An earthquake can strike without warning and wreak horrific destruction and death, whether it's the cataclysmic 2008 Sichuan quake in China that killed tens of thousands or a future great earthquake on the San Andreas Fault in California, which scientists know is inevitable. Yet despite rapid advances in earthquake science, seismologists still can't predict when the Big One will hit. Predicting the Unpredictable is the first book to explain why, exploring the fact and fiction behind the science--and pseudoscience--of earthquake prediction.
Susan Hough traces the continuing quest by seismologists to forecast the time, location, and magnitude of future quakes--a quest fraught with controversies, spectacular failures, and occasional apparent successes. She brings readers into the laboratory and out into the field with the pioneers who have sought to develop reliable methods based on observable phenomena such as small earthquake patterns and electromagnetic signals. Hough describes attempts that have raised hopes only to collapse under scrutiny, as well as approaches that seem to hold future promise. She recounts stories of strange occurrences preceding massive quakes, such as changes in well water levels and mysterious ground fogs. She also ventures to the fringes of pseudoscience to consider ideas outside the scientific mainstream, from the enduring belief that animals can sense impending earthquakes to amateur YouTube videos purporting to show earthquake lights prior to large quakes.
This book is an entertaining and accessible foray into the world of earthquake prediction, one that illuminates the unique challenges of predicting the unpredictable.
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Because plates and shells are common structural elements in aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering structures, engineers must understand the behavior of such structures through the study of theory and analysis. Compiling this information into a single volume, Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates and Shells, Second Edition presents a complete, up-to-date, and unified treatment of classical and shear deformation plates and shells, from the basic derivation of theories to analytical and numerical solutions.
Revised and updated, this second edition incorporates new information in most chapters, along with some rearrangement of topics to improve the clarity of the overall presentation. The book presents new material on the theory and analysis of shells, featuring an additional chapter devoted to the topic. The author also includes new sections that address Castigliano's theorems, axisymmetric buckling of circular plates, the relationships between the solutions of classical and shear deformation theories, and the nonlinear finite element analysis of plates. The book provides many illustrations of theories, formulations, and solution methods, resulting in an easy-to-understand presentation of the topics.
Like the previous edition, this book remains a suitable textbook for a course on plates and shells in aerospace, civil, and mechanical engineering curricula and continues to serve as a reference for industrial and academic structural engineers and scientists.
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The successful design and construction of iconic new buildings relies on a range of advanced technologies, in particular on advanced modelling techniques. In response to the increasingly complex buildings demanded by clients and architects, structural engineers have developed a range of sophisticated modelling software to carry out the necessary structural analysis and design work.
Advanced Modelling Techniques in Structural Design introduces numerical analysis methods to both students and design practitioners. It illustrates the modelling techniques used to solve structural design problems, covering most of the issues that an engineer might face, including lateral stability design of tall buildings; earthquake; progressive collapse; fire, blast and vibration analysis; non-linear geometric analysis and buckling analysis . Resolution of these design problems are demonstrated using a range of prestigious projects around the world, including the Buji Khalifa; Willis Towers; Taipei 101; the Gherkin; Millennium Bridge; Millau viaduct and the Forth Bridge, illustrating the practical steps required to begin a modelling exercise and showing how to select appropriate software tools to address specific design problems.
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Author: D.V. Reddy and A. S. J. Swamidas | Size: 14 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 2013 | pages: 684 | ISBN: 9781482220186, 1482220180, 1420068822
Essentials of Offshore Structures: Framed and Gravity Platforms examines the engineering ideas and offshore drilling platforms for exploration and production. This book offers a clear and acceptable demonstration of both the theory and application of the relevant procedures of structural, fluid, and geotechnical mechanics to offshore structures. It makes available a multitude of "solved problems" and "sample problems to solve" which give readers a strong understanding of the analysis and design of steel-framed and base-supported concrete gravity offshore structures. The book highlights sensible engineering applications for offshore structural design, research, and development; it can also be useful to those working in the design industry.
• The user will have a detailed overview of the various structures used in the offshore environment and the preliminary costing factors that will influence their choice for the site.
• Analytical principles emphasized in the book will help the user to clearly comprehend the various issues that need to be taken into account in the analysis and design of an offshore structure, using the API code.
• The book includes extensive worked-out problems and sample problems for use by the students and instructors, with a Solution Manual.
• The seabed pile/gravity foundation analyses and design are clearly outlined with their embedment characteristics and problems worked out.
• A global description of environmental forces has been given that includes those due to wave, wind, current, tides, earthquakes, ice floe/sheet action, and limit ice-load on Arctic structures.
• The book outlines the various factors that influence the material choice for offshore structures including fatigue and corrosion of the platforms in the ocean environment.
Separate chapters detail the factors that influence the pile embedment and concrete gravity foundation characteristics, material choice including fatigue and corrosion, estimation of ocean environmental forces that will be exerted on the offshore structures, and the analysis fundamentals that the reader needs to possess. The last two chapters give detailed insights into the analysis and design of framed and concrete gravity platform offshore structures using API code procedures. Overall, this book is a comprehensive presentation of the analysis and design of steel and concrete offshore structures.
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The first volume in a three-part series, Elements of Mechanics provides a rigorous calculus-based introduction to classical physics. It considers diverse phenomena in a systematic manner and emphasises the development of consistent and coherent models guided by symmetry considerations and the application of general principles. Modern developments colour the presentation and are alluded to when most relevant, but the focus remains firmly on the classical formulations and model descriptions of particular physical systems.
The specific topics covered in Elements of Mechanics include:
Kinematics in one and more dimensions in Cartesian and polar coordinates
Dynamics, Galilean Relativity and Newton’s Laws of Motion
Energetics, work–energy theorems, conservative forces, and potential energy
Impulse and momentum, systems of particles and rigid bodies
Rigid body rotational kinematics, dynamics, and energetics
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
The book prepares undergraduate students majoring in the natural sciences and engineering for intermediate and advanced classes in their disciplines which rely upon this foundational material. It also supplies a comprehensive review in preparation for graduate or professional exams. Therefore, the series is structured in such manner that the second and third books, Properties of Materials and Electricity and Magnetism, follow upon the first, but may be read independently of each other. Written in a conversational and accessible style, the material is presented in standard, canonical sequence. Worked examples and collections of problems serve to illustrate and illuminate subject material in each volume.
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Written by a renowned expert, Geoinformation: Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems, Second Edition gives you an overarching view of how remote sensing, photogrammetry, and geographic information systems work together in an interdisciplinary manner. The book presents the required basic background of the geoinformatics concept in which the different methodologies must be combined. It details the principal components of remote sensing, from theoretical principles to advanced image analysis and interpretation techniques, sensor components, and operating platforms.
New and Updated in the Second Edition:
Web-based image viewing with Google Earth
Aerial platforms
Existing digital photogrammetric software systems, including Intergraph image station, Autodesk, and Oracle Spatial
Land management and cadaster
Imaging sensors such as laser scanning, image spectrometry, radar imaging, and radar interferometry
With the advent of high-resolution satellite systems in stereo, the theory of analytical photogrammetry restituting 2D image information into 3D is of increasing importance, merging the remote sensing approach with that of photogrammetry. This text describes the fundamentals of these approaches in detail, with an emphasis on global, regional, and local applications. It provides a short introduction to the GPS satellite positioning system in the context of data integration.
An extensive overview of the basic elements of GIS technologies and data management approaches, as well as the widely employed positioning systems such as GPS and GSM networks, complete the presentation of the technological framework for geoinformation. Appropriate for GIS courses at all levels, the book proceeds beyond the science and technology to tackle cost considerations and practical implementation issues, giving you a starting point for multidisciplinary new activities and services in the future.
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A structural design book with a code-connected focus, Principles of Structural Design: Wood, Steel, and Concrete, Second Edition introduces the principles and practices of structural design. This book covers the section properties, design values, reference tables, and other design aids required to accomplish complete structural designs in accordance with the codes.
What’s New in This Edition:
Reflects all the latest revised codes and standards
The text material has been thoroughly reviewed and expanded, including a new chapter on concrete design
Suitable for combined design coursework in wood, steel, and concrete
Includes all essential material—the section properties, design values, reference tables, and other design aids required to accomplish complete structural designs according to the codes
This book uses the LRFD basis of design for all structures
This updated edition has been expanded into 17 chapters and is divided into four parts. The first section of the book explains load and resistance factor design, and explores a unified approach to design. The second section covers wood design and specifically examines wood structures. It highlights sawn lumber, glued laminated timber, and structural composite/veneer lumber. The third section examines steel structures. It addresses the AISC 2010 revisions to the sectional properties of certain structural elements, as well as changes in the procedure to design the slip-critical connection. The final section includes a chapter on T beams and introduces doubly reinforced beams.
Principles of Structural Design: Wood, Steel, and Concrete, Second Edition was designed to be used for joint coursework in wood, steel, and concrete design.
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Author: Morgan J. Hurley, Eric R. Rosenbaum | Size: 6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2015 | pages: 160 | ISBN: 9781482246551, 9781482246568, 1482246554
Master an Approach Based on Fire Safety Goals, Fire Scenarios, and the Assessment of Design Alternatives
Performance-Based Fire Safety Design demonstrates how fire science can be used to solve fire protection problems in the built environment. It also provides an understanding of the performance-based design process, deterministic and risk-based analysis techniques, development of design fire scenarios, trial design development and analysis, and building lifecycle management.
Develop a Strategy That Meets the Fire Safety Goals for a Building
Topics addressed include designing to protect people from fire, design of detection systems, smoke control systems and structural fire resistance, addressing computational and design uncertainty, and fire testing to support design development or evaluation.
Identifies key attributes of performance-based design
Reviews the advantages and disadvantages of performance-based design over specification-based prescriptive design
Provides a series of steps offering a framework/process for performance-based design
Performance-Based Fire Safety Design focuses on the development and application of performance-based fire safety design approaches. Written by leading experts in the field, this text addresses the unique features and uses of a building and helps you gain a better understanding of how a building will perform in the event of a fire.
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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide essential disaster management decision support and analytical capabilities. As such, homeland security professionals would greatly benefit from an interdisciplinary understanding of GIS and how GIS relates to disaster management, policy, and practice. Assuming no prior knowledge in GIS and/or disaster management, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Disaster Management guides readers through the basics of GIS as it applies to disaster management practice.
Using a hands-on approach grounded in relevant GIS and disaster management theory and practice, this textbook provides coverage of the basics of GIS. It examines what GIS can and can’t do, GIS data formats (vector, raster, imagery), and basic GIS functions, including analysis, map production/cartography, and data modeling. It presents a series of real-life case studies that illustrate the GIS concepts discussed in each chapter. These case studies supply readers with an understanding of the applicability of GIS to the full disaster management cycle.
Providing equal treatment to each disaster management cycle phase, the book supplies disaster management practitioners and students with coverage of the latest developments in GIS for disaster management and emerging trends. It takes a learning-by-examples approach to help readers apply what they have learned from the examples and disaster management scenarios to their specific situations.
The book illustrates how GIS technology can help disaster management professionals, public policy makers, and decision-makers at the town, county, state, federal, and international levels. Offering software-neutral best practices, this book is suitable for use in undergraduate- or graduate-level disaster management courses. Offering extensive career advice on GIS for disaster management from working professionals, the book also includes a GIS for disaster management research agenda and ideas for staying current in the field.
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Learn Basic Theory and Software Usage from a Single Volume
Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with ANSYS Workbench combines finite element theory with real-world practice. Providing an introduction to finite element modeling and analysis for those with no prior experience, and written by authors with a combined experience of 30 years teaching the subject, this text presents FEM formulations integrated with relevant hands-on applications using ANSYS Workbench for finite element analysis (FEA). Incorporating the basic theories of FEA and the use of ANSYS Workbench in the modeling and simulation of engineering problems, the book also establishes the FEM method as a powerful numerical tool in engineering design and analysis.
Include FEA in Your Design and Analysis of Structures Using ANSYS Workbench
The authors reveal the basic concepts in FEA using simple mechanics problems as examples, and provide a clear understanding of FEA principles, element behaviors, and solution procedures. They emphasize correct usage of FEA software, and techniques in FEA modeling and simulation. The material in the book discusses one-dimensional bar and beam elements, two-dimensional plane stress and plane strain elements, plate and shell elements, and three-dimensional solid elements in the analyses of structural stresses, vibrations and dynamics, thermal responses, fluid flows, optimizations, and failures. Contained in 12 chapters, the text introduces ANSYS Workbench through detailed examples and hands-on case studies, and includes homework problems and projects using ANSYS Workbench software that are provided at the end of each chapter.
Covers solid mechanics and thermal/fluid FEA
Contains ANSYS Workbench geometry input files for examples and case studies
Includes two chapters devoted to modeling and solution techniques, design optimization, fatigue, and buckling failure analysis
Provides modeling tips in case studies to provide readers an immediate opportunity to apply the skills they learn in a problem-solving context
Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with ANSYS Workbench benefits upper-level undergraduate students in all engineering disciplines, as well as researchers and practicing engineers who use the finite element method to analyze structures.
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