Boundary Element Methods in Engineering and Sciences
Author(s)/Editor(s): M. H. Aliabadi, P. H. Wen | Size: 5.1 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: World Scientific | Year: 2010 | pages: 412 | ISBN: 184816579X
The boundary element method (BEM), also known as the boundary integral equation method (BIEM), is a modern numerical technique which has enjoyed increasing popularity over the past two decades. It is now an established alternative to traditional computational methods of engineering analysis. The main advantage of the BEM is its unique ability to provide a complete solution in terms of boundary values only, with substantial savings in modeling effort.
This book is designed to provide readers with a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the method and its application to problems in engineering and science. Each chapter provides a brief description of historical development, followed by basic theory, derivation and examples.
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Posted by: lisine - 10-26-2015, 11:31 AM - Forum: Geology
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Contaminant Hydrogeology
Author: C. W. Fetter | Size: 7.81 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Company | Year: 1993 | pages: 458 | ISBN: 0023371358 ISBN-13: 978-0023371356
Presents the theoretical background as well as the practical application of the latest technology for the investigation and remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater. Coverage of micropurging of wells prior to sampling; obtaining a ground water sample without a monitoring well; fingerprinting petroleum contamination in soil; soil and groundwater contamination from coal tar and related compounds; and contains a number of case histories showing the practical applications of the theory. A valuable reference for the working professional.
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A simple guide with an example for the design of Precast Concrete Box Culvert:
• Introduction
• Applications
• Manufacturing Methods
• Design Procedures & Joints
• Installation
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Energy security, rising energy prices (oil, gas, electricity), 'peak oil', environmental pollution, nuclear energy, climate change and sustainable living are hot topics across the globe. Meanwhile, abundant and perpetual wind resources offer opportunities, via recent technological developments, to provide part of the solution to address these key issues.
The rapid growth of large-scale wind farm installations has now led to the generation of clean electricity for tens of millions of homes around the world. However, despite the potential to reduce the losses and costs associated with transmission and to use local wind acceleration techniques to improve energy yields, the potential for urban wind energy has yet to be realised.
Although there is increasing public interest, the uptake of urban wind energy in suitable areas has been slow. This is in part due to a lack of understanding of key issues such as: available wind resources; technology integration; planning processes (include assessment of environmental impacts and public safety due to close proximity to people and property); energy consumption in buildings versus energy production from turbines; economics (including grants, subsidies, maintenance); and the effect of complex urban windscapes on performance.
Urban Wind Energy attempts to illuminate these areas, addressing common concerns highlighting pitfalls, offering real world examples and providing a framework to assess viability in energy, environmental and economic terms. It is a comprehensive guide to urban wind energy for architects, engineers, planners, developers, investors, policy-makers, manufacturers and students as well as community organisations and home-owners interested in generating their own clean electricity.
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Autodesk Inc., a world leader in 2D and 3D design and entertainment software for the media and entertainment markets, has released update of InfraWorks 360 is a planning and design solution that enables engineers to quickly and easily convey preliminary design intent in a real-world, contextual environment, increasing stakeholder buy-in and team decision-making.
It leverages automated, rich 3D model building capability with Cloud technology and vertically-specialized functionality to provide infrastructure engineers with the industry’s most compelling conceptual design tool.
InfraWorks 360 helps organziations:
- Enable stakeholders to confidenty envision the full potential of a project.
- Create a competitive distinction to win more work.
- Empower teams to make decisions where and when needed.
- Save time and money through automated integration of data from multiple sources.
Users enjoy InfraWorks 360 because they can:
- Quickly and easily convey preliminary design intent in a real-world contextual environment.
- Effortlessly communicate and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders across the project lifecycle.
- Efficiently access and integrate data from multiple sources into a highly accurate model.
InfraWorks 360 also offers modules for Bridge Design, Roadway Design and Drainge Design.
About Autodesk
Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.
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This new edition of a highly practical text gives a detailed presentation of the design of common reinforced concrete structures to limit state theory in accordance with BS 8110.
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The Architects′ Handbook provides a comprehensive range of visual and technical information covering the great majority of building types likely to be encountered by architects, designers, building surveyors and others involved in the construction industry. It is organised by building type and concentrates very much on practical examples.
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In a continuously changing world, there has been a growing interest in the protection of vernacular heritage and earthen architecture. The need to protect and enhance this fragile heritage via intelligent responses to threats from nature and the environment has become evident.
Historically, vernacular heritage research focussed on philosophical aspects and surveys, while earthen architecture studies emphasized earthen material and construction techniques. However, for these particular forms of heritage to survive, academic research had to shift its focus, so as to respond to new challenges. Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture gathers contributions of key international researchers from 50 countries, and covers a wide variety of topics:
Cultural heritage and building cultures
Materials and construction techniques
Territory and environmental adaptation
Energy effi ciency and sustainable design
Natural hazards and risk mitigation
Education and research focus
Vernacular Heritage & Earthen Architecture: Contributions for Sustainable Development discusses the threats that vernacular and earthen heritage are facing, and refl ects on their important contribution to sustainable development. The book will prove to be a valuable source of information for academics, researchers and professionals in the fi elds of vernacular heritage, conservation, architecture, civil engineering and construction, and can be used as a reference text for undergraduate and post-graduate courses in vernacular heritage and earthen architecture.
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