Gain a stronger foundation with optimal ground improvement
Before you break ground on a new structure, you need to analyze the structure of the ground. Expert analysis and optimization of the geo–materials on your site can mean the difference between a lasting structure and a school in a sinkhole. Sometimes problematic geology is expected because of the location, but other times it′s only unearthed once construction has begun. You need to be able to quickly adapt your project plan to include an improvement to unfavorable ground before the project can safely continue.
Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement is the only comprehensive, up–to–date compendium of solutions to this critical aspect of civil engineering. Dr. Jie Han, registered Professional Engineer and preeminent voice in geotechnical engineering, is the ultimate guide to the methods and best practices of ground improvement. Han walks you through various ground improvement solutions and provides theoretical and practical advice for determining which technique fits each situation.
Follow examples to find solutions to complex problems
Complete homework problems to tackle issues that present themselves in the field
Study design procedures for each technique to simplify field implementation
Brush up on modern ground improvement technologies to keep abreast of all available options
Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement can be used as a textbook, and includes Powerpoint slides for instructors. It′s also a handy field reference for contractors and installers who actually implement plans. There are many ground improvement solutions out there, but there is no single right answer to every situation. Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement will give you the information you need to analyze the problem, then design and implement the best possible solution.
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An accessible, clear, concise, and contemporary course in geotechnical engineering design.
covers the major in geotechnical engineering
packed with self–test problems and projects with an on–line detailed solutions manual
presents the state–of–the–art field practice
covers both Eurocode 7 and ASTM standards (for the US)
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By discussing statistical concepts in the context of transportation planning and operations, Transportation Statistics and Microsimulation provides the necessary background for making informed transportation-related decisions. It explains the why behind standard methods and uses real-world transportation examples and problems to illustrate key concepts.
The Tools and Methods to Solve Transportation Problems
Classroom-tested at Texas A&M University, the text covers the statistical techniques most frequently employed by transportation and pavement professionals. To familiarize readers with the underlying theory and equations, it contains problems that can be solved using statistical software. The authors encourage the use of SAS’s JMP package, which enables users to interactively explore and visualize data. Students can buy their own copy of JMP at a reduced price via a postcard in the book.
Practical Examples Show How the Methods Are Used in Action
Drawing on the authors’ extensive application of statistical techniques in transportation research and teaching, this textbook explicitly defines the underlying assumptions of the techniques and shows how they are used in practice. It presents terms from both a statistical and a transportation perspective, making conversations between transportation professionals and statisticians smoother and more productive.
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These are the direct links to download the full packages:
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hi everyone,
Need an ebook for design purpose. will be really helpful.
Thanks in advance.
The details are as follows:
Title:Design of Steel Bins for the Storage of Bulk Solids
Authors:Edwin H. Gaylord, Charles N. Gaylord
ISBN:0132013681, 9780132013680
Published by:Prentice-Hall, 1984
The instability of soil slopes induced by the fluctuation of water level or rainfall has received much attention in the literature recently and the failure mechanism is closely related to the change of matric suction of unsaturated soils. Such a change is basically induced by unsaturated transient seepage. The traditional approach for estimating the stability of slopes subjected to unsaturated transient seepage is based on the limit equilibrium method (LEM). The limit equilibrium approach is limited by assumptions about analysis method and failure mechanism. In order to overcome those limitations, a finite element method with shear strength reduction technique (SSRFEM) has been successfully applied to the slope stability analysis in absence of seepage. The main objective of this paper is to extend the use of the strength reduction FEM to include the effects of unsaturated transient seepage and some primary numerical results concerning the stability of an earth dam under rapid drawdown are presented. Emphasis has been given to comparison of the safety factors obtained by LEM and SSRFEM. Topics for the further research in this area are also suggested.
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Principles of Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment covers the basic principles of membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology, including biological treatment, membrane filtration, and MBR applications. The book discusses concrete principles, appropriate design, and operational aspects.
It covers a wide variety of MBR topics, including filtration theory, membrane materials and geometry, fouling phenomena and properties, and strategies for minimizing fouling. Also covered are the practical aspects such as operation and maintenance.
Case studies and examples in the book help readers understand the basic concepts and principles clearly, while problems presented help advance relevant theories more deeply. Readers will find this book a helpful resource to understand the state of the art in MBR technology.
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Open channel flow is covered in essentially all civil and environmental engineering programs, usually by final-year undergraduate or graduate students studying water resources.
Fundamentals of Open Channel Flow outlines current theory along with clear and fully solved examples that illustrate the concepts and are geared to a first course in open channel flow. It highlights the practical computational tools students can use to solve problems, such as spreadsheet applications and the HEC-RAS program. It assumes a foundation in fluid mechanics, then adopts a deliberately logical sequence through energy, momentum, friction, gradually varied flow (first qualitative, then quantitative), and the basics of sediment transport.
Taps into Your Innate Ability to Understand Complex Concepts Visually
Open channel flow can be understood through just a few simple equations, graphs, and computational tools. For students, the book comes with downloadable animations that illustrate basic concepts visually with synchronous graphical presentation of fundamental relationships. For instructors, PowerPoint slides and solutions to end-of-chapter problems are provided.
Delivers simple but powerful software animations
Conveys material in three ways (analytical, graphical, computational/empirical) to aid multiple types of learners and improve overall accessibility
Includes new fundamental equation for alternate depths
Discusses flow transients supported by animations and calculations
Emphasizes applications of common and useful computational tools
Developed by an author who has been teaching open channel flow to university students for the past fifteen years, Fundamentals of Open Channel Flow provides you with a detailed explanation of the basics of open channel flow using examples and animation, and offers expert guidance on the practical application of graphical and computational tools.
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