Abstract: Research on earthquake-induced collapse simulation has a great practical significance for super-tall buildings. Although mega-braced frame-core tube buildings are one
of the common high-rise structural systems in high seismic intensity regions, the failure mode and collapse mechanism of such a building under earthquake events are rarely studied. This
paper thus aims to investigate the collapse behavior of a super-tall mega-braced frame-core tube building (H = 550 m) to be built in China in the high risk seismic zone with the maximum spectral acceleration of 0.9 g (g represents the gravity acceleration). A finite element (FE) model of this building is constructed based on the fiber-beam and multi-layer shell models. The dynamic characteristics of the building are analyzed and the earthquake-induced collapse simulation is performed. Finally, the failure mode and mechanism of earthquake-induced collapse are discussed in some detail. This study will serve as a reference for the collapse-resistance design of super-tall buildings of similar type.
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The purpose of this thesis is to create basic design guidance for tall buildings and their aerodynamic modifications as a resource for architects, engineers, developers, and students. It
aims to make a contribution to and strengthen particularly the architect’s understanding of tall building design, that requires a high level of interdisciplinary approach, by providing a broad
overview of the “tall building” with its general concepts; to demonstrate the importance of human element as a critical component in the design of tall building by clarifying the wind
forces and resulting movements which cause discomfort to building occupants and create serious serviceability issues; and to show the significance of aerodynamic modifications as an effective design approach in terms of mitigating wind excitation. In order to achieve these purposes, firstly, a comprehensive literature survey, which includes the definition, emergence and
historical background, basic planning and design parameters, and lateral load considerations of tall buildings is presented. Following a structural classification of the tall buildings, wind excitation, its negative effects on occupant comfort and serviceabilty issues, and the methods to control wind excitation are studied. Finally, the significance of aerodynamic modifications against wind excitation, which include modifications of building’s cross-sectional shape and its
corner geometry, sculptured building tops, horizontal and vertical openings through-building, are presented from the scholarship on this topic.
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Fazlur R. Khan Ph.D Thesis in University of Illinois
The studies of rectangular cross-sections reported in Chapters I-IX were carried out by Mr. Khan as a Ph.D. Thesis project in his capacity as a full-time graduate student in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Illinois. Chapters I-IX of this report and the related figures are identical with his thesis.
The studies of the generalized unsymmetrical section and of symmetrical I-beams were made by Mr. Khan "during the Summer of 1955 while he was employed as a Research Assistant in Civil Engineering on the staff of this project. They are included in Chapters X-XII as a supplement to the original thesis.
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Concrete Design for the Civil PE and Structural SE Exams, 2nd Ed
Author: C. Dale Buckner PhD PE | Size: 1.56 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Professional Publications | Year: 2014 | pages: 182 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 1591264731 ISBN-13: 978-1591264736
An In-Depth Review of Concrete Design Methods and Standards
Concrete Design for the Civil PE and Structural SE Exams, Second Edition
An In-Depth Review of Concrete Design Methods and Standards
Concrete Design for the Civil PE and Structural SE Exams presents the concrete design and analysis methods most needed by civil and structural engineering students. The book’s 12 chapters provide a concise but thorough review of concrete theory, code application, design principles, and structural analysis. The 51 example problems demonstrate how to apply concepts, codes, and equations, and over 40 figures and tables provide essential support material. A complete nomenclature list defines the industry-standard variables and symbols used in each chapter.
This book includes code references to familiarize you with exam-adopted codes, such as ASCE7 and ACI 318. It also includes 35 multiple-choice problems and 2 scenario-based design problems to enhance your problem-solving skills. Each problem’s complete solution lets you check your solving approach. On exam day, you can use this book’s thorough index to quickly locate important codes and concepts.
Topics Covered
Columns and Compression Members
Continuous One-Way Systems
Design Specifications
Development of Reinforcement
Flexural Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
Prestressed Concrete
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Members
Serviceability of Reinforced Concrete Beams
Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete
Two-Way Slab Systems
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Seismic Performance Assessment and Probabilistic Repair Cost Analysis of Precast Concrete Cladding Systems for Multistory Buildings
Author: Hunt, Jeffrey Patrick | Size: 10.1 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: University of California, Berkeley | Year: 2010 | pages: 302
Analytical and experimental tests have shown that the seismic response of multistory moment-frame structures with precast concrete cladding in moderate to severe earthquakes is
significantly influenced by the cladding system. Moreover, considerable damage to the cladding system components from recent earthquakes has been reported. The cladding system can account for a significant portion of the initial cost of a building, often as much as 20%. However, inseismic analysis and design, engineers typically ignore the additional stiffness and damping thatthe cladding system may provide, which could prove to be beneficial or detrimental to the building’s seismic performance. Most of the efforts in nonlinear dynamic modeling focus on representing the behavior of structural elements and do not include the effects of non-structural elements such as cladding systems. The purpose of the research discussed in this dissertation is to study the effect that the cladding system has on the structural response of multistory buildings,
to develop analytical equations to estimate the seismic demands in the cladding connections, tocalculate the probability of failure of typical cladding connections, and to determine the postearthquakerepair costs and repair times of typical cladding systems. The nine-story LA SAC steel moment-frame building is selected as the study building,and a two-dimensional, nonlinear model is developed of the bare-frame structure in OpenSees.
The steel moment-resisting frame of the bare-frame structure is modeled using nonlinear force beam-column line elements capable of representing distributed plasticity along their length. The frame connections are reduced-beam section (RBS) moment connections, and their modeled cyclic moment-rotation behavior is based on experimental test results of the connection. Analytical models of three different precast cladding designs are applied to the bare-framestructure to study their effect on the building’s seismic response. The three cladding designs represent common systems used in regular multistory buildings in modern construction. The first
cladding design, cladding type C1, consists of alternating horizontal bands of spandrel panels (covering the exterior floor beams) and glazing. The spandrel panels extend the full width of the bay. The second cladding design, cladding type C2, consists of spandrel panels that extend the full height of the story with rectangular window openings “punched” into their surface. The third cladding design, cladding type C3, consists of the same spandrel panels as in type C1 with column cover panels spanning between adjacent spandrel panels. The force-deformation curves of the connections used in the model are obtained from experimental tests of push-pull
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Propagating Waves in the Steel, Moment-Frame Factor Building Recorded during Earthquakes
Author: Monica D. Kohler, Thomas H. Heaton, and Samuel C. Bradford | Size: 2.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 97, No. 4, pp. 1334–1345, August 2007, doi: 10.1785/0120060148 | Year: 2007 | pages: 13
Abstract Wave-propagation effects can be useful in determining the system identification of buildings such as the densely instrumented University of California, Los Angeles, Factor building. Waveform data from the 72-channel array in the 17-story moment-resisting steel frame Factor building are used in comparison with finite element calculations for predictive behavior. The high dynamic range of the 24-bit digitizers allows both strong motions and ambient vibrations to be recorded withreasonable signal-to-noise ratios. A three-dimensional model of the Factor building has been developed based on structural drawings. Observed displacements for 20 small and moderate, local and regional earthquakes were used to compute the impulse response functions of the building by deconvolving the subbasement records as representative input motions at its base. The impulse response functions were then stacked to bring out wave-propagation effects more clearly. The stacked data are used as input into theoretical dynamic analysis simulations of the building’s response.
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Urban centers are increasingly becoming the locus of enterprise, innovation, and population. This pull toward the center of cities has steadily elevated the importance of these areas. Growth has necessarily spawned new construction. Consequently, modern buildings are often constructed alongside legacy structures, new deep basements are constructed alongside existing shallow foundations, and city blocks composed of a variety of building types result. The underlying soil, foundation, and superstructure of each of these buildings can interact and combine to yield unique seismic responses. Since the seminal work of researchers such as Luco and Contesse (1973) and Wong and Trifunac (1975), researchers have investigated the effects of soil-structure interaction (SSI). This phenomenon refers to the interaction between a single building, its foundation, and the
underlying soil during a seismic event. However, as the trend toward urbanization continues, a shortcoming of this conventional SSI approach is that in reality, a structure will almost certainly be located near other structures in metropolitan areas. In this line of research, the interaction of multiple, adjacent buildings during a seismic event, a phenomenon known as structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI), is investigated. This topic does not yet command the level of attention given to SSI. However, SSSI has the potential to be significantly detrimental or beneficial, depending on the configuration and dynamic properties of the buildings and their foundations in dense urban environments. It is important to understand SSSI effects so that earthquake engineers can make informed decisions about the design and construction of structures in increasingly dense urban areas.
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