Ed Wilson - Termination of the Response Spectrum Method
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Ultimate Maps Downloader is a detailed mapping software that allows you to download both satellite imagery, topographic and road maps from various map servers. All downloaded small tiles are saved on the disk and then combined in one big map image for offline use. You can save maps and tiles in several image formats. You can select multiple download servers and zoom levels at the same time. As far as street maps software goes, ultimate Maps Downloader is the most comprehensive option for your mapping needs.
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The Definitive Guide to Green Architecture
Written by an architect specializing in green materials and methods, this GreensSource book presents all of the information you need to design efficient, environmentally friendly, economical, and sustainable buildings.
Green Architecture surveys new developments, innovative techniques, and emerging technologies that support environmentally responsive architecture. Residential, commercial, and institutional high-performance buildings are discussed. This architectural resource includes details on green building rating systems, energy generation and retention, water and waste management, and green building materials. In-depth case studies highlight advanced green buildings; active and passive solar buildings; self-sufficient, off-the-grid modular and mobile systems; and solar-decathlon competition projects.
Green Architecture covers:
Definitions, operationalizations, and history of green architecture
Green building rating systems, including LEED and BREEM
Solar, geothermal, wind, hydro, fuel cell, and other green energy generation technologies
Green insulation, HVAC, water, and waste management technologies
Passive solar design methods
Green materials, including biomaterials, biopolymers, bioplastics, and composites
Thermo-, light-, and stimulus-responsive smart materials
More than 100 case studies
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Understand how Tensile Surface Structures are designed with the Structural Principles
This course is about Tensile Surface Structures. The lectures are prepared so that they are understood by participants at all levels, from students to professionals in the field of architecture, engineering, drafting, and design. We expect students to have a basic understanding of the terms in architecture or engineering, if not the course will help you anyway since the course is made as a basic introduction to Structural Principles in Tensile Surface Structures. We include pictures and examples that will clarify the basics of Structural Principles in Tensile Surface Structures. We will take a look at Forms in Nature, Minimal Surfaces, Soap Films, Basic Forms and Structural Principles for Tensile Surface Structures.
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How to recognize the Tensile Surface Structures built around the world
This course is about Tensile Surface Structures. The lectures are prepared so that they are understood by participants at all levels, from students to professionals in the field of architecture, engineering, drafting, and design. We expect students to have a basic understanding of the terms in architecture or engineering, if not the course will help you anyway since the course is made as a basic introduction to the design in Tensile Surface Structures. We include pictures and examples that will clarify the introduction to design. We will discover who were the architects and engineers that made contribution to the Tensile Surface Structures. We will take a look at architectural application in airports, train stations, façade, stadiums, interiors, arts and much more for Tensile Surface Structures.
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Every building and every one of its parts should have the strength, rigidity and stability necessary to perform satisfactorily and safely to limit states that may arise during its lifetime. Consequently, the architectural project will enable efficient structure to resist any measures that may affect the building, with particular attention to seismic activity. In addition, special care will be taken in the light bracing buildings.
These standards establish the criteria and minimum requirements for the actions to be considered in the design, manufacture, assembly and construction of buildings that run in the country. These rules will apply to new buildings and to the modification, extension, reinforcement, repair and demolition of existing buildings both. Temporary or interim work must also comply with these provisions.
As appropriate, these Rules shall apply in the draft other structures such as bridges, silos, grain elevators, tanks, reservoirs, etc., provided they do not conflict with specific technical standards and criteria for action on such constructions . In buildings that use non-traditional building systems in addition to the actions set forth herein, shall be taken into account that particular system were used.
The actions defined here are the service or use, apply both classical theory and the theory of limit states.
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COVENIN codes establishing minimum requirements for the determination of wind actions on buildings that are planned or implemented in the country (Venezuela). Require appropriate criteria for quantifying the main effects that cause the wind on the types of construction that are specified therein. They apply to the calculation of wind actions on structural systems, individual structural components and materials that constitute the walls of buildings.
Concepts and Limitations: The standards are minimum requirements for the effects of wind on new buildings and related structures and components. Wind effects defined in the standard are considered service loads.
Performance Objectives: Not considered explicitly.
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Paints and varnishes. Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems.
Part 1 : General Introduction
Part 2 : Classification of Environments
Part 3 : Design Considerations
Part 4 : Types of Surface and Surface Preparation
Part 5 : Protective Paint Systems
Part 6 : Laboratory Performance Test Methods
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WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.
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Urban change is often difficult because we are dealing with people’s elusive notions of place and perception, time and change. Urban design and planning in a changing urban context so that it remains relevant for people is elusive because the idea of place is embedded in memory and identity – but whose memory and whose identity? This book seeks to understand the urban change dynamic so that the planning of urban places aligns with the dynamic of people’s perception of place.
Planning Urban Places examines the premise that building cities is a concrete business surrounded by a shifting context. It discusses the notion of urban design and placemaking from the perspective of place perception and cognitive psychology, place philosophy and human geography. It also considers network theory to help illustrate the self-organising paradigm of small word network theory for planning urban places.
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