Functions as a Day-to-Day Resource for Practicing Engineers...The hugely useful Structural Engineer's Pocket Book is now overhauled and revised in line with the Eurocodes. It forms a comprehensive pocket reference guide for professional and student structural engineers, especially those taking the IStructE Part 3 exam. With stripped-down basic material-tables, data, facts, formulae, and rules of thumb-it is directly usable for scheme design by structural engineers in the office, in transit, or on site....And a Core Reference for StudentsIt brings together data from many different sources, and deli. Read more...
Abstract: Functions as a Day-to-Day Resource for Practicing Engineers...The hugely useful Structural Engineer's Pocket Book is now overhauled and revised in line with the Eurocodes. It forms a comprehensive pocket reference guide for professional and student structural engineers, especially those taking the IStructE Part 3 exam. With stripped-down basic material-tables, data, facts, formulae, and rules of thumb-it is directly usable for scheme design by structural engineers in the office, in transit, or on site....And a Core Reference for StudentsIt brings together data from many different sources, and deli
Table of contents :
Content: Front Cover
Preface to Third Edition (Eurocodes)
Preface to Second Edition
Preface to First Edition
Text and illustration credits
Chapter 1: General Information
Chapter 2: Statutory Authorities and Permissions
Chapter 3: Design Data
Chapter 4: Basic and Shortcut Tools for Structural Analysis
Chapter 5: Eurocodes
Chapter 6: Actions on Structures
Chapter 7: Reinforced Concrete
Chapter 8: Structural Steel
Chapter 9: Composite Steel and Concrete
Chapter 10: Timber and Plywood
Chapter 11: Masonry
Chapter 12: Geotechnics
Chapter 13: Structural Glass Chapter 14: Building Elements, Materials, Fixings and FasteningsChapter 15: Sustainability
Chapter 16: Useful Mathematics
Useful Addresses
Further Reading
Back Cover
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Dear members,
Would someone please post a link to the following manual that I am looking for:
# Full title: Homebond House Building Manual (7th edt)
# Author(s): Homebond
# Publisher:
# Language: English
ISBN 9780952361480
Article/eBook Full Name: Construction Estimating Reference Data
Author(s): Ed Sarviel
Publish Date: 1993
ISBN: 978-0-934041-84-3
Published By: Craftsman Book Company
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Article/eBook Full Name: International Life-Saving Appliances Code (LSA Code) 2010 Edition (ID982E)
Publish Date: 2010
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Article/eBook Full Name: ISO 9996:1996: Mechanical vibration and shock -- Disturbance to human activity and performance
Author(s): ISO
Publish Date: 1996
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Article/eBook Full Name: ISO 13090-1:1998: Mechanical vibration and shock -- Guidance on safety aspects of tests and experiments with people -- Part 1: Exposure to whole-body mechanical vibration and repeated shock
Author(s): ISO
Publish Date: 1998
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Article/eBook Full Name: Geologically Active: Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-10 September 2010
Author(s): A. L. Williams, G. M. Pinches, C. Y. Chin
Publish Date: 2010
ISBN: 0415600340
Published By: CRC Press/Balkena
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Largest collection of British Standards till todate.
Thanks to original uploader.
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The continuing economic prosperity and population increase in the urban areas point toward a future with increased activity in high-rise construction of residential and office buildings. However, construction of high-rise buildings can be economically attractive only if the structural engineers can have comprehensive understanding of the structural behaviors of various systems on one hand and the practical sense of the construction problems on the other.
Steel building construction is only about 100 years old and an enormous amount of progress has been made since the beginning. The use of cast-iron and wrought-iron has long been replaced by high strength steel. Fabrication and erection techniques have been considerably improved and mechanized. Yet while the strengths of steel have gone up, the Modulus of Elasticity remains the same as it was just when iron was first found by man. It is left to the structural engineer to compromise the modern high strengths of steel with its "pre-historic" modulus elasticity on one hand and the not-so-advanced fabrication and erection techniques with the increased labor cost on the other.
The purpose of this paper is to briefly discuss the various aspects of a multi-story structure with particular reference to the latest AISC Code and point out the interpretations of the theory and practice involved in each case that may lead to more efficient multi-story structures.
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A sleeker, more comprehensive approach to construction projects
BIM and Construction Management, Second Edition is a complete integration guide, featuring practical advice, project tested methods and workflows, and tutorials for implementing Building Information Modeling and technology in construction. Updated to align with the latest software editions from Autodesk, Trimble and Bentley, this book provides a common sense approach to leveraging BIM to provide significant value throughout a project′s life cycle. This book outlines a results–focused approach which shows you how to incorporate BIM and other technologies into all phases of construction management, such as: Project planning: Set up the BIM project to succeed right from the start by using the right contracts, the right processes and the right technology
Marketing: How to exceed customer expectations and market your brand of BIM to win.
Pre–construction: Take a practical approach to engineer out risks in your project by using the model early to virtually build and analyze your project, prior to physical construction.
Construction: Leverage the model throughout construction to build safer and with better quality.
Field work: Learn how mobile technologies have disrupted the way we work in the field to optimize efficiencies and access information faster.
Closeout: Deliver a better product to your customer that goes beyond the physical structure and better prepares them for future operations.
Additionally, the book provides a look at technology trends in construction and a thoughtful perspective into potential use cases going forward.
BIM and Construction Management, Second Edition builds on what has changed in the construction landscape and highlights a new way of delivering BIM–enabled projects. Aligning to industry trends such as Lean, integrated delivery methods, mobile platforms and cloud–based collaboration this book illustrates how using BIM and technology efficiently can create value.
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