COST Action TU0905 Mid-term Conference on Structural Glass
Author(s)/Editor(s): Jan Belis, Christian Louter and Danijel Mocibob | Size: 21.1 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2013 | pages: 600 | ISBN: 1138000442
The application of glass as a structural material may seem surprising initially, yet pioneering glass structures were first built two decades ago already. Ever since, Structural Glass has been developing at a very high pace thanks to very intensive scientific and industrial research and new technological developments.
Right at the heart of these rapidly evolving developments, the European COST Action TU0905 'Structural Glass – Novel Design Methods and Next Generation Products' is active. With its main goals of unifying, harmonizing and boosting the ongoing developments in structural glass research, COST Action TU0905 frequently organizes international expert meetings and Training Schools, and supports scientific research missions.
This proceedings volume of the COST Action TU0905 Mid-term Conference on Structural Glass offer a great insight into the latest developments in Structural Glass by means of more than 60 peer-reviewed papers by nearly 140 authors. Contributions cover all major topics in the field, ranging from in-depth material investigations to full glass structures and facades. As such, it represents an appealing work on this very young and dynamic field, and is intended for a global readership of researchers and practitioners, including structural and civil engineers, architects, material scientists, building consultants, contractors, material suppliers and product manufacturers, as well as other professionals involved in the design and realization of structural glass projects.
The COST Action TU0905 Mid-Term Conference was held as a unique event, strongly embedded in COST Action TU0905 'Structural Glass – Novel Design Methods and Next Generation Products'. As such, it reflects the Action’s strong position as probably the largest Structural Glass research network worldwide, and disseminates the ultimate COST philosophy: true cooperation in Science and Technology.
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Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures contains the latest research results and innovations presented at the 6th International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures (Trondheim, Norway, 17-19 June 2013).
The book comprises contributions made in the field of numerical and analytical analysis of collision and grounding consequences for ships and offshore structures in various scenarios, such as narrow passageways and arctic conditions including accidental ice impact. A wide range of topics is covered:
- Recent large-scale collision experiments
- Innovative concepts and procedures to improve the crashworthiness of ships and offshore structures
- Ship collisions with offshore renewable energy installations
- Residual strength of damaged ship structures as well as mitigation measures for the consequences of such accidents
- Statistical analysis of collision and grounding incidents to analyse and predict the probability of their occurrence
- Developments concerning rational rules for structural design to avoid collisions
- Grounding actions comprising the use of general risk assessment methodologies
Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures contributes significantly to increasing the safety and reliability of seaborne transport and operations, and will be useful to academics and engineers involved in marine technology-related research and the marine industry.
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eBook Full Name: Progress in Operations Research; Vol. I and II. (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai; Volume 12)
Publish Date: 1976
ISBN: ISBN-10: 9638021144 ISBN-13: 978-9638021144
Published By: North-Holland Publishing Company Amsterdam. (1976)
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Significantly updated with revisions to nearly all 200-plus details, this second edition of Architect's Handbook of Construction Detailing provides architects, engineers, interior designers, contractors, and other building professionals with all of the common construction details, materials information, and detailing concepts used throughout the industry.
The information can be used as is or modified to fit individual project designs. Each of book's seven sections -- formatted to follow the new six-digit CSI MasterFormat system -- contains details and related information, including descriptions, detailing considerations, material requirements, installation requirements, tolerance coordination, and likely failure points. Additionally, SI (metric) equivalents have been added to all dimensions.
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The need to find new approaches to the development of cities is becoming increasingly urgent in this age of continuing population growth, demographic transition, climate change, fossil fuel peak and biodiversity losses. Restoring ecosystem services and promoting biodiversity is essential to sustainable development – even in the built environment.
Ecosystem Services come to Town: greening cities by working with nature demonstrates how to make urban environments greener. It starts by explaining how, by mimicking nature and deliberately creating habitats to provide ecosystem services, cities can become more efficient and more pleasant to live in. The history of cities and city planning is covered with the impacts of industrial urban development described, as well as the contemporary concerns of biodiversity loss, peak oil and climate change.
The later sections offer solutions to the challenges of sustainable urban development by describing and explaining a whole range of approaches and interventions, beginning at the regional scale with strategic green infrastructure, looking at districts and precincts, with trees, parks and rain gardens and ending with single buildings, including with green roofs and living walls.
Technical enough to be valuable to practitioners but still readable and inspirational, this guide demonstrates to town planners, urban designers, architects, engineers, landscape architects how to make cities more liveable.
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The Architect's Guide to Preventing Water Infiltration
Author(s)/Editor(s): Elmer E. Botsai, Charles Kaneshiro, Phil Cuccia and Hiram Pajo | Size: 5.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2010 | pages: 240 | ISBN: 0470401656
The Complete Guide to Preventing Architectural Water Infiltration Issues
This insightful guide illustrates how to fortify buildings to withstand the onslaught of nature, primarily against wind and rain, with a back-to-basics look at water infiltration prevention techniques.
This guide for architects and builders:
• Includes an overview of general guidelines as well as coverage of applications such as those used in below-grade conditions, sealants, and membranes
• Covers massing, orientation, seismic issues, wind loads, and discussion of building systems
• Examines the key factors causing water infiltration in buildings: exposure, thermal loads, structural movement, and building configuration
With solid advice from experts in the field, The Architect's Guide to Preventing Water Infiltration shows how innovations in today's construction techniques simply won't hold water if they don't follow the fundamental ground rules necessary to keep water out.
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Building Physics - Heat, Air and Moisture: Fundamentals and Engineering Methods with Examples and Exercise
Author(s)/Editor(s): Hugo S. L. C. Hens | Size: 16 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Ernst & Sohn | Year: 2012 | pages: 330 | ISBN: 3433030278
Bad experiences with construction quality, the energy crises of 1973 and 1979, complaints about 'sick buildings', thermal, acoustical, visual and olfactory discomfort, the need for good air quality, the move towards more sustainability, all have accelerated the development of a field, which until some 40 years ago was hardly more than an academic exercise: building physics.
Building physics combines several knowledge domains such as heat and mass transfer, building acoustics, lighting, indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency. In some countries, also fire safety is included. Through the application of existing physical knowledge and the combination with information coming from other disciplines, the field helps to understand the physical phenomena governing assembly, building envelope, whole building and built environment performance, although for the last the wording `urban physics? is used. Building physics has a true impact on performance based building design.
This volume focuses on heat, air, moisture transfer and its usage in building engineering applications.
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Architectural technology is the realisation of architecture through the application of building science, forming the constructive link between the abstract and the physical.
Architectural Technology: research and practice demonstrates the importance of research in architectural technology and aims to stimulate further research and debate by enlightening, informing and challenging readers.
Chapter authors address the interplay between research and practice in the field of architectural technology, examining the influence of political, economic, social, environmental and technological issues. The focus throughout is on creating sustainable buildings that are constructed economically and function effectively and efficiently within their service life cycle.
The book’s mix of chapters and case studies bring together a number of different themes and provides invaluable insights into the world of research from the perspective of those working within the architectural technology field - practitioners, academics and students. The underlying message is that architectural technology is not just a profession; it is a way of thinking and a way of acting. This is highlighted by contributions from architects and architectural technologists passionate about architectural technology as a field of knowledge. Contributions range from the theoretical and polemic to the pragmatic and applied, further helping to demonstrate the richness of the field.
About the Editor Stephen Emmitt is Professor of Architectural Technology at Loughborough University UK and Visiting Professor of Innovation Sciences at Halmstad University, Sweden and a member of CIAT’s Research Group.
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Mechanical Engineering is defined nowadays as a discipline “which involves the application of principles of physics, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems”.
Recently, mechanical engineering has also focused on some cutting-edge subjects such as nanomechanics and nanotechnology, mechatronics and robotics, computational mechanics, biomechanics, alternative energies, as well as aspects related to sustainable mechanical engineering.
This book covers mechanical engineering higher education with a particular emphasis on quality assurance and the improvement of academic institutions, mechatronics education and the transfer of knowledge between university and industry.
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