Author(s): Paul Graham McHenry
Published By:University of Arizona Press
Published Year:01 Oct 1989
Abstract: Earth is the oldest and most widely used building material in the world today. It's abundant, inexpensive, and energy-efficient. But if you're building with earth, simplicity of material needn't be an excuse for poor planning. Paul Graham McHenry, author of the best-selling Adobe - Build It Yourself , here provides the most complete, accurate, and factual source of technical information on building with earth. Lavishly illustrated with scores of photographs and drawings, Adobe and Rammed Earth Buildings spells out details of: - soil selection - adobe brick manufacturing - adobe brick wall construction - rammed earth wall construction - window and door detailing - earth wall finishes - foundations - floor and roof structures - insulation - mechanical considerations. Whether you're designing a new building or renovating an existing structure, Adobe and Rammed Earth Buildings can show you how to achieve better results.
Google Earth Pro
Get advanced business tools in addition to all the easy-to-use features and imagery of Google Earth.
Utilize data layers to locate your target demographic
Compute distances and areas using measurement tools
Use Movie Maker to produce media collateral
Print high-resolution images for presentations and reports
Import large vector image files to quickly map GIS data
Map addresses with the Spreadsheet Importer
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A method is disclosed for driving a pile into the ocean floor utilizing an underwater hammer. A leg of an offshore jacket structure is provided with several annular guide sleeves affixed to the leg at several spaced apart locations along the exterior of the leg. A pile is disposed underwater in the lower guide sleeves proximate the lower end of the structure leg. A housing assembly ' having a hammer mounted inside is lowered from the surface through the guide sleeves and into contact with the top of the pile, with the hammer being beneath the surface. The pile is driven by a succession of blows delivered by the hammer. The housing is then raised to the surface and moved to another driving location by an overhead sling.
11 Claims, 13 Drawing Figures
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Bridge Design for the Civil and Structural Professional Engineering Exams, 2nd ed
Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc.; Second Edition edition (June 30, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1888577711
ISBN-13: 978-1888577716
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Whilst sustainability is already an important driver in the new building sector, this book explores how those involved in refurbishment of commercial building are moving this agenda forward. It includes chapters by developers, surveyors, cost consultants, architects, building physicists and other players, on the role they each can play in enabling refurbishment to be commercially, environmentally and socially sustainable. Case studies from northern climates show real examples of different building types, ages and uses and will demonstrate what action has been taken to create more sustainable buildings. The chapters raise and discuss all the relevant issues that need to be considered in retrofitting decision making. Changing standards, planning, process management, financing, technical issues, site organisation, commissioning and subsequent building management are all considered. The book demonstrates that buildings can be made comfortable to occupy, easy to manage and low in energy demand and environmental impact.
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Author: Australian Drilling Industry Training Committee Limited | Size: 60 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2015 | pages: 800 | ISBN: 9781439814208
Drilling: The Manual of Methods, Applications, and Management is all about drilling and its related geology, machinery, methods, applications, management, safety issues, and more.
Of all the technologies employed by hydrologists, environmental engineers, and scientists interested in subsurface conditions, drilling is one of the most frequently used but most poorly understood. Now, for the first time, this industry-tested manual, developed by one of the world's leading authorities on drilling technology, is available to a worldwide audience.
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Woolley, Leslie; Stronach, Phil;
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ISBN-10:0419158804 ISBN-13:9780419158806
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Structural Effects of Time-dependent Behaviour of Concrete: Revision of the Design Aids of the CEB Design Manual in Accordance with the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990
For BTEC construction students, Science, Structural Mechanics and Materials are combined into one unit. This new book focuses mainly on science and structural mechanics but also provides basic information on construction materials. The material is presented in a tried–and–tested, student–friendly format that will create an interest in science and ensure that students get all the information they need – from one book.
Construction Science & Materials is divided into 17 chapters, each with written explanations supplemented by solved examples and relevant diagrams to substantiate the text. Chapters end with numerical questions covering a range of problems and their answers are given at the end of the book and on the book′s website.
The author takes into account the latest Edexcel specifications (August 2010) and provides information on topics included in Levels 2/3/4 Science, and Science and Materials. Brief coverage of building materials but more detail on science and structural mechanics topics will be included. Recent developments in science and building materials are covered as well as changes in the Building Regulations.
The book includes assignments that can be used by teachers for setting coursework or by students to reinforce their learning. The assignment tasks will cover the latest relevant learning outcomes/grading criteria set by Edexcel.
Students will find here all the information, explanations and self–test exercises they need to complete the mandatory topics on BTEC Construction Science and Mathematics (Level 2) as well as Construction Science and Materials (Levels 3/4).
The book will be invaluable both to students and teachers as it:
includes many diagrams, examples and detailed solutions to help students learn the basic concepts
integrates science with construction technology and civil engineering
has an early chapter on basic construction technology to help understand technical terminology before going through the main topics
offers a detailed explanation of relevant topics in structural mechanics
gives end–of–chapter exercises and practice assignments to check and reinforce students learning; assignments provide coverage of the grading criteria set by Edexcel.
The book has a companion website with freely downloadable support material:
detailed solutions to the exercises and assignment tasks
details on the design of building foundations and design of timber joists
PowerPoint slides for lecturers on each chapter
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