Design of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings based on the 2009 IBC®, ASCE/SEI 7-05, ACI 318-08
Author(s): David A. Fanella
Published Year:International Code Council
Published Year:2009
Size: 5.4 MB
This publication has been developed to help engineers analyze, design and detail low-rise cast-in-place conventionally reinforced concrete buildings in accordance with the 2009 edition of the International Building Code® (IBC®). The 2009 IBC references the 2008 edition of Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and the 2005 edition of ASCE/SEI 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, the narrative and examples are based on these current standards wherever applicable. Section numbers and equation numbers from the 2009 IBC®, ACI 318-08 and ASCE/SEI 7-05 that pertain to the specific requirements are provided throughout the text.
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ABSTRACT: Embedded retaining walls commonly comprise steel sheet piling or concrete walls, built as diaphragm walls in slurry trenches or using piling methods. Since the early 20th century, sheet piling has been in common use, particularly for waterfront structures and temporary works. More recently, concrete walls have been used extensively for construction of basements and underground infrastructure in urban areas. The performance and design of embedded walls has been debated extensively by Terzaghi, Brinch Hansen, Rowe, Tschebotarioff and many more recent authors, whilst codes of practice aim to specify design procedures. Although understanding has increased in some respects, controversy remains, notably in relation to distribution of earth pressures on walls subject to flexure, adoption of working or collapse states in design, and application of safety factors. This paper aims to summarise and extend this debate, and to suggest future developments which might help to clarify understanding and design procedures.
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Bentley Systems Inc., the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the V8i (SELECTSeries 6) version of STAAD.Pro - allows structural engineers to analyze and design virtually any type of structure through its flexible modeling environment, advanced features and fluent data collaboration.
This new release has been designed around enhancing the user experience of our leading general analysis and design application and still continue to expand on the technical capabilities that are the basis of the programs continuing popularity.
The following outlines some of the key developments that have been introduced with this goal in mind.
New STAAD Editor
The Editor in STAAD.Pro has been a mainstay of the STAAD.Pro modelling environment, providing a parallel method for defining and tweaking the data file in order to ensure the data matches each user’s specific needs. This has a basic set of capabilities for colour coding the text to help identify comments and key words.
With SS6 we have providing a far more comprehensive new editor which now provides the following:
- Outline View, gives quick access to key features in the data structure
- IntelliSense, commands are more than colour codes, but as you type, a knowledge of the data structure means you are given assistance in completing the command
- Text Blocking and bookmarking, allows large chunks of the file to be hidden to allow quicker navigation through the data.
- Database Link, gives direct access to the profile databases so that the correct names of profiles can be selected.
- Add repetitive command blocks using code snippets
- Context sensitive help, means that you can quickly investigate requirements of commands simply by clicking F1.
New Building Planner Mode
With the popularity of STAAD.Pro as the analysis tool for the design of so many concrete buildings in India where STAAD Planwin is used for modelling and RCDC used for the design, we have taken this process and built it directly into STAAD.Pro. This allows buildings to be quickly defined in a new modelling mode, using a set of regular plans that are constructed into a building form, analysed and the key concrete components then designed and detailed using RCDC.
Note that currently this is following the design requirements to the IS456 design code.
New Mode Bar
With the addition of the new Building Planner Mode, it was clear that we need to add clarity to the Mode Bar used to identify the different key segments of the programme. The change is subtle, but provides extra clarity. The Modes have been re-ordered into groups to better reflect recognised workflows and using colour to help identify similar capabilities
Design Codes
We have continued to add more design capabilities for both steel and concrete modules and enhance some of the others currently in use to provide greater scope:
- CAN CSA S16-14. This new steel design capability has been added to the Canadian CSA specifications
- SANS 10162-1:2011. Design to the South African steel code of practice for the structural use of steel, part 1. Limit states design of hot rolled steelwork.
- AISC 360. Both versions of the US steel code, 2005 and 2010 have been enhanced to report the designs in metric as well as imperial units and now supports the design of web tapered sections.
- AISC 341. The seismic provisions of this code can be added to the checks performed during designs to the AISC 360 code, accounting for the seismic classification, flexural strength based on frame type, and bracing requirements.
- ACI 318-11. Now supports the 2011 version of this code in the batch processing module. (Inclusion of this in the Concrete Design Mode will follow later)
- AIJ Steel Design codes have been updated to support the specific requirements for the Japanese designers who sometimes need to consider design of the Von Mises stresses without inclusion of torsion stresses. Additionally making the designs more conservative by reducing the effective area for bending.
Eurocode 3 steel design options have been enhanced with support of a much increased set of available steel grades.
- SP 63.13330-12 concrete design to the Russian specification has been added to account for the actualized version of the SP 52 code.
Rebuilt Advanced Analysis Solver
A complete redesign and restructuring of the solution algorithm in the Advanced Analysis solution (Advanced Math Solver) can result in a noticeable performance boost with some of the more complex models used with STAAD.Pro. Also the implementation of a Ritz Vector Method eigen extraction can provide improved dynamic analysis solutions when dealing with large numbers of modes.
Additionally the seismic loading defined in the IBC 2012/ASCE 7 2010 can be assigned as either response spectra or using the equivalent static seismic method.
Fixes and updates
Overall there are almost 200 issues addressed in this new release. 100 of them alone are modifications made in the analysis and design engine that results in giving you the most robust solution to date. To discover the details of every one of these updates refer to the Revision History document that is published with STAAD.Pro in the ReadMe documentation.
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The Shanghai Tower is one of the most ambitious skyscraper projects ever undertaken on the planet, let alone in China. While the distant silhouette and the proximate detail of the tower will be immediately distinctive, the purpose of the building is not simply to be seen as an iconic landmark; it is much more than that. Because it incorporates many advanced techniques, it will be a learning laboratory for the next generation of skyscraper designers. Shanghai Tower provides a vision of vertically-integrated space through a double façade that contains numerous sky gardens, filled with vegetation and the potential for socializing. It provides relief from the isolative nature of tall buildings without requiring descent to the ground.
Note: This publication was produced in conjunction with the CTBUH 2014 Shanghai Conference, which took place at the Grand Hyatt Jin Mao Shanghai from 16–19 September, 2014, as an additional supplement to the Main Proceedings book alongside two other "In Detail" publications, Ping An Finance Center and Suzhou Zhongnan Center.
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•Focuses on the design and applications of structured composite parts
•Contains all-new coverage of nanocomposites and biocomposites
•Reflects the latest manufacturing processes and applications in the aerospace, automotive, naval, wind turbine, and sporting goods industries
•Provides a design method to define composite multilayered plates under loading, along with all numerical information needed for implementation
•Proposes original study of composite beams of any section shapes and thick-laminated composite plates, leading to technical formulations that are not found in the literature
•Supplies numerous examples of the pre-sizing of composite parts, processed from industrial cases and reworked to highlight key information
•Includes test cases for the validation of computer software using finite elements
Considered to have contributed greatly to the pre-sizing of composite structures, Composite Materials: Design and Applications is a popular reference book for designers of heavily loaded composite parts. Fully updated to mirror the exponential growth and development of composites, this English-language Third Edition:
•Contains all-new coverage of nanocomposites and biocomposites
•Reflects the latest manufacturing processes and applications in the aerospace, automotive, naval, wind turbine, and sporting goods industries
•Provides a design method to define composite multilayered plates under loading, along with all numerical information needed for implementation
•Proposes original study of composite beams of any section shapes and thick-laminated composite plates, leading to technical formulations that are not found in the literature
•Features numerous examples of the pre-sizing of composite parts, processed from industrial cases and reworked to highlight key information
•Includes test cases for the validation of computer software using finite elements
Consisting of three main parts, plus a fourth on applications, Composite Materials: Design and Applications, Third Edition features a technical level that rises in difficulty as the text progresses, yet each part still can be explored independently. While the heart of the book, devoted to the methodical pre-design of structural parts, retains its original character, the contents have been significantly rewritten, restructured, and expanded to better illustrate the types of challenges encountered in modern engineering practice.
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