objective of the 2006 Edition. Two new sections, viz. Environmental Protection (Section 25) and Preservation and Protection of Trees (Section 26) have been created. The original Section 22 for Railways Works has been deleted, as construction of railways is no more the responsibility of works departments. The 2006 Edition comprises 26 sections and is posted on the CEDD Homepage on the Internet. The General Specification will be updated continuously. The electronic files of the sections affected by any amendment issued will be kept up-to-date on the CEDD Homepage.
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Proceedings of the European Conference on Emergency Planning for Industrial Hazards, held at the Congress Centre, Villa Ponti, Varese, Italy, 4-6 November 1987.
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