Engineering Structures provides a forum for a broad blend of scientific and technical papers to reflect the evolving needs of the structural engineering and structural mechanics communities.
part 1, 2 - 17
2 Compressive behaviour of FRP-confined square concrete columns after creep Original Research Article
Pages 1957-1963
Dian Jie Zhang, Yuan Feng Wang, Yi Shuo Ma
3 Extended cracked membrane model for the analysis of RC panels Original Research Article
Pages 1964-1975
Mário Pimentel, Eugen Brüwhiler, Joaquim Figueiras
4 Experimental evaluation of the structural response of Perfobond shear connectors Original Research Article
Pages 1976-1985
J.P.S. Cândido-Martins, L.F. Costa-Neves, P.C.G. da S. Vellasco
5 Tridimensional modelization of the impact of a vehicle against a metallic parking column at a low speed Original Research Article
Pages 1986-1992
B. Ferrer, S. Ivorra, E. Segovia, R. Irles
6 Development of a long-term monitoring system based on FBG sensors applied to concrete bridges Original Research Article
Pages 1993-2002
Carlos Rodrigues, Carlos Félix, Armindo Lage, Joaquim Figueiras
7 Ambient vibration re-testing and operational modal analysis of the Humber Bridge Original Research Article
Pages 2003-2018
J.M.W. Brownjohn, Filipe Magalhaes, Elsa Caetano, Alvaro Cunha
8 Methods of enforcing earthquake base motions in seismic analysis of structures Original Research Article
Pages 2019-2033
Yuxin Liu, Zhitao Lu
9 I-beam to box–column connection by a vertical plate passing through the column Original Research Article
Pages 2034-2048
Seyed Rasoul Mirghaderi, Shahabeddin Torabian, Farhad Keshavarzi
10 Vulnerability assessment of single-pylon cable-stayed bridges using plastic limit analysis Original Research Article
Pages 2049-2056
D. Yan, C.C. Chang
11 Optimal three-dimensional strut-and-tie models for anchorage diaphragms in externally prestressed bridges Original Research Article
Pages 2057-2064
Zhi-Qi He, Zhao Liu
12 Concrete welding using steel fibers Original Research Article
Pages 2065-2073
Samer A. Barakat, Salah Altoubat
13 Statistics of inelastic responses of hysteretic systems under bidirectional seismic excitations Original Research Article
Pages 2074-2086
C.S. Lee, H.P. Hong
14 Finite element study of steel single angle beam–columns Original Research Article
Pages 2087-2095
Yi Liu, Linbo Hui
15 Modeling and seismic response of structures with concrete rocking columns and viscous dampers Original Research Article
Pages 2096-2107
Hwasung Roh, Andrei M. Reinhorn
16 Subassemblage tests and finite element analyses of sandwiched buckling-restrained braces Original Research Article
Pages 2108-2121
Chung-Che Chou, Sheng-Yang Chen
17 Seismic response analysis of adjacent buildings connected with MR dampers Original Research Article
Pages 2122-2133
S.D. Bharti, S.M. Dumne, M.K. Shrimali
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I need a Software that generates AutoCAD script files or drawings from the Standard Values from different Code or Standard Formulas... as I found in POWERTOOLS (
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), which only converts "Roller Chain Sprockets" into ACAD Script File...
Is there any other Software or Tool that converts "STANDARD STEEL SECTIONS, BOLTS, AND MEHANICAL BELT CONVYORS, SHAFTS ETC.." into CAD FORMAT???
Author: Garold (Gary) D. Oberlender, Robert L. Peurifoy | Size: 22.17 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: McGraw-Hill | Year: 2010 | pages: 544 | ISBN: 9780071639170
The definitive guide to formwork design, materials, and methods--fully updated
Formwork for Concrete Structures, Fourth Edition, provides current information on designing and building formwork and temporary structures during the construction process. Developed with the latest structural design recommendations by the National Design Specification (NDS 2005), the book covers recent advances in materials, money- and energy-saving strategies, safety guidelines, OSHA regulations, and dimensional tolerances. Up-to-date sample problems illustrate practical applications for calculating loads and stresses. This comprehensive manual also includes new summary tables and equations and a directory of suppliers.
Formwork for Concrete Structures, Fourth Edition, covers:
* Economy of formwork
* Pressure of concrete on formwork
* Properties of form material
* Form design
* Shores and scaffolding
* Failures of formwork
* Forms for footings, walls, and columns
* Forms for beams and floor slabs
* Patented forms for concrete floor systems
* Forms for thin-shell roof slabs
* Forms for architectural concrete
* Slipforms
* Forms for concrete bridge decks
* Flying deck forms
Table of contents
Chapter 1. Introduction;
Chapter 2. Economy of Formwork;
Chapter 3. Pressure of Concrete on Formwork;
Chapter 4. Properties of Form Material;
Chapter 5. Design of Wood Members for Formwork;
Chapter 6. Shores and Scaffolding;
Chapter 7. Failures of Formwork;
Chapter 8. Forms for Footings;
Chapter 9. Forms for Walls;
Chapter 10. Forms for Columns;
Chapter 11. Forms for Beams and Floor Slabs;
Chapter 12. Patented Forms for Concrete Floor Systems;
Chapter 13. Forms for Thin-Shell Roof Slabs;
Chapter 14. Forms for Architectural Concrete;
Chapter 15. Slipforms;
Chapter 16. Forms for Concrete Bridge Decks;
Chapter 17. Flying Deck Forms;
Appendix A. Dimensional Tolerances for Concrete Structures;
Appendix B. Guidelines for Safety Requirements for Shoring Concrete Formwork;
Appendix C. OSHA Regulations for Formwork and Shoring;
Appendix D. Conversion of Units of Measure between U.S. Customary System and Metric System;
Appendix E. Directory of Organizations and Companies Related to Formwork for Concrete;
Biographical note
Robert L. Peurifoy taught civil engineering at the University of Texas and Texas A&I College, and construction engineering at Texas A&M University and Oklahoma State University. He served as a highway engineer for the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads and was the author of Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods and Estimating Construction Costs, Fifth Edition. Mr. Peurifoy was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, which presents an award in his name.
Garold D. Oberlender, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at Oklahoma State University, where he was coordinator of the Graduate Program in Construction Engineering and Project Management. He has more than 40 years' experience as a consulting engineer, author, and professor.
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I really need two paper:
1.Analysis of sinkhole occurrences over abandoned mines using fuzzy reasoning: a case study
2.Fuzzy Analysis on Subsidence Occurrences at Abandoned Mine Area
Please share for me .
Posted by: utan - 03-12-2011, 01:34 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories
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I must express my deep sadness because of the recent earthquake in Japan (5th largest recorded earthquake of mankind) and offer condolences to Japanese. I know that this was being expected by the Japan scientists for a long time and the discussions were on the rise nowadays. My payers are with the Japanese.