The renovation work is very similar to when cooking different things fit together, but neither has to kill the taste of the other and only with the sum and the balance between the parties and the ingredients that you gain a new and unique flavor compound. This book selects 35 cases and each case is illustrated through the comparison with images of before and after renewing, exquisite drawings and systematic description. It will be a good reference book for designers who are going to renew an existing structure into a hotel as well as hotel clients who want to get a new hotel.
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The school designs (new construction, refurbishment, renovation or expansion) are crucial and concerned with natural environment, urbanisation and urban life, which bring new and more missions and responsibilities to school designs. Schools must to be the organic part of the urban life, no longer to be a closed, even isolated place to their neighbours in a city. Modern school designs present three characters: quality-control is always first, sustainability is in; schools are the new centre of community residents’ life. We selected 42 school designs by world architects and interior designers, including primary and secondary schools and professional training schools. Let’s enjoy these wonderful works.
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Handbook of Worked Examples in Structural Engineering
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Structural Engineering Solved Problems contains 100 practice problems designed to help you recognize critical concepts and apply your knowledge of structural engineering topics. Practice problems are organized by level of difficulty within each chapter. Use the qualitative short-answer practice problems that begin each chapter to assess your comprehension of fundamental structural engineering concepts. Then, solve the increasingly complex design and analysis problems to challenge your skill in identifying and applying related codes and equations.
After solving each practice problem, you can refer to the corresponding solution. Each explanation demonstrates the steps needed to reach the correct solution. Alternative solution methods are presented where appropriate. Relevant codes and standards are referenced so you can easily see where to find the required information.
Since the Structural Engineering (SE) exam and the Civil PE exam’s structural depth section require a thorough understanding of relevant codes, Structural Engineering Solved Problems is based on the following:
· AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design (2010)
· ACI 318 (2008)
· ACI 530/530.1 (TMS 402/602) (2008)
· AISC 13th edition (2005)
· ASCE 7 (2005)
· IBC (2009)
· NDS (2005)
· PCI (2004)
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Double Driver is a very simple and useful tool which not only allows you to view detailed information of all the drivers installed on your system but also allows you to backup, restore, save and print all chosen drivers.
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DreamCalc is the leading Scientific Graphing Calculator for Windows that's so realistic it dispenses with the need for a physical hand-held altogether!
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Through cross-disciplinary explorations of and engagements with nature as a forming part of architecture, this volume sheds light on the concepts of both nature and architecture. Nature is examined in a raw intermediary state, where it is noticeable as nature, despite, but at the same time through, man's effort at creating form. This is done by approaching nature from the perspective of architecture, understood, not only as concrete buildings, but as a fundamental human way both of being in, and relating to, the world. Man finds and forms places where life may take place. Consequently, architecture may be understood as ranging from the simple mark on the ground and primitive enclosure, to the contemporary megalopolis. Nature inheres in many aesthetic forms of expression. In architecture, however, nature emerges with a particular power and clarity, which makes architecture a raw kind of art. Even though other forms of art, as well as aesthetic phenomena outside the arts, are addressed, the analogy to architecture will be evident and important.Thus, by using the concept of 'raw' as a focal point, this book provides new approaches to architecture in a broad sense, as well as other aesthetic and artistic practices, and will be of interest to readers from different fields of the arts and humanities, spanning from philosophy and theology to history of art, architecture and music.
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Notre-Dame in Paris, the walled city of Carcassone, the fortress at Pierrefonds, visionary projects using iron construction...Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc's importance within modern architecture cannot be overstated. Hailed as one of the key theoreticians of modernism, he was also the most renowned restoration architect of his age, a celebrated medieval archaeologist and a fervent champion of Gothic revivalism. He published some of the most influential texts in the history of modern architecture such as the Dictionnaire raisonne de l'architecture francaise du XIe au XVIe siecle and Entretiens sur l'architecture, but also studies on warfare, geology and racial history. Martin Bressani expertly traces Viollet-le-Duc's complex intellectual development, mapping the attitudes he adopted toward the past, showing how restoration, in all its layered meaning, shaped his outlook. Through his life journey, we follow the route by which the technological subject was born out of nineteenth-century historicism.
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This innovative volume is the first to provide the design student, practitioner, and educator with an invaluable comprehensive reference of visual and narrative material that illustrates and evaluates the unique and important history surrounding graphic design and architecture. Graphic Design and Architecture, A 20th Century History closely examines the relationship between typography, image, symbolism, and the built environment by exploring principal themes, major technological developments, important manufacturers, and pioneering designers over the last 100 years. It is a complete resource that belongs on every designer's bookshelf.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Alex Coull, B. Stafford Smith | Size: 31 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Elsevier Science | Year: 1967 | pages: 600 | ISBN: 9781483180960
The proceedings of a symposium on tall buildings with particular reference to shear wall structures, held in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Southampton, April 1966
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