Vibro Replacement is an accepted method for subsoil improvement, at which large-sized columns of coarse backfill material are installed in the soil by means of special depth vibrators. The performance of this composite system consisting of stone columns and soil, is not determinable by simple investigation methods like soundings, and therefore, such methods are not suitable for design purposes. However, theoretically, the efficiency of Vibro Replacement can be reliably evaluated. The method elaborated on a theoretical basis and described in this contribution, is easy to survey and adaptable to different conditions due to the separate consideration of significant parameters. Practically, it comprises design criteria for all frequently occurring applications.
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Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars
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Article/eBook Full Name: 440.1R-15 Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP)
Author(s): ACI Committee 440
Publish Date: 2015
ISBN: 9781942727101
Published By: ACI
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Article/eBook Full Name: Effect of FRP composites on buckling capacity of anchored steel tanks
Author(s): M.A. Al-Kashif
Publish Date: 2010
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Article/eBook Full Name: A study on the elephant-foot bulge formation of anchored steel tanks
Author(s): Elkashef, M
Publish Date: 2014
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The 40 year and older Building Safety Inspection Program was created in 2005 and has become effective throughout Broward County in January 2006. Modeled after Miami-Dade County’s program, which was established in the mid 1970s, Broward’s program calls for structural and electrical safety inspections for buildings 40 years old or older and every ten years thereafter. One and two family dwellings, U.S Government, State of Florida buildings, schools under the jurisdiction of the B.C. School Board, and buildings built on Indian Reservations are exempt from this program. Miami-Dade County’s effort exempts other buildings under 2,000 square feet while the Broward program excludes all buildings under 3,500 square feet. Both Counties have had instances of structural building failures. By having such a program in effect we are minimalizing the possibilities of future building failure and will be better prepared for hurricane winds.
Full program guide ( 2 Mb) 18 pages
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Seismic response of tall building considering soil-pile-structure interaction
by Yingcai Han, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
Volume 1, Number 1, 57-64
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I need Punching Shear Calculation Notes (in pdf or excel) for Post Tension Flat Slab for Euro Code 2. If any body can share I will be very great full. Thank you.
This work provides a detailed and up-to-the-minute survey of the various stability problems that can affect suspension bridges. In order to deduce some experimental data and rules on the behavior of suspension bridges, a number of historical events are first described, in the course of which several questions concerning their stability naturally arise. The book then surveys conventional mathematical models for suspension bridges and suggests new nonlinear alternatives, which can potentially supply answers to some stability questions. New explanations are also provided, based on the nonlinear structural behavior of bridges. All the models and responses presented in the book employ the theory of differential equations and dynamical systems in the broader sense, demonstrating that methods from nonlinear analysis can allow us to determine the thresholds of instability.
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