Zprofile is an AutoLISP routine to facilitate the generation of profile drawings from data prepared in Excel spreadsheets. It has been tested for compatibility with AutoCAD and IntelliCAD. Zprofile is the latest version of software which has been under progressive, project-based development since 1994 to meet the needs of irrigation and drainage projects, for which large numbers of profile drawings are required.
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A brief presentation about Wave Loading on Bridge Structures by
AASHTO Bridge Subcommittee
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Powerful, yet easy-to-use, FX Draw provides a high-productivity drawing environment designed specifically for mathematics teachers. Quickly create high-quality diagrams for tests, exams, worksheets, web sites, presentations and demonstrations
Function Graphs:
#Polar Graphs
#Conic Sections
#Implicitly Defined Functions
#Shaded Integrals
#Normal Distribution Curves
#Number Lines
#Derivative Curves
#Tangent Lines
#Implicitly Defined Inequations
Geometric Diagrams
#Parallel Line Theorems
#Circle Geometry
#Geometric Constructions
#Regular Polygons
#Angle Marks
Statistical Graphs
#Box & Whisker Plots
#Dot Frequency Diagrams
#Back-to-back Histograms
#Line Graphs & MPA
#Bar Graphs
#Column Graphs
#Cumulative Frequency Plots
#Frequency Polygons
#Residuals Graph
#Stem & Leaf Graph
#Triangular Graph
#Random Number Generators
#Time Series Data Generator
#Bivariate Data Generator
and much more...
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Steel Building Design Worked examples for students
Author(s): M E Brettle
Size: 1.1 MB
Abstract: This publication offers a general overview of the design of steel framed buildings to the structural Eurocodes and includes a set of worked examples showing the design of structural elements within a notional building. It does not present structural theory or explain detailed design rules. It is intended to be of particular help in undergraduate teaching, although it will also provide guidance to practising designers who want to become acquainted with design to the Eurocodes.
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Dissemination of information for training –Lisbon 10-11 February 2011
Object and salient features of EN 1998-5
Relations with EN 1997
Ground properties (strength, stiffness, material factors)
Requirements for construction site
Earth retaining structures
Foundation system: shallow and deep foundation
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MiniTool Partition Wizard is a piece of easy-to-use partitioning software with high security and efficiency. Due to its simple user interface, users can create, delete, format, move, and resize partitions with ease. What’s more, data will always be protected when whey users are using MiniTool Partition Wizard to move and resize partitions.
Main functions of MiniTool Partition Wizard
Basic Partition Management
Create Partition ,Delete Partition ,Format Partition ,Hide Partition ,Change Drive Letter ,Set Partition Label, Explore Partition ,Check File System ,Set Active Advanced Partition Management
Move/Resize Partition ,Extend Partition ,Merge Partition ,Split Partition ,Align Partition ,Copy Partition ,Wipe Partition ,Convert NTFS to FAT 32 ,Set Partition as Primary ,Set Partition as Logical, Change Cluster Size ,Change Serial Number, Change Partition Type ,Wipe Partition, Copy Partition ,Wizard Partition ,Recovery Wizard, Basic Disk Management , Disk Clone, Delete All Partitions ,Align All Partitions Recover
i saw this program , it looks interresting
MiniTool Partition Wizard professiional
Size: 29.8 MB
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Have you ever wondered what the difference is between Gothic and Gothic Revival, or how to distinguish between Baroque and Neoclassical? This guide makes extensive use of photographs to identify and explain the characteristic features of nearly 300 buildings. The result is a clear and easy-to-navigate guide to identifying the key styles of western architecture from the classical age to the present day.
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A comparative study of different objective functions to improve the flood forecasting accuracy
by Meng-Xuan Jie, Hua Chen, Chong-Yu Xu, Qiang Zeng, Xin-e Tao
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Six-Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Structural Problems
Author(s)/Editor(s): Christine A. Subasic PE | Size: 4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc. | Year: 2014 | pages: 108 | ISBN: 1591264650, 9781591264651
Targeted Training for Solving Civil PE Exam Structural Multiple-Choice Problems
Six-Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Structural Problems contains 100 multiple-choice problems representative of the Civil PE exam’s format and structural knowledge areas. The first 20 problems cover civil breadth exam structural topics. The remaining 80 problems cover civil depth exam structural topics.
Six-Minute Solutions includes hints that provide problem-solving guidance when you need it. Each solution describes common errors so you can avoid choosing incorrect answers. You’ll learn accurate and efficient solving methods by reviewing each problem’s comprehensive, step-by-step solution. Solutions also frequently reference the Civil PE exam structural codes and standards to help familiarize you with the references you’ll use on exam day.
Due to the changes in codes for the 2015 NCEES PE exam, there are some updates to this edition. Though not all of PPI's products reflect the adopted editions of the new design standards, in most cases the principles change very little. While specific procedures, equations, or values may change gradually from one edition of a design or reference standard to the next, PPI’s books continue to provide an appropriate overview of the concepts presented, and will prepare you for the upcoming exams.
Structural Topics Covered
Mechanics of Materials
Member Design
Design Criteria
Referenced Codes and Standards
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318)
Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures (ACI 530/530.1)
AISC Steel Construction Manual
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE7)
International Building Code (IBC)
National Design Specification for Wood Construction and Supplement (NDS/NDS Supp.)
PCI Design Handbook (PCI)
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Structural Depth Practice Exams for the Civil PE Exam, Second Edition
Author(s)/Editor(s): James Giancaspro PhD PE | Size: 3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc. | Year: 2014 | pages: 96 | ISBN: 1591264618
Two Realistic, 40-Problem Structural Depth Exams
Structural Depth Practice Exams for the Civil PE Exam contains two 40-problem, multiple-choice exams consistent with the NCEES Civil PE structural depth exam’s format and specifications.
Consistent with the actual exam, the problems in Structural Depth Practice Exams for the Civil PE Exam require an average of six minutes to solve. Enhance your time-management skills by taking each exam within the same four-hour time limit as the actual exam. Then, evaluate your performance using the two individual answer keys. Comprehensive step-by-step solutions demonstrate accurate and efficient problem-solving approaches. Solutions also frequently refer to the codes and references adopted by NCEES to help you determine which resources you’ll likely use on exam day.
Structural Depth Practice Exams will help you to:
effectively familiarize yourself with the exam scope and format quickly identify accurate and efficient problem-solving approaches successfully connect relevant theory to exam-like problems efficiently navigate through exam-adopted codes and standards confidently solve problems under timed conditions
Referenced Codes and Standards
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (AASHTO)
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318)
Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ACI 530)
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE7)
Structural Welding Code—Steel (AWS D1.1)
International Building Code (IBC)
National Design Specification for Wood Construction ASD/LFRD (NDS)
PCI Design Handbook (PCI)
Steel Construction Manual (AISC)
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