Solve Complex Ground and Foundation Problems
Presenting more than 25 years of teaching and working experience in a wide variety of centrifuge testing, the author of Centrifuge Modelling for Civil Engineers fills a need for information about this field. This text covers all aspects of centrifuge modelling. Expertly explaining the basic principles, the book makes this technique accessible to practicing engineers and researchers.
Appeals to Non-Specialists and Specialists Alike
Civil engineers that are new to the industry can refer to this material to solve complex geotechnical problems. The book outlines a generalized design process employed for civil engineering projects. It begins with the basics, and then moves on to increasingly complex methods and applications including shallow foundations, retaining walls, pile foundations, tunnelling beneath existing pile foundations, and assessing the stability of buildings and their foundations following earthquake-induced soil liquefaction. It addresses the use of modern imaging technique, data acquisition, and modelling techniques. It explains the necessary signal processing tools that are used to decipher centrifuge test data, and introduces the reader to the specialist aspects of dynamic centrifuge modelling used to study dynamic problems such as blast, wind, or wave loading with emphasis on earthquake engineering including soil liquefaction problems.
• Introduces the equipment and instrumentation used in centrifuge testing
• Presents in detail signal processing techniques such as smoothing and filtering
• Provides example centrifuge data that can be used for sample analysis and interpretation
Centrifuge Modelling for Civil Engineers effectively describes the equipment, instrumentation, and signal processing techniques required to make the best use of the centrifuge modelling and test data. This text benefits graduate students, researchers, and practicing civil engineers involved with geotechnical issues.
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"Machu Picchu: A Civil Engineering Marvel" takes readers inside the Lost City of the Incas for a groundbreaking perspective never before seen by tourists or archeologists. Built high in the Andes on a seemingly impossible site, Machu Picchu stands as a testament to Early Native Americans and their ability to plan and build. How was it possible to create a mountain-top city complete with running water, drainage systems, food production, and stone structures so advanced they have endured for over 500 years? Authors Kenneth R. Wright and Alfredo Valencia Zegarra explain these and other mysteries, based on their original engineering and scientific research. A fascinating book, "Machu Picchu: A Civil Engineering Marvel" is a must-have for civil engineers, archeologists, armchair travelers, and tourists alike. An illustrated walking guide and detailed map allow readers to become familiar with each building and pathway, and numerous photographs take readers on a breathtaking pictorial adventure.
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Collection of Dipl. Ing. Prf. Anton Schleiss on the Design of Pressurized Tunnels and Shafts Liners
Author: Anton Chleiss et al. | Size: 33 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Various | Year: Various | pages: n.a. | ISBN: n.a.
The present sets of papers constitutes a comprehensive synopsis of the works of Dipl. Ing. Prof. Anton Schleiss in the field of the design of pressurized shafts and tunnels liners applied to the constructio of large hydropower schemes for both universities and the design firm Electrowatt Infra now incorporated in te Jakko Poyri group.
The core of Prof. Schleiss' work was developed between the end of the 70's and the beginning of the 90's although the conclusions hereby provided can still be considered the leading edge in this field.
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Author: H. Duddeck, J. Erdmann | Size: 1.96 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Braunschweig University | Year: 1982 | pages: 9 | ISBN: n.a.
The ITA working group on structural design models for tunnelling will publish in 1982 the replies to a questionnaire in synopsis form. In continuation of that work thè results of an investigation imo thè most common design models for soft ground tunnels are given by way of a comparative review of progress to date in this field. The main differences in the assumptions with regard to the different models are stated. Diagrams for thè hoop forces, bending moments and radial displacements illustrate the differences in the design values evaluated for three different models — the continuum model, the Muir Wood design molivi and the bedded beam model without bedding at the crown region. A comparison with free parameters necessitates analytical solutions, so only circular crosssections are investigated. Nevertheless, the results of the investigation may also be valid for non-circular crosssections and more refined numerica! analyses. There is a trend towards agreement on thè basic assumptions and on thè design model in regard to both shallow and deep tunnels.
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Integration of geotechnical and structural Design in Tunnelling
Author: E. Hoek, C. Carranza Torres, M. Diederichs | Size: 168 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: University of Minnesota | Year: 2008 | pages: 7 | ISBN: n.a.
In a typical tunnel design in which support consists of steel sets embedded in shotcrete, the designer needs to know the contribution of each of these support elements and to be able to adjust the number and dimensions of each to accommodate the loads imposed on the lining.
In current tunnel design, these loads are obtained from numerical analyses in which “beam elements” are attached to the tunnel boundary and the axial thrust, bending moments and shear forces induced in these elements are computed directly.
Note that these beam elements constitute “tunnel support” and they interact with the surrounding rock mass to limit the convergence of the tunnel. On the other hand, rockbolts
act as “tunnel reinforcement” in that they change the mechanical properties of the rock mass surrounding the tunnel. Hence, it is possible to carry out a numerical analysis of a tunnel reinforced by means of rockbolts and supported by means of a composite lining. The loads imposed on the lining will be reduced by the reinforcement and the composite lining will respond to these reduced loads. The analysis that follows is valid whether rockbolts are present or not, provided that the numerical analysis correctly models the load transfer from the rock mass onto the lining.
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Includes Excel spreadsheet for the design of a composite tunnel lining after the determination of the internal actions values to be seperately carried out by means of close-form solutions or numerical methods-based techniques.
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Abstract: In the attempt to codify a procedure exportable to other similar cases, a thorough investigation of the seismic performance of a bituminous concrete faced rockfill dam built in Italy in the early eighties is herein presented.
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Just want to figure out how to change the forum background color from black to other colors. Viewing the forum under the black background color is very tiring and I wonder whether there is a way to change this.
Kitchen and Bath Sustainable Design: Conservation, Materials, Practices
Author(s): Amanda Davis and Robin Fisher
Published By:Wiley
Published Year:2015
Size: 32.5 MB
Quality:Original preprint
Abstract: The leading industry association's handbook for going green in the kitchen and bath
Kitchen & Bath Sustainable Design is the National Kitchen and Bath Association's complete guide to "greening" these important rooms. The first book to focus exclusively on kitchen and bath sustainability, this full color guide covers every consideration for both remodels and new construction, making it a handy reference for any kitchen and bath professional. Case studies of award-winning projects demonstrate how space, budget, and sustainability can come together to create beautiful, functional, efficient rooms, and illustrations throughout provide visual examples of the techniques discussed. The book includes information on greening one's practice for the client's benefit, plus an appendix of additional resources and instructional materials for classroom use.
Outside of general heating and cooling, kitchen appliances use the bulk of a household's energy. Kitchens and baths together use an average of 300 gallons of water per day for a family of four, and both rooms are high-use areas that require good air quality. Kitchen & Bath Sustainable Design provides a handbook to designing these rooms for sustainability, without sacrificing comfort or livability. With comprehensive guidance on approaching these rooms sustainably, readers will:
• Communicate better with builders, clients, and potential clients
• Understand technical considerations, and the criteria that make a design "green"
• Conduct a full design analysis, including life cycle costing and efficiency
• Learn the ratings systems and standards in play in the green kitchen and bath
The biggest elements of sustainable interior design—energy efficiency, water use, and materials selection—are all major players in the kitchen and bath. Clients are increasingly demanding attention to sustainability issues, and designers must be up to date on the latest guidelines, best practices, and technology. Kitchen & Bath Sustainable Design is the complete technical and practical guide to green design for the kitchen and bath professional.
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This report is part of the so-called Technical documents (Type 2 above) and contains a comprehensive description of the practical examples presented at the workshop “Design of concrete buildings with the Eurocodes” with emphasis on worked examples. The workshop was held on 20-21 October 2011 in Brussels, Belgium and was organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission together with CEN/TC250/Sub-Committee 2 and Politecnico di Torino, with the support of CEN and the Member States. The workshop addressed representatives of public authorities, national standardisation bodies, research institutions, academia, industry and technical associations involved in training on the Eurocodes. The main objective was to facilitate training on Eurocode 2 through the transfer of knowledge and training information from the Eurocode 2 writers (CEN/TC250 Sub-Committee 2) to key trainers at national level and Eurocodes users.
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