Based on the statutory authority under the Act 400 of 1997, the Colombian Earthquake Resistant Building Regulations NSR-98 was issued through Decree 33 of 9 January 1998. Subsequently three additional decrees fall within the Regulation issued NSR- 98, namely Decree 34-1999, Decree 2809-2000 and Decree 52-2002; which they sought to important aspects for the proper application of Regulation NSR-98 and affecting only
some parts of it.
For updating they were consulted the latest versions of the same basic rules that were used in drafting the Rules of 1984 and updating Regulation NSR-98. Especially the 2006 requirements NEHRP (FEMA 450-2006) which corresponds directly to the base line that has been used for earthquake resistant design in Colombia since 1984. Also consulted document requirements were taken into account International Building Code (IBC-2009).
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Venezuelan use current seismic code. Formed after the earthquake of Cariaco of July 9, 1997
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No matter what link i use for download from, my bitdefender antivirus tell me that the file is infected, even for books too. Anyone else have this problem?
Abstract: Introduction
The Dubai Multi Commodity Centre’s Almas Tower is a 360m high slender office tower located in the Jumeirah Lake Towers development in Dubai,United Arab Emirates (UAE) . The building consists of five basements, two podium levels,60 storeys of offices and three mechanical floors. It has a total floor area of approximately 85,000m².
A typical tower floor plan is in the form of two diagonally offset ellipses, with a floor plate approximately 64m long and 42m wide . The floor plan from level 53 to level 64 consists of only one of
the two ellipses. An 81m slender spire peaks at 360m, forming the
highest point in the development.
The building was completed in September 2008 and according
to the Council for Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH),
was the world’s second tallest building completed that year.
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Global Water Dynamics
Shallow and Deep Groundwater, Petroleum Hydrology, Hydro thermal Fluids, and Landscaping. The book addresses topics related to groundwater exploitation and preservation, petroleum genesis and exploration; thermal water recreation and energy production; nuclear waste repositories; and the educational aspects of these topics
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This volume presents new methodologies for the design of dimension stone based on the concepts of structural design while preserving the excellence of stonemasonry practice in façade engineering. Straightforward formulae are provided for computing action on cladding, with special emphasis on the effect of seismic forces, including an extensive general methodology applied to non-structural elements. Based on the Load and Resistance Factor Design Format (LRDF), minimum slab thickness formulae are presented that take into consideration stress concentrations analysis based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) for the most commonly used modern anchorage systems. Calculation examples allow designers to solve several anchorage engineering problems in a detailed and objective manner, underlining the key parameters. The design of the anchorage metal parts, either in stainless steel or aluminum, is also presented.
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This ninth edition of Fulton’s Concrete Technology provides up-to-date information on materials
and other aspects of concrete relevant to South African conditions. Whether it finds its way
onto the desks of practitioners, is used as a source document for lecturers, or is referred to as a
prescribed work by students, the aim is to make a publication available which consolidates the
experience and insights of experts in a single volume.
Some chapters have been revised extensively to reflect new developments and the latest research,
and to ensure that the technology presented in this book remains at the highest standard. New
authors have come on board and, taking cognisance of the expressed needs of readers of previous
editions, five new chapters have been added: repair, reinforcement, formwork, sand-cement
mixes and self-compacting concrete.
As in the previous edition, the contents are divided into five broad categories:
• Materials for concrete
• Properties of fresh concrete
• Properties of hardened concrete
• Production of concrete
• Special techniques and applications
The Cement and Concrete Institute is a marketing organisation that aims to grow concrete’s
market share for its members. It achieves its goals by providing education and training, technical
advice and information. Fulton’s Concrete Technology supports these objectives and strives to
ensure that the processes of concrete and concreting are better understood and applied.
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The finite element method is commonly used to design the reinforcement in concrete slabs, in order to simplify the analysis and to be able to use the superposition principle for evaluating the effect of load combinations, linear analysis is generally adopted even though concrete slabs normally have a pronounced non-linear response.
The present recommendations apply to concrete slab and shell structures subjected primarily to bending effects with limited membrane effects, i.e. slab and shell structures subjected to loading in a direction normal to the plane of the structure.
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