Most undergraduate programs lack an undergraduate plasticity theory course, and many graduate programs in design and manufacturing lack a course on plasticity―leaving a number of engineering students without adequate information on the subject. Emphasizing stresses generated in the material and its effect, Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications effectively addresses this need. This book fills a void by introducing the basic fundamentals of solid mechanics of deformable bodies. It provides a thorough understanding of plasticity theory, introduces the concepts of plasticity, and discusses relevant applications.
Studies the Effects of Forces and Motions on Solids
The authors make a point of highlighting the importance of plastic deformation, and also discuss the concepts of elasticity (for a clear understanding of plasticity, the elasticity theory must also be understood). In addition, they present information on updated Lagrangian and Eulerian formulations for the modeling of metal forming and machining.
Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications enables students to understand the basic fundamentals of plasticity theory, effectively use commercial finite-element (FE) software, and eventually develop their own code. It also provides suitable reference material for mechanical/civil/aerospace engineers, material processing engineers, applied mechanics researchers, mathematicians, and other industry professionals.
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Uses Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as Implemented in SolidWorks Simulation
Outlining a path that readers can follow to ensure a static analysis that is both accurate and sound, Introduction to Static Analysis using SolidWorks Simulation effectively applies one of the most widely used software packages for engineering design to the concepts of static analysis. This text utilizes a step-by-step approach to introduce the use of a finite element simulation within a computer-aided design (CAD) tool environment. It does not center on formulae and the theory of FEM; in fact, it contains essentially no theory on FEM other than practical guidelines. The book is self-contained and enables the reader to progress independently without an instructor. It is a valuable guide for students, educators, and practicing professionals who wish to forego commercial training programs, but need to refresh or improve their knowledge of the subject.
Classroom Tested with Figures, Examples, and Homework Problems
The book contains more than 300 illustrations and extensive explanatory notes covering the features of the SolidWorks (SW) Simulation software. The author presents commonly used examples and techniques highlighting the close interaction between CAD modelling and FE analysis. She describes the stages and program demands used during static analysis, details different cases, and explores the impact of selected options on the final result. In addition, the book includes hands-on exercises, program commands, and a summary after each chapter.
Explores the static studies of simple bodies to more complex structures
Considers different types of loads and how to start the loads property managers
Studies the workflow of the run analysis and discusses how to assess the feedback provided by the study manager
Covers the generation of graphs
Determines how to assess the quality of the created mesh based on the final results and how to improve the accuracy of the results by changing the mesh properties
Examines a machine unit with planar symmetrical geometry or with circular geometry exposed to symmetrical boundary conditions
Compares 3D FEA to 2D FEA
Discusses the impact of the adopted calculating formulation by comparing thin-plate results to thick-plate results
Introduction to Static Analysis using SolidWorks Simulation equips students, educators, and practicing professionals with an in-depth understanding of the features of SW Simulation applicable to static analysis (FEA/FEM).
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Above Ground Storage Tanks: Practical Guide to Construction, Inspection, and Testing is an ideal guide for engineers involved in the mechanical construction of above ground storage tanks. This text details the construction of storage tanks in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute requirements for API 650, and is the first book to cover every stage subsequent to the design of storage tanks. The author focuses on the mechanical construction, inspection, and testing of storage tanks and all aspects on-site after design, and explains the relevance of code requirements. In addition, he incorporates real-world applications based on his own experience, and provides a host of practical tips, useful in avoiding repair and reworks during construction of storage tanks.
Presents material compiled according to the requirements of API 650 for the construction of storage tanks
Includes coverage of the practical aspects of tank farm layout, design, foundation, erection, welding, inspection and testing
Explains the details of construction /welding sequences and NDT with simple sketches and tables
Spells out applicable codes and specifications, and provides logical explanations of various code requirements
A reference for beginners and practitioners in the construction industry, Above Ground Storage Tanks: Practical Guide to Construction, Inspection, and Testing contains valuable information on API 650 code requirements and specifications, and the construction of above ground storage tanks.
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An earthquake is a powerful surface acoustic wave (SAW) generated by a seismic event, such as a volcano or motion of the Earth's layers, that propagates on the Earth's surface. This book explains the design of earthquake resistant structures using SAW techniques that offer a variety of experimental setups and theoretical models. Designs of protecting systems able to dissipate or deflect SSW energy built around buildings or towns located in earthquake regions set this book apart from other seismology publications.
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The Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Second Edition
Author: Richard B. Hetnarski and Jozef Ignaczak | Size: 49 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2010 | pages: 837 | ISBN: 1439828881
Through its inclusion of specific applications, The Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Second Edition continues to provide a bridge between the theory and applications of elasticity. It presents classical as well as more recent results, including those obtained by the authors and their colleagues. Revised and improved, this edition incorporates additional examples and the latest research results.
New to the Second Edition
• Exposition of the application of Laplace transforms, the Dirac delta function, and the Heaviside function
• Presentation of the Cherkaev, Lurie, and Milton (CLM) stress invariance theorem that is widely used to determine the effective moduli of elastic composites
• The Cauchy relations in elasticity
• A body force analogy for the transient thermal stresses
• A three-part table of Laplace transforms
• An appendix that explores recent developments in thermoelasticity
Although emphasis is placed on the problems of elastodynamics and thermoelastodynamics, the text also covers elastostatics and thermoelastostatics. It discusses the fundamentals of linear elasticity and applications, including kinematics, motion and equilibrium, constitutive relations, formulation of problems, and variational principles. It also explains how to solve various boundary value problems of one, two, and three dimensions.
This professional reference includes access to a solutions manual for those wishing to adopt the book for instructional purposes.
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Appeals to the Student and the Seasoned Professional
While the analysis of a civil-engineering structure typically seeks to quantify static effects (stresses and strains), there are some aspects that require considerations of vibration and dynamic behavior. Vibration Analysis and Structural Dynamics for Civil Engineers: Essentials and Group-Theoretic Formulations is relevant to instances that involve significant time-varying effects, including impact and sudden movement. It explains the basic theory to undergraduate and graduate students taking courses on vibration and dynamics, and also presents an original approach for the vibration analysis of symmetric systems, for both researchers and practicing engineers. Divided into two parts, it first covers the fundamentals of the vibration of engineering systems, and later addresses how symmetry affects vibration behavior.
Part I treats the modeling of discrete single and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, as well as mathematical formulations for continuous systems, both analytical and numerical. It also features some worked examples and tutorial problems. Part II introduces the mathematical concepts of group theory and symmetry groups, and applies these to the vibration of a diverse range of problems in structural mechanics. It reveals the computational benefits of the group-theoretic approach, and sheds new insights on complex vibration phenomena.
The book consists of 11 chapters with topics that include:
• The vibration of discrete systems or lumped parameter models
• The free and forced response of single degree-of-freedom systems
• The vibration of systems with multiple degrees of freedom
• The vibration of continuous systems (strings, rods and beams)
• The essentials of finite-element vibration modelling
• Symmetry considerations and an outline of group and representation theories
• Applications of group theory to the vibration of linear mechanical systems
• Applications of group theory to the vibration of structural grids and cable nets
• Group-theoretic finite-element and finite-difference formulations
Vibration Analysis and Structural Dynamics for Civil Engineers: Essentials and Group-Theoretic Formulations acquaints students with the fundamentals of vibration theory, informs experienced structural practitioners on simple and effective techniques for vibration modelling, and provides researchers with new directions for the development of computational vibration procedures.
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Incorporating new topics and original material, Introduction to Finite and Spectral Element Methods Using MATLAB®, Second Edition enables readers to quickly understand the theoretical foundation and practical implementation of the finite element method and its companion spectral element method. Readers gain hands-on computational experience by using the free online FSELIB library of MATLAB® functions and codes. With the book as a user guide, readers can immediately run the codes and graphically display solutions to a variety of elementary and advanced problems.
New to the Second Edition
• Two new chapters with updated material
• Updated detailed proofs and original derivations
• New schematic illustrations and graphs
• Additional solved problems
• Updated MATLAB software, including improved and new computer functions as well as complete finite element codes incorporating domain discretization modules in three dimensions
Suitable for self-study or as a textbook in various science and engineering courses, this self-contained book introduces the fundamentals on a need-to-know basis and emphasizes the development of algorithms and the computer implementation of essential procedures. The text first explains basic concepts and develops the algorithms before addressing problems in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and structural mechanics.
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Highway Engineering: Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality covers the basic principles of pavement management, highlights recent advancements, and details the latest industry standards and techniques in the global market. Utilizing the author’s more than 30 years of teaching, researching, and consulting experience, this text focuses on the design, construction, maintenance, and management of pavements for roads and highways, and covers the main topics in highway engineering. The author integrates pavement materials, material testing for acceptability and quality assurance, asphalt mix design, flexible and rigid pavement design, construction, maintenance and strengthening procedures, quality control of production and acceptance of asphalts, pavement evaluation, asphalt plants, and pavement recycling. He also includes both European and American (ASTM and AASHTO) standards and practice, and is extensively illustrated with references, tables, graphs, charts, and photographs.
The book contains 18 chapters that cover:
Soils for roadworks
Aggregates for unbound, hydraulically bound materials, and bituminous mixtures
Bitumen and bituminous binders
Laboratory tests and properties of paving bitumen and bitumen emulsion
Hot and cold bituminous mixtures
Fundamental mechanical properties of bituminous mixtures and testing
Production, transportation, laying, and compaction of bituminous mixtures
Quality control and acceptance of bituminous mixtures
Methods for determining stresses and strains in pavements
Pavement design and construction
Thickness design methodologies for flexible and rigid pavements
Pavement maintenance
Rehabilitation and strengthening
Pavement evaluation
Equipment for measuring surface and structural characteristics
Pavement management
Pavement recycling
Written for civil engineering students and engineers engaged in highway projects or laboratory testing, Highway Engineering: Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality covers pavement engineering comprehensively as a textbook for undergraduates and graduates, and a valuable reference for practicing professionals.
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Developed with stress analysts handling multidisciplinary subjects in mind, and written to provide the theories needed for problem solving and stress analysis on structural systems, Essentials of Mechanical Stress Analysis presents a variety of relevant topics—normally offered as individual course topics—that are crucial for carrying out the analysis of structures. This work explores concepts through both theory and numerical examples, and covers the analytical and numerical approaches to stress analysis, as well as isotropic, metallic, and orthotropic composite material analyses.
Comprised of 13 chapters, this must-have resource:
Establishes the fundamentals of material behavior required for understanding the concepts of stress analysis
Defines stress and strain, and elaborates on the basic concepts exposing the relationship between the two
Discusses topics related to contact stresses and pressure vessels
Introduces the different failure criteria and margins of safety calculations for ductile and brittle materials
Illustrates beam analysis theory under various types of loading
Introduces plate analysis theory
Addresses elastic instability and the buckling of columns and plates
Demonstrates the concept of fatigue and stress to life-cycle calculations
Explores the application of energy methods for determining deflection and stresses of structural systems
Highlights the numerical methods and finite element techniques most commonly used for the calculation of stress
Presents stress analysis methods for composite laminates
Explains fastener and joint connection analysis theory
Provides MathCAD® sample simulation codes that can be used for fast and reliable stress analysis
Essentials of Mechanical Stress Analysis is a quintessential guide detailing topics related to stress and structural analysis for practicing stress analysts in mechanical, aerospace, civil, and materials engineering fields and serves as a reference for higher-level undergraduates and graduate students.
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Structural Analysis: Principles, Methods and Modelling outlines the fundamentals involved in analyzing engineering structures, and effectively presents the derivations used for analytical and numerical formulations. This text explains practical and relevant concepts, and lays down the foundation for a solid mathematical background that incorporates MATLAB® (no prior knowledge of MATLAB is necessary), and includes numerous worked examples.
Effectively Analyze Engineering Structures
Divided into four parts, the text focuses on the analysis of statically determinate structures. It evaluates basic concepts and procedures, examines the classical methods for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures, and explores the stiffness method of analysis that reinforces most computer applications and commercially available structural analysis software. In addition, it covers advanced topics that include the finite element method, structural stability, and problems involving material nonlinearity.
MATLAB® files for selected worked examples are available from the book’s website. Resources available from CRC Press for lecturers adopting the book include:
A solutions manual for all the problems posed in the book
Nearly 2000 PowerPoint presentations suitable for use in lectures for each chapter in the book
Revision videos of selected lectures with added narration
Figure slides
Structural Analysis: Principles, Methods and Modelling exposes civil and structural engineering undergraduates to the essentials of structural analysis, and serves as a resource for students and practicing professionals in solving a range of engineering problems.
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