FE2DY: A finite element FORTRAN program for the solution of the shallow-water equations with energy conservation
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AutoCAD MEP software is the version of AutoCAD software for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) designers and drafters. AutoCAD MEP automates routine drafting tasks, to help create more accurate construction documentation faster. Sharing, collaborating, and coordinating with architects, structural engineers, and contractors is easier using the softwares reliable, widely-used DWG file format.
Downloaded from Fileserve. Installed x64 in Windows 7 64 bit. This disk doesn't includes the crack. Used S.N. 666-69696969 and code 235D1. Activated by X-force Keygen 64 bit.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Guide to reinforced fill structure and slope design
Author: Colin J. F. P. Jones, University of Newcastle | Size: 4.36 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2002 | pages: 239
This Geoguide recommends a standard of good practice for the design and construction supervision of permanent reinforced fill structures and slopes in Hong Kong. It is a companion to Geoguide 1 − Guide to Retaining Wall Design (GEO, 1993) and is aimed at qualified engineers who are conversant with the relevant engineering principles and procedures. Reinforced fill is a compacted mass of fill with predominantly horizontal layered reinforcing elements to improve its tensile and shear capacities. Permanent reinforced fill features are made of reinforced fill, which may also comprise facing elements to form slopes or structures with an intended design life longer than two years. A reinforced fill feature with a face inclination of more than 20º from the vertical shall be considered as a reinforced fill slope. A reinforced fill feature otherwise shall be considered as a reinforced fill structure. The geotechnical standards set out in this Geoguide is for new permanent reinforced fill features, including retaining walls, bridge abutments, segmental block retaining walls and reinforced fill slopes. Temporary reinforced fill structures and slopes can also be designed using the document. The Geoguide does not cover soil nailing, reinforced fill dams, maritime structures, structures which are in an estuarine or marine environment, reinforced fill foundations for embankments on soft ground and the stability assessment of existing reinforced fill structures and slopes. General considerations relating to potential applications, advantages and limitations of different reinforced fill systems are provided in Chapter 2. The concept and principles of reinforced fill, together with the factors that affect the behaviour of reinforced fill are explained in Chapter 3. In addition, general design formulae for assessing interaction between fill and reinforcement (i.e. pullout and direct sliding resistance) are provided for various forms of reinforcement (i.e. strips, grids sheets, anchors) in Chapter 3. Details of the construction materials commonly used to form reinforced fill structures and slopes are given in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 covers the specific ground investigation and testing associated with the design and construction of reinforced fill features. In line with Geoguide 1, the limit state approach has been adopted in this Geoguide. The appropriate partial safety factors on loading, materials and fill-reinforcement interaction, together with the factors which need to be considered in design are given in Chapter 6. Guidance on the design of reinforced fill structures including segmental block retaining walls is given in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 covers the design of reinforced fill slopes. Guidance on aesthetics and landscape treatment of reinforced fill structures and slopes is covered in Chapter 9. The procurement of and specification for reinforced fill construction relating to common construction practices are addressed in Chapter 10. Guidance on construction control is given in Chapter 11. There are a few terms used with specific meanings in this Guide. These meanings are given in the Glossary of Terms at the end of the document.
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Construction and Home Improvement - Pack 9 of 19 - Insulation and Weatherproofing
Construction and Home Improvement - Pack 9 of 19 - Insulation and Weatherproofing
English | Collection Books | PDF | 454.59 MB
This is collection of Construction and Home Improvement Knovel books. Pack 9 of 19.
Collection's description:
This is a library of applied technical books and videos.These books are geared at solving practical issues.Their subjects vary considerably and are geared at solving the most common problems or providing information about the most useful trades. Many of the books are DIY and/or Tips.I used quite a few of them.
Subjects include:
@Building Construction
@Fireplaces Stoves and Related
@Insulation and Weatherproofing
@Regulations and Codes
@Repair and Maintenance
@Structural and Framing
These are the contents of the Pack 9 of 19 - Insulation and Weatherproofing:
Acoustics and Vibrations - Vibration Insulation.pdf
Guide For Sound Insulation In Wood Frame Construction-Part1.pdf
Insulating and Weatherproofing.pdf
Insulation - How Much Is Enough.pdf
Insulation and Weatherstripping Part I.avi
Insulation and Weatherstripping Part II.avi
Insulation Handbook.pdf
Quality control checklist--Roof Insulation.pdf
Retrofit Insulation in Existing Wooden Walls (Alaska Building Research 2000).pdf
Sound Insulation.pdf
Thermal Insulation.pdf
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Scratched, unreliable and damaged media reading! AnyReader is a data copy software for non-readable media: CD, DVD, LAN-Drives, flash memory, ZIP disks, floppy disks, etc. AnyReader effectively copies and saves corrupt data from any type of disks or erroneous connection where the standard copying methods fail. The program supports resumed downloads from the remote PC if the connection was broken while copying (especially useful for unreliable Wi-Fi networks).
AnyReader is great for copying files from scratched CD/DVD/Blu-ray or defective floppy/hard disks. Normally, when your computer is unable to copy files from a damaged disk it will abort and delete the part of the file it has copied. AnyReader will continue copying right to the end; any data that hasn't been recovered after several retries is replaced with blanks. This will allow you to truly copy every byte of information that can be read at all.
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Autodesk Products 2012 x-force keygen for x64 systems
Key generator (x-force) for Autodesk 2012 products.
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Autodesk Products 2012 x-force keygen for x32 systems
Key generator (x-force) for Autodesk 2012 products.
Use 400-45454545 OR 667-98989898 OR 666-69696969 as serial number.
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This Guide to Retaining Wall Design is the first Guide to be produced by the Geotechnical Control Office. It will be found useful to those engaged upon the design and construction of retaining walls and other earth retaining structures in Hong Kong and, to a lesser extent, elsewhere. This Guide should best be read in conjunction with the Geotechnical Manual for Slopes (Geotechnical Control Office, 1979), to which extensive reference is made. The Guide has been modelled largely on the Retaining Wall Design Notes published by the Ministry of Works and Development, New Zealand (1973), and the extensive use of that document is acknowledged. Many parts of that document, however, have been considerably revised and modified to make them more specifically applicable to Hong Kong conditions. In this regard, it should be noted that the emphasis in the Guide is on design methods which are appropriate to the residual soils prevalent in Hong Kong. Many staff members of the Geotechnical Control Office have contributed in some way to the preparation of this Guide, but the main contributions were made by Mr. J.C. Rutledge, Mr. J.C. Shelton, and Mr. G.E. Powell. Responsibility for the statements made in this document, however, lie with the Geotechnical Control Office.
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Posted by: papillon - 03-12-2011, 08:25 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Dear All,
Anyone has structural design calculations and/or drawings for a large prestressed concrete circular tank? KIndly post the same and many thanks.