Structural Vibration: A Uniform Accurate Solution for Laminated Beams, Plates and Shells with General Boundary Conditions
Author(s): Guoyong Jin, Tiangui Ye, Zhu Su | Size: 10 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg | Year: 2015 | pages: 312 | ISBN: 9783662463635
This book develops a uniform accurate method which is capable of dealing with vibrations of laminated beams, plates and shells with arbitrary boundary conditions including classical boundaries, elastic supports and their combinations. It also provides numerous solutions for various configurations including various boundary conditions, laminated schemes, geometry and material parameters, which fill certain gaps in this area of reach and may serve as benchmark solutions for the readers.
For each case, corresponding fundamental equations in the framework of classical and shear deformation theory are developed. Following the fundamental equations, numerous free vibration results are presented for various configurations including different boundary conditions, laminated sequences and geometry and material properties. The proposed method and corresponding formulations can be readily extended to static analysis.
Table of contents :
Front Matter....Pages i-xii
Fundamental Equations of Laminated Beams, Plates and Shells....Pages 1-35
Modified Fourier Series and Rayleigh - Ritz Method....Pages 37-62
Straight and Curved Beams....Pages 63-98
Plates....Pages 99-151
Cylindrical Shells....Pages 153-197
Conical Shells....Pages 199-233
Spherical Shells....Pages 235-269
Shallow Shells....Pages 271-303
Back Matter....Pages 305-312
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Singiresu S. Rao | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 2007 | pages: 720 | ISBN: 978-0471771715
Successful vibration analysis of continuous structural elements and systems requires a knowledge of material mechanics, structural mechanics, ordinary and partial differential equations, matrix methods, variational calculus, and integral equations. Fortunately, leading author Singiresu Rao has created Vibration of Continuous Systems, a new book that provides engineers, researchers, and students with everything they need to know about analytical methods of vibration analysis of continuous structural systems.
Featuring coverage of strings, bars, shafts, beams, circular rings and curved beams, membranes, plates, and shells-as well as an introduction to the propagation of elastic waves in structures and solid bodies-Vibration of Continuous Systems presents:
* Methodical and comprehensive coverage of the vibration of different types of structural elements
* The exact analytical and approximate analytical methods of analysis
* Fundamental concepts in a straightforward manner, complete with illustrative examples
With chapters that are independent and self-contained, Vibration of Continuous Systems is the perfect book that works as a one-semester course, self-study tool, and convenient reference.
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The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English
Author(s): Felicitas Kennedy
Published By:Jonh Wiley &Sons, Inc.
Published Year:1996
Size: 10.9 MB
Abstract: The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction: English-Spanish/Spanish-English
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Hey All,
I am looking for the following book. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Tables for the hydraulic design of pipes, sewers and channels 8 Edt. Vol 1 & 2
ISBN: 0 7277 3355 9
Published by Thomas Telford Publishing
This book introduces a general approach for schematization of mechanical systems with rigid and deformable bodies. It proposes a systems approach to reproduce the interaction of the mechanical system with different force fields such as those due to the action of fluids or contact forces between bodies, i.e., with forces dependent on the system states, introducing the concepts of the stability of motion. In the first part of the text mechanical systems with one or more degrees of freedom with large motion and subsequently perturbed in the neighborhood of the steady state position are analyzed. Both discrete and continuous systems (modal approach, finite elements) are analyzed. The second part is devoted to the study of mechanical systems subject to force fields, the rotor dynamics, techniques of experimental identification of the parameters and random excitations. The book will be especially valuable for students of engineering courses in Mechanical Systems, Aerospace, Automation and Energy but will also be useful for professionals. The book is made accessible to the widest possible audience by numerous, solved examples and diagrams that apply the principles to real engineering applications.
Table of contents :
Front Matter....Pages i-xxii
Nonlinear Systems with 1-n Degrees of Freedom....Pages 1-81
The Dynamic Behaviour of Discrete Linear Systems....Pages 83-240
Vibrations in Continuous Systems....Pages 241-309
Introduction to the Finite Element Method....Pages 311-412
Dynamical Systems Subjected to Force Fields....Pages 413-553
Rotordynamics....Pages 555-708
Random Vibrations....Pages 709-770
Techniques of Identification....Pages 771-818
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The special focus of this proceedings is to cover the areas of infrastructure engineering and sustainability management. The state-of-the art information in infrastructure and sustainable issues in engineering covers earthquake, bioremediation, synergistic management, timber engineering, flood management and intelligent transport systems. It provides precise information with regards to innovative research development in construction materials and structures in addition to a compilation of interdisciplinary finding combining nano-materials and engineering.
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Materials for Construction and Civil Engineering: Science, Processing, and Design
Editor(s): M. Clara Gonçalves, Fernanda Margarido | Size: 28 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer International Publishing | Year: 2015 | pages: 902 | ISBN: 9783319082356
This expansive volume presents the essential topics related to construction materials composition and their practical application in structures and civil installations. The book's diverse slate of expert authors assemble invaluable case examples and performance data on the most important groups of materials used in construction, highlighting aspects such as nomenclature, the properties, the manufacturing processes, the selection criteria, the products/applications, the life cycle and recyclability, and the normalization. Civil Engineering Materials: Science, Processing, and Design is ideal for practicing architects; civil, construction, and structural engineers, and serves as a comprehensive reference for students of these disciplines.
This book also:
· Provides a substantial and detailed overview of traditional materials used in structures and civil infrastructure
· Discusses properties of natural and synthetic materials in construction and materials' manufacturing processes
· Addresses topics important to professionals working with structural materials, such as corrosion, nanomaterials, materials life cycle, not often covered outside of journal literature
· Diverse author team presents expect perspective from civil engineering, construction, and architecture
· Features a detailed glossary of terms and over 400 illustrations
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Hi Sun Choi, Goman Ho, Leonard Joseph & Neville Mathias
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