The Continuum Aesthetics Series looks at the aesthetic questions and issues raised by all major art forms. Stimulating, engaging and highly readable, the series offers food for thought not only for students of aesthetics, but also for anyone with an interest in philosophy and the arts. Aesthetics and Architecture places analytical philosophical aesthetics at the heart of thinking about, and looking at, architecture. The book looks at classic and contemporary aesthetic and philosophical views of architecture.
It considers, with stimulating insight and great clarity, how Classicism, Modernism, Structuralism, Post-structuralism and Situationism have influenced architectural aesthetics and shaped our view of the built environment. It also explores the challenges to the various intellectual and cultural movements that inform how people create and look at buildings. The book moves on to investigate the aesthetic qualities, demands and approaches specific to architecture and architectural thinking, concluding with 'a programme for contemporary architecture'. Anyone studying or interested in architecture or philosophical aesthetics will find this book a rich source of ideas, insight and information. Combining a clear and engaging style with a sophisticated treatment of a fascinating subject, Aesthetics and Architecture is a valuable contribution to contemporary aesthetics - one that revitalises the way we look at the form, purpose and meaning of our built environment.
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The importance of education in a global economy is undisputed, and in the wake of international assessment studies schools and kindergartens have become the focus of considerable public interest. As a new generation of educational environments are designed and built, this Design Manual helps architects to grasp the underlying educational theories and how they can be realized in built form, so that the building fulfils its role as a 3-dimensional curriculum plan.
Over 80 international case studies covering all school types are examined and explained in the context of varying national and cultural education approaches. Among the key themes analyzed are the impact of modern communication technology, acoustic and lighting design, sustainability, internal circulation and outdoor spaces, renovation and adaptation to changing requirements.
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Joints in steel construction: Moment-Resisting Joints to Eurocode 3
BCSA/SCI Connections Group
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This book examines the physical background of engineering acoustics, focusing on empirically obtained engineering experience as well as on measurement techniques and engineering methods for prognostics. Its goal is not only to describe the state of art of engineering acoustics but also to give practical help to engineers in order to solve acoustic problems. It deals with the origin, the transmission and the methods of the abating different kinds of air-borne and structure-borne sounds caused by various mechanisms – from traffic to machinery and flow-induced sound. In addition the modern aspects of room and building acoustics, as well as psychoacoustics and active noise control, are covered.
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On behalf of the Applied Technology Council (ATC) and the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), we would like to invite you to join us in San Francisco on December 10-12, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Following the success of the 2009 conference, this state-of-the-industry forum continues the effort of improving the seismic performance of existing buildings and other structures.
The program is being planned to provide a forum for the presentation and exchange of new information on the seismic evaluation and seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, including case studies, new discoveries, innovative use of new technologies and materials, implementation issues, needed improvements to existing standards and methods, and socio-economic issues. The goal is to provide an invaluable opportunity to advance the understanding of the tools, techniques, and innovations available to assist the attendees in meeting the challenges of seismic evaluation and rehabilitation.
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Understanding Urban Metabolism addresses the gap between the bio-physical sciences and urban planning and illustrates the advantages of accounting for urban metabolism issues in urban design decisions. Urban metabolism considers a city as a system, and distinguishes between energy and material flows as its components. Based on research from the BRIDGE project, this book deals with how the urban surface exchanges and transforms energy, water, carbon and pollutants in cities. This book also introduces a new method for evaluating how planning alternatives can modify the physical flows of urban metabolism components and how environmental and socioeconomic components interact.
The inclusion of sustainability principles into urban planning provides an opportunity to place the new knowledge provided by bio-physical sciences at the centre of the planning process, but there is a strong need to bridge knowledge and practice, as well as for a better dissemination of research results and exchange of best practice. This book meets that need and provides the reader with the necessary tools to integrate an understanding of urban metabolism into urban planning practice.
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Autodesk® React Structures is intuitive structural analysis software that connects to the BIM process.
Fast, intuitive analysis modeler makes it easy to make changes as designs evolve.
The single platform that analyzes a range of structure types and materials.
Reliable two-way integration with other Autodesk® solutions such as Revit® and Advance Steel, allowing the use of a single model for design and analysis.
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Fracture mechanics has established itself as an important discipline of growing interest to those working to assess the safety, reliability and service life of engineering structures and materials. In order to calculate the loading situation at cracks and defects, nowadays numerical techniques like finite element method (FEM) have become indispensable tools for a broad range of applications. The present monograph provides an introduction to the essential concepts of fracture mechanics, its main goal being to procure the special techniques for FEM analysis of crack problems, which have to date only been mastered by experts. All kinds of static, dynamic and fatigue fracture problems are treated in two- and three-dimensional elastic and plastic structural components. The usage of the various solution techniques is demonstrated by means of sample problems selected from practical engineering case studies. The primary target group includes graduate students, researchers in academia and engineers in practice.
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