Building Information Modeling Applications and Practices
Author(s)/Editor(s): Edited by Raja R. A. Issa, Ph.D., J.D., P.E.; and Svetlana Olbina, Ph.D. | Size: 10.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: ASCE Press | Year: 2015 | pages: 391 | ISBN: 9780784479131
Sponsored by the Computing and Information Technology Division of ASCE
Building information modeling (BIM) has become a significant area of endeavor in the architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AECO) industry. The models generated from BIM are being used for analysis and design of buildings and other infrastructure. The ability to integrate schedule and cost data with the analysis and design process makes BIM a very useful tool.
Building Information Modeling contains 13 chapters, contributed by international researchers and practitioners, that present a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in the application of BIM across the AECO industry. The use of BIM is examined as a framework for structural design; in cost estimation; in adaptive cyber-physical systems; in construction progress monitoring and project management; in green building project delivery; in commissioning and facilities management; in military construction; in model assessment; and in integration with augmented reality.
Engineers, architects, contractors, building owners, facility managers, as well as researchers, will find this publication a valuable resource.
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Proceedings of the 2013 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, held in Los Angeles, California, June 23-25, 2013. Sponsored by the Technical Council on Computing and Information Technology of ASCE.
This collection contains 112 peer-reviewed papers in a diversified program on the application of data sensing, information analysis, and knowledge discovery to address challenges in civil engineering.
Topics include: resilience and smart structures; sustainability and environment; geomodeling and geomechanics; intelligent transportation; and construction automation and information technology.
This proceedings will be of interest to academic researchers and practicing engineers across the civil engineering profession.
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Posted by: RyanRS - 11-03-2015, 12:05 AM - Forum: General Books
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Author(s)/Editor(s): David O. Prevatt (Author), William Coulbourne (Author), & 4 more | Size: 23 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: ASCE Press | Year: March 7, 2013 | pages: 62 | ISBN: 9780784476987
Sponsored by the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE.
Joplin, Missouri, Tornado of May 22, 2011: Structural Damage Survey and Case for Tornado-Resilient Building Codes presents the observations, findings, and recommendations of an engineering reconnaissance team that surveyed residential structures and schools in the tornado path shortly after the event. The tornado, which was rated a 5 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale, cut a seven-mile swath through Joplin, Missouri; it destroyed more than 5,000 buildings and killed more than 150 people. The team’s data collection focused on recording the mechanisms of structural failure under tornado wind loads. One important finding is that failures could be attributed to inadequate load paths as well as to wind speeds that exceeded building code design levels. Compliance with the building code requirements for hurricane-prone areas would have mitigated some of the damage.
Topics include:
overview of the Joplin tornado;
inspection methodology;
performance of residential buildings;
case studies of building performance;
performance of commercial buildings and critical facilities;
new design philosophy regarding tornadoes; and
conclusions and recommendations.
This ground-breaking report is must-reading for structural engineers, construction professionals, building code officials, and risk managers working in tornado-prone regions of the United States.
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Cate Bramble has devoted her career to highlighting the differences between 'feng shui-lite' as a fashionable pursuit in contrast to the original intentions of the Chinese masters. Here she presents the authentic principles in a technical, no-nonsense pocket book specifically for architects.
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Seismic Imaging and Inversion: Volume 1: Application of Linear Inverse Theory
Author(s)/Editor(s): Dr Robert H. Stolt, Professor Arthur B. Weglein | Size: 5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 2012 | pages: 416 | ISBN: 1107014905
Extracting information from seismic data requires knowledge of seismic wave propagation and reflection. The commonly used method involves solving linearly for a reflectivity at every point within the Earth, but this book follows an alternative approach which invokes inverse scattering theory. By developing the theory of seismic imaging from basic principles, the authors relate the different models of seismic propagation, reflection and imaging – thus providing links to reflectivity-based imaging on the one hand and to nonlinear seismic inversion on the other. The comprehensive and physically complete linear imaging foundation developed presents new results at the leading edge of seismic processing for target location and identification. This book serves as a fundamental guide to seismic imaging principles and algorithms and their foundation in inverse scattering theory and is a valuable resource for working geoscientists, scientific programmers and theoretical physicists.
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Forensic engineering is the application of engineering principles to the investigation of failures or other performance problems. Forensic engineering also involves testimony on the findings of these investigations before a court of law or other judicial forum, when required.
Failures are not all catastrophic, such as when a building or bridge collapses, but include facilities or parts of facilities that do not perform as intended by the owner, design professional, or constructor
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Texas department of transportation | Size: 6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Year: 2014
The Roadway Design Manual was developed by the Texas Department of Transportation to provide
guidance in the geometric design of roadway facilities.
The Roadway Design Manual represents a synthesis of current information and operating practices
related to the geometric design of roadway facilities,
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Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
Agnes Nolan
Publish Date:
March 14, 2015
Published By:
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