This Standard provides the criteria and minimum requirements for the design, manufacture, assembly, construction, inspection and maintenance of steel structures and steel composite structures - concrete buildings, as well as that of its members, components, joints and connections, which are planned or implemented in the country, and be applied in conjunction with the Venezuelan Standards and COVENIN -MINDUR. This standard applies to both new buildings and the evaluation, adaptation, rehabilitation, strengthening or repair of existing buildings that meet the requirements of Venezuelan COVENIN - Building Seismic MINDUR 1756-1998. Temporary or interim work must also comply with the provisions of this standard.
Excluding the domain of application of this Standard: hollow sections, cold formed profiles and open web joists (joists), which are governed by specific rules. See transitional provisions. The term structural steel used in this Standard refers to any member or element described in the contract documents as such and / or the need for strength and stability of the structure. These members and structural steel elements are listed in general terms in COVENIN - Standardized MINDUR 1755 Code for the Construction and Steel Structures practices.
The notation used in this standard essentially corresponds to that contained in the Standards of the American Institute of Steel Construction, AISC, especially AISC-LRFD 1993 standard. The system corresponds to MKS units: meter (m), Kilogram force (kgf), Second (s).
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This code establishes requirements for the design and implementation of structural concrete buildings that are planned or built in the country. Applies to all aspects of the design, construction, inspection, supervision, maintenance, evaluation, adjustment or repair, as well as the properties and quality assurance of materials. Temporary or interim work must comply with the provisions of this standard.
Where appropriate, this Statement or any part thereof, is applied to the design, construction, inspection, monitoring and maintenance of structures for silos, grain elevators, warehouses, structures explosives testing, and other civil works, without prejudice to other specific technical criteria for the purposes of each work. Excluded from this standard:
The concrete with less than 1400 kgf / m3 unit weights.
The concrete with higher compressive strength specified in 600 kgf / cm2.
Members exposed to temperatures above 100 ° C.
The structures or members pre or post-tensioned concrete.
Structural systems consisting of prefabricated members.
The concrete used in mixed steel-concrete constructions comply with the provisions of this standard. Mixed steel-concrete members not included in this Statement are subject to the Venezuelan Standard 1618. Included within the scope of this standard the following members of steel-concrete composite structures: Mixed steel-concrete columns when the area structural steel profile is less than 4% of the total area of the mixed column. See Article 10.7. Concrete slabs emptied on sheets of corrugated metal (metal soffit) designed and built without considering joint action steel - concrete. See Chapter 16.
In addition to the general requirements of the particular project in this Standard, the buildings must comply with the special provisions for earthquake resistant design according to the design level. Levels of Design, ND, required in different seismic zones are set out in standard Covenin 1756.
This code is based on the Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary (ACI 318R-05) of the American Concrete Institute with the amendments that were considered appropriate to adapt to our environment. Unlike the existing 318 ACI Code, the requirements of earthquake-resistant design are integrated in all the articles. This is reflected in Chapter 18, which is now more rational system. This aspect is also reflected in the design of foundations, which is in Chapter 15.
The units used in this Standard for the Technical System MKS, Metro-Kilogram-force Segundo, predominantly used the kilogram-force (kgf) and centimeter (cm) and combinations thereof; It is indicated in parentheses, the corresponding unit in the International System of Units SI.
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Project Scheduling Rules
Generally Accepted Rules According to PMI and DoD
By Nader Khorrami Rad, PMP
1st edition
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Author(s)/Editor(s): David W. Lewis | Size: 10 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 1991 | pages: 308 | ISBN: 9810239068
This book provides an introduction to matrix theory and aims to provide a clear and concise exposition of the basic ideas, results and techniques in the subject. Complete proofs are given, and no knowledge beyond high school mathematics is necessary. The book includes many examples, applications and exercises for the reader, so that it can used both by students interested in theory and those who are mainly interested in learning the techniques.
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This third edition of the book has been completely re-written, providing a wider scope and enhanced coverage. It covers the general principles of the natural occurrence, pollution sources, chemical analysis, soil chemical behaviour and soil-plant-animal relationships of heavy metals and metalloids, followed by a detailed coverage of 21 individual elements, including: antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gold, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, tin, tungsten, uranium, vanadium and zinc. The book is highly relevant for those involved in environmental science, soil science, geochemistry, agronomy, environmental health, and environmental engineering, including specialists responsible for the management and clean-up of contaminated land.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Roger A. Horn, Charles R. Johnson | Size: 4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 2013 | pages: 662 | ISBN: 0521839408, 9780521839402
Linear algebra and matrix theory are fundamental tools in mathematical and physical science, as well as fertile fields for research. This new edition of the acclaimed text presents results of both classic and recent matrix analysis using canonical forms as a unifying theme, and demonstrates their importance in a variety of applications. The authors have thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded on the first edition. The book opens with an extended summary of useful concepts and facts and includes numerous new topics and features, such as: - New sections on the singular value and CS decompositions - New applications of the Jordan canonical form - A new section on the Weyr canonical form - Expanded treatments of inverse problems and of block matrices - A central role for the Von Neumann trace theorem - A new appendix with a modern list of canonical forms for a pair of Hermitian matrices and for a symmetric-skew symmetric pair - Expanded index with more than 3,500 entries for easy reference - More than 1,100 problems and exercises, many with hints, to reinforce understanding and develop auxiliary themes such as finite-dimensional quantum systems, the compound and adjugate matrices, and the Loewner ellipsoid - A new appendix provides a collection of problem-solving hints.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): L.Bers | Size: 7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: American Mathematical Society | pages: 361
This book consists of two main parts. The first part, ""Hyperbolic and Parabolic Equations"", written by F. John, contains a well-chosen assortment of material intended to give an understanding of some problems and techniques involving hyperbolic and parabolic equations. The emphasis is on illustrating the subject without attempting to survey it. The point of view is classical, and this serves well in furnishing insight into the subject; it also makes it possible for the lectures to be read by someone familiar with only the fundamentals of real and complex analysis.The second part, ""Elliptic Equations"", written by L. Bers and M. Schechter, contains a very readable account of the results and methods of the theory of linear elliptic equations, including the maximum principle, Hilbert-space methods, and potential-theoretic methods. It also contains a brief discussion of some quasi-linear elliptic equations. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in partial differential equations.
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Bentley Systems Inc., a leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the CONNECT Edition version of MicroStation is an innovative CAD platform used by teams of architects, engineers, contractors, and GIS professionals to integrate work on buildings, civil engineering projects, power plants, and geospatial information.
Bentley Systems announced new programs at the inaugural CONNECTION Event introducing the CONNECT Edition. The CONNECT Edition provides the first common environment for comprehensive project delivery – comprising a common modeling environment, commonperformance environment, and commondata environment. The CONNECT Edition leverages the Microsoft Azure cloudservice to span hybrid computing configurations for every project and enterprise. From the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pa., the CONNECTION Event series moves on to 28 cities around the globe over the next five months.
MicroStation CONNECT Edition: Introductory Access Program
MicroStation CONNECT Edition provides the common modeling environment for comprehensive infrastructure delivery. Its innovations, which include functional components and a common documentation center, enable optioneering across disciplines.
About Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.
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The proceedings of WCCM – ECCM – ECFD 2014 Congress
Author(s)/Editor(s): Eugenio Oñate, Xavier Oliver and Antonio Huerta | Size: 604 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Year: 2014
The International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) and the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) are pleased to announce the joint organization of
11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI) and 5th. European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V)
6th. European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI)
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