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1. A Critical Review on the End Uses of Recycled Water
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It would be much appreciated if anyone could upload this 2 Australian Standards. Thanks in advance.
AS 1597.1-2010: Precast reinforced concrete box culverts Part 1: Small culverts (not exceeding 1200 mm span and 1200 mm height)
AS 1597.2-2013: Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts Part 2: Large Culverts (from 1500 mm Span and up to and Including 4200 mm Span and 4200 mm Height)
Handbook of Mechanical Stability in Engineering (In 3 Volumes)
# Author(s): Anatoly V Perelmuter (Author), Vladimir Slivker (Author)
# Hardcover: 1656 pages
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company (May 27, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9814383759
ISBN-13: 978-9814383752
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Published by Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia, this publication provides information on cost-effective techniques for the design and construction of concrete industrial and commercial pavements to achieve the required performance. For the purpose of this Guide, both internal floors and external pavements are referred to as pavements.
Principles and details provided are applicable to pavements found in a wide range of commercial and industrial buildings, including warehouses and stores, manufacturing plants, engineering workshops and garages, and offices and shopping complexes.
This third edition takes into account changes relevant since the second edition was published in 1999. In addition:
Relevant charts have been extended to cover 5- and 8-tonne axle loads.
Combined wheel and post loads have been included.
Concrete strengths up to 100MPa are covered.
Information on joints has been extended to cover armouring of joints and shear transfer at joints.
An appendix on the design of dowels has been added
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Posted by: RyanRS - 08-09-2015, 12:25 AM - Forum: Steel
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Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to AS4100
Author(s)/Editor(s): Nick Trahair, Mark A Bradford | Size: 16 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: June 18, 1998 | pages: 488 | ISBN: 9780419229209
The behaviour of steel structures and the criteria used in their design are set out in detail in this book. The book bridges the gap between the methods of analysis and the sizing of structural components. The basis of the limit state design criteria of the latest Australian code for structural steel are explained, and the reader is pointed to the relevant provisions of the code.
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Finite Element and Boundary Methods in Structural Acoustics and Vibration provides a unique and in-depth presentation of the finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM) in structural acoustics and vibrations. It illustrates the principles using a logical and progressive methodology which leads to a thorough understanding of their physical and mathematical principles and their implementation to solve a wide range of problems in structural acoustics and vibration.
It is written for final-year undergraduate and graduate students, and also for engineers and scientists in research and practice who want to understand the principles and use of the FEM and the BEM in structural acoustics and vibrations. It is also useful for researchers and software engineers developing FEM/BEM tools in structural acoustics and vibration.
This text:
Reviews current computational methods in acoustics and vibrations with an emphasis on their frequency domains of applications, limitations, and advantages Presents the basic equations governing linear acoustics, vibrations, and poroelasticity Introduces the fundamental concepts of the FEM and the BEM in acoustics Covers direct, indirect, and variational formulations in depth and their implementation and use are illustrated using various acoustic radiation and scattering problems Addresses the exterior coupled structural–acoustics problem and presents several practical examples to demonstrate the use of coupled FEM/BEM tools, and more .
Finite Element and Boundary Methods in Structural Acoustics and Vibration utilizes authors with extensive experience in developing FEM- and BEM-based formulations and codes and can assist you in effectively solving structural acoustics and vibration problems. The content and methodology have been thoroughly class tested with graduate students at University of Sherbrooke for over ten years.
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Mechanical Systems: A Unified Approach to Vibrations and Controls
Author: Roger F. Gans | Size: 10 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer International Publishing | Year: 2015 | pages: 437 | ISBN: 9783319083704
This essential textbook concerns analysis and control of engineering mechanisms, which includes almost any apparatus with moving parts used in daily life, from musical instruments to robots. A particular characteristic of this book is that it presents with considerable breadth and rigor both vibrations and controls. Many contemporary texts combine both of these topics in a single, one term course. This text supports the more favorable circumstance where the material is covered in a one year sequence contains enough material for a two semester sequence, but it can also be used in a single semester course combining two topics. “Mechanical Systems: A Unified Approach to Vibrations and Controls” presents a common notation and approach to these closely related areas. Examples from the both vibrations and controls components are integrated throughout this text.
Table of contents :
Front Matter....Pages i-xvi
Overview with Some Definitions and Mathematics....Pages 1-20
One Degree of Freedom Systems....Pages 21-78
More Than One Degree of Freedom Systems and the Euler-Lagrange Process....Pages 79-128
Modal Analysis....Pages 129-171
Vibration Measurement....Pages 173-199
State Space, Equilibrium, Linearization, and Stability....Pages 201-256
Classical Control....Pages 257-288
The Basics of State Space Control....Pages 289-331
Observers....Pages 333-359
Tracking Control....Pages 361-393
Introduction to Nonlinear Control....Pages 395-431
Back Matter....Pages 433-437
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