As the ever-changing skylines of cities all over the world show, tall buildings are an increasingly important solution to accommodating growth more sustainably in today’s urban areas. Whether it is residential, a workplace or mixed use, the tower is both a statement of intent and the defining image for the new global city.
The Tall Buildings Reference Book addresses all the issues of building tall, from the procurement stage through the design and construction process to new technologies and the building’s contribution to the urban habitat. A case study section highlights the latest, the most innovative, the greenest and the most inspirational tall buildings being constructed today.
A team of over fifty experts in all aspects of building tall have contributed to the making of the Tall Buildings Reference Book, creating an unparalleled source of information and inspiration for architects, engineers and developers
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The 13th edition of AISC has complete tables of American steel profiles which include the dimension and all properties of the sections such as elastic section modulus, plastic section modulus, torsion constant, warping constant, and ..... However, for European section (IPE, IPB, ....) I could not find such complete tables. Does anyone has anything to share?
CSI XRevit a link that allows for data exchange between ETABS / SAP2000 and Autodesk Revit Structure 2015. CSI XRevit supports true round-tripping, specifically - four different workflows of data interchange:
Exporting from Revit Structure to create a new ETABS / SAP2000 model.
Exporting from Revit Structure to update an existing ETABS model.
Importing from ETABS /SAP2000 to create a new Revit Structure model.
Importing from ETABS to update an existing Revit Structure model.
CSI XRevit supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Revit Structure 2015.
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Appreciate someone upload again the following manual published by The Institution of Structural Engineers. All the links given in the forum previously were dead.
1) Manual for the design of building structures to Eurocode 1 and Basis of Structural Design (2010)
2) Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2 (2006)
3) Manual for the design of steelwork building structures to Eurocode 3 (2010)
4) Manual for the design of timber building structures to Eurocode 5 (2007)
5) Manual for the design of plain masonry in building structures to Eurocode 6 (2008)
6) Manual for the geotechnical design of structures to Eurocode 7 (2013)
7) Manual for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8 (2010)
Article/eBook Full Name: Seismic Retrofitting of Mustafa Pasha Mosque in Skopje: Finite Element Analysis
Author(s): Francesco Portioli, Oreste Mammana, Raffaele Landolfo, Federico M. Mazzolani, Lidija Krstevska, Ljubomir Tashkov & Kiril Gramatikov
Edition: Journal of Earthquake Engineering
Publish Date: 2011
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Hi guys, can you help me to get the following paper? thanks in advance.
Theory of multihazards for bridge structures - Mohammed M. Ettouneya*, Sreenivas Alampallib & Anil K. Agrawalc
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This fourth edition of a bestselling textbook has been extensively rewritten and expanded in line with the current Eurocodes. It presents the principles of the design of concrete elements and of complete structures, with practical illustrations of the theory. It explains the background to the Eurocode rules and goes beyond the core topics to cover the design of foundations, retaining walls, and water retaining structures. The text includes more than sixty worked out design examples and more than six hundred diagrams, plans, and charts. It suitable for civil engineering courses and is a useful reference for practicing engineers.
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Rock mechanics is a multidisciplinary subject combining geology, geophysics, and engineering and applying the principles of mechanics to study the engineering behavior of the rock mass. With wide application, a solid grasp of this topic is invaluable to anyone studying or working in civil, mining, petroleum, and geological engineering. Rock Mechanics: An Introduction presents the fundamental principles of rock mechanics in a clear, easy-to-comprehend manner for readers with little or no background in this field.
The text includes a brief introduction to geology and covers stereographic projections, laboratory testing, strength and deformation of rock masses, slope stability, foundations, and more. The authors—academics who have written several books in geotechnical engineering—have used their extensive teaching experience to create this accessible textbook. They present complex material in a lucid and simple way with numerical examples to illustrate the concepts, providing an introductory book that can be used as a textbook in civil and geological engineering programs and as a general reference book for professional engineers.
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we are really sorry for recent issue on loading site and apologize for it.
Without any real reason, our provider suspended our account, they did this only for archiving some old script that are not used. Anyway they suspended our account twice imediately.
We are looking for another powerful host for migrating on it, our existing server is valid for about 10 month but we try to cancel it and migrate to new server or our provider promise us to do not do such action again.