The purpose and functions of libraries require particular consideration from architects and designers. How they address such design such issues as access, storage, atmosphere, temperature and sound as well as local integration of the library building are among the topics considered in this interesting and practical reference.
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"We don't sell gardens; we sell images of gardens." This observation on the part of a landscape architect makes it clear just how important it is that a design be effectively communicated to the clients and the public. The book describes the methods and forms of visual representation in contemporary landscape architecture.
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Requirements Analysis Architecture: from Business Views to Architecture
Author(s)/Editor(s): David C. Hay | Size: 4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 2002 | pages: 496 | ISBN: 0130282286
This book is a compendium of the various analysis techniques that have developed over the last thirty years, organized in terms of an architectural framework. Each technique has a place in the framework, and this placement enables coherent comparison of them all, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each. Project development teams often spend too little time learning about the actual business problems a system must address. Without a clear understanding of these issues, organizations can easily develop off-target solutions, miss critical windows of opportunity, and get overrun by their competition. On the other hand, development teams that follow a proven process tend to get it right from the beginning, avoiding the costs of repairing or re-releasing software later in the life cycle. Requirements and Analysis is the process of defining your system. This involves obtaining a clear understanding of the problem space―such as business opportunities, user needs, or the marketing environment―and then defining an application or system to solve that problem. Rational Requirements and Analysis solutions help you build it right from the beginning. Foreword by Barbara von Halle, Spectrum Technology Group Inc.
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1. Slemmons, D.B., 1982. Determination of design earthquake magnitude for microzonation. Proc. Third Int. Earthquake Microzonation Conf., U.S. National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 1: 119-130.
2. Der Kiureghian, A., and A. H.-S. Ang (1977). A fault-rupture model for seismic risk analysis. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 67(4): 1173-1194. Translated into Chinese in Earthquake Engineering Abroad, 4, 1981, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin, China, 20-34
3. Algermissen, S. T., D. M. Perkins, P. C. Thenhaus, S. L. Hanson, and B. L. Bender (1982). Probabilistic estimates of maximum acceleration and velocity in rock in the contiguous United States, U.S. Geol. Surv., Open-File Rept. 82cl033, 99 pp.
4. Schwartz, D.P., Coppersmith, K.J., 1986. Seismic hazard: new trends in analysis using geologic data. In: Wallace, R.E. (Ed.), Active Tectonics. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 215–230.
5. Cluff, L.S., Cluff, J.L., 1984. Importance of assessing degrees of fault activity for engineering decisions. Proceedings, 8th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 2, 629-636.
Author(s)/Editor(s): Henk A. van der Vorst | Size: 3.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 2009 | pages: 221 | ASIN: B00E8OKLHQ
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Posted by: RyanRS - 11-10-2015, 12:23 AM - Forum: Concrete
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Rationalisation of flat slab reinforcement,
Author(s)/Editor(s): C H Goodchild BSc, CEng, MCIOB, MlStructE | Size: 11.34 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: British Cement Association | Year: 2000 | pages: 208 | ISBN: 9780721015767
A report on the research to investigate the balance between the cost of materials, labour and time in reinforced concrete flat slab construction and potential benefits.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Michael R. Lindeburg PE | Size: 6.17 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc | Year: 2014 | pages: 176 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 1591264561 ISBN-13: 978-1591264569
The Most Realistic Practice for the Civil PE Exam
Civil PE Practice Examination contains six 40-problem, multiple-choice exams consistent with the NCEES Civil PE exam’s format and specifications. The morning breadth exam covers a variety of civil engineering topics. The five afternoon depth exams (construction; geotechnical; structural; transportation; and water resources and environmental) prepare you for the depth exam of your choice and provide additional practice for the morning exam subjects.
Due to the changes in codes for the 2015 NCEES PE exam, there are some updates to this edition. Though not all of PPI's products reflect the adopted editions of the new design standards, in most cases the principles change very little. While specific procedures, equations, or values may change gradually from one edition of a design or reference standard to the next, PPI’s books continue to provide an appropriate overview of the design concepts presented, and will prepare you for the upcoming exams.
Consistent with the actual exam, the problems in Civil PE Practice Examination require an average of six minutes to solve. Enhance your time-management skills by taking each exam within the same four-hour time limit as the actual exam. Then, evaluate your performance using the six individual answer keys. Comprehensive step-by-step solutions demonstrate accurate and efficient problem-solving approaches. Solutions also frequently refer to the codes and references adopted by NCEES to help you determine which resources you’ll likely use on exam day.
Civil PE Practice Examination will help you to:
effectively familiarize yourself with the exam scope and format
quickly identify accurate and efficient problem-solving approaches
successfully connect relevant theory to exam-like problems
efficiently navigate through exam-adopted codes and standards
confidently solve problems under timed conditions
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