Hyperbolic structures analyses the interactions of form with the structural behaviour of hyperbolic lattice towers, and the effects of the various influencing factors were determined with the help of parametric studies and load capacity analyses. This evaluation of Shukhov’s historical calculations and the reconstruction of the design and development process of his water towers shows why the Russian engineer is considered not only a pathfinder for lightweight structures but also a pioneer of parametrised design processes.
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Introduction to Structural Analysis : Displacement and Force Methods
Author(s)/Editor(s): S. T. Mau | Size: 25 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2012 | pages: 327 | ISBN: 1466504161 , ISBN13: 9780750689441
Bridging the gap between what is traditionally taught in textbooks and what is actually practiced in engineering firms, Introduction to Structural Analysis: Displacement and Force Methods clearly explains the two fundamental methods of structural analysis: the displacement method and the force method. It also shows how these methods are applied, particularly to trusses, beams, and rigid frames.
Acknowledging the fact that virtually all computer structural analysis programs are based on the matrix displacement method of analysis, the text begins with the displacement method. A matrix operations tutorial is also included for review and self-learning. To minimize any conceptual difficulty readers may have, the displacement method is introduced with the plane truss analysis and the concept of nodal displacement.
The book then presents the force method of analysis for plane trusses to illustrate force equilibrium, deflection, statistical indeterminacy, and other concepts that help readers to better understand the behavior of a structure. It also extends the force method to beam and rigid frame analysis. Toward the end of the book, the displacement method reappears along with the moment distribution and slope-deflection methods in the context of beam and rigid frame analysis. Other topics covered include influence lines, non-prismatic members, composite structures, secondary stress analysis, and limits of linear and static structural analysis.
Integrating classical and modern methodologies, this book explains complicated analysis using simplified methods and numerous examples. It provides readers with an understanding of the underlying methodologies of finite element analysis and the practices used by professional structural engineers.
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Cut-and-Cover Metro StructuresGeo-Structural Design: An Integrated Approach
Author(s)/Editor(s): Krishan Kaul | Size: 19 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Taylor and Francis | Year: 2010 | pages: 672 | ISBN: 9780415469074
Because of their complexity and scale, metro structures capture all the essential aspects of a cut-and-cover structure, and so are given primary focus in this book. The design of a metro construction is outlined coherently and in detail; and the reader is shown how to apply this design process equally well to other, relatively simple, cut-and-cover structures.
Geotechnical and structural engineering principles are combined with both design and construction practice to make this book a unique guide for engineers.
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The paper provides an overview of the current design methodology for wind load based on ASCE-7 (2002) and IBC (2003). In addition, an attempt is made to identify the issues in developing a performance-based design methodology for wind loading, in particular for reinforced concrete frame buildings. Explicit comparisons of wind and earthquake loading on structural systems are made to leverage a discussion for a performance based wind design methodology.\
It is demonstrated that significant differences in performance based design methodologies will exist due to the nature of the loadings and the different design philosophies. Future research is required on establishing criteria for appropriate performance objectives and performance levels during serviceability and strength loading conditions.
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This book presents both differential equation and integral formulations of boundary value problems for computing the stress and displacement fields of solid bodies at two levels of approximation - isotropic linear theory of elasticity as well as theories of mechanics of materials. Moreover, the book applies these formulations to practical solutions in detailed, easy-to-follow examples.
Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity presents modern and classical methods of analysis in current notation and in the context of current practices. The author's well-balanced choice of topics, clear and direct presentation, and emphasis on the integration of sophisticated mathematics with practical examples offer students in civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering an unparalleled guide and reference for courses in advanced mechanics of materials, stress analysis, elasticity, and energy methods in structural analysis.
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Dear All,
I was browsing site for GGU-applications for geotechnical engineering. What are your valuable opinions about applicability of these softwares in civil engineering practice?.
Also, are these softwares based on FEM like PLAXIS and other similiar applications and in use how much user friendly they are?
Thanks in advance for valuable opinions.
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Noted for its practical, student-friendly approach to graduate-level mechanics, this volume is considered one of the top references—for students or professioals—on the subject of elasticity and stress in construction. The author presents many examples and applications to review and support several foundational concepts. The more advanced concepts in elasticity and stress are analyzed and introduced gradually, accompanied by even more examples and engineering applications in addition to numerous illustrations.Chapter problems are carefully arranged from the basic to the more challenging. The author covers computer methods, including FEA and computational/equation-solving software, and, in many cases, classical and numerical/computer approaches.
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The book provides suitable methods for the simulations of boundary value problems of geotechnical installation processes with reliable prediction for the deformation behavior of structures in static or dynamic interaction with the soil.
It summarizes the basic research of a research group from scientists dealing with constitutive relations of soils and their implementations as well as contact element formulations in FE-codes.
Numerical and physical experiments are presented providing benchmarks for future developments in this field.
Boundary value problems have been formulated and solved with the developed tools in order to show the effectivity of the methods. Parametric studies of geotechnical installation processes in order to identify the governing parameters for the optimization of the process are given in such a way that the findings can be recommended to practice for further use.
For many design engineers in practice the assessment of the serviceability of nearby structures due to geotechnical installation processes is a very challenging task. Some hints about possible effects and their consideration are given in this book which may provide a help for such estimations which are still not possible to be given in a satisfactory manner.
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