Heatherwick's textured-tower University of Nanyang Technology
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After more than two years of construction, has this week announced the completion of the new building at the University of Nanyang Technology, designed by Thomas Heatherwick British. With an indoor area of 14,000 meters square the structure is enclosed by vertical tubular volumes, similar to a natural honeycomb hive. The new building is part of a wider plan of value close to 360 million euros, rehabilitation campus of that university in Singapore.
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A little booklet on how to treat cracks in concrete structures .
a crack generally need not be repaired unless it meets one or more of these conditions:
1. Its width exceeds 1mm (1/32 in) and it is exposed to hard-wheeled traffic.
2. It spalls under traffic, regardless of width.
3. It shows differential movement under traffic.
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This code covers welding fabrication requirements applicable to welded highway bridges. It is to be used in conjunction with the AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges or the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
This code covers the welding requirements for AASHTO welded highway bridges made from carbon and low-alloy constructional steels. This 2002 edition contains dimensions in metric SI Units and U.S. Customary Units. Sections 1 through 7 constitute a body of rules for the regulation of welding in steel construction. Section 9 of the previous edition has had its provisions distributed throughout the 2002 edition. Sections 8, 10, and 11 do not contain provisions, as their analogue D1.1 sections are not applicable to the D1.5 Code. Section 12 contains the requirements for fabricating fracture critical members.
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The software HAMMER ranked first in the industry among the products for transient analysis and water hammer modeling and transient analysis. Utilities, municipalities and engineering companies around the world use the software HAMMER to efficiently identify, control and minimize the risks associated with transients
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MindGenius is a business productivity tool with an intuitive mind mapping functionality at its core, designed for users eager to increase personal, team and organisational effectiveness.
Integrating with Microsoft Office, Outlook and Project, MindGenius enhances and complements the productivity tools that you use every day.
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MindGenius is the tool you use to organise your work, projects and ideas. It is the application of choice for professionals when they need to gain clarity, think something through, gather ideas, scope a project or bring a complex subject into focus.
Like other mind mapping tools, MindGenius is perfect for visualising interconnected ideas and topics. But it goes much further via integration with the other productivity and project management tools that you use every day, and also via the rich analysis capability that allows you to reorganise and represent the information in multiple ways.
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As with individual productivity, MindGenius channels the energies of a team of colleagues and drives focus, collaboration, understanding, efficiency and effectiveness.
MindGenius lets you hold better, faster meetings because the information you discuss will become structured and understood more rapidly. Teams need to scope projects, brainstorm ideas, and structure, share and present information: mind mapping is the ideal productivity method for such activities and MindGenius is the best application for a business environment because it integrates with Microsoft Office, Outlook and Project.
Teams that use MindGenius move quickly, innovate, create and succeed.
Effective Organisations
MindGenius is an enterprise grade software product with cloud capabilities, advanced interoperability with Microsoft Office, Outlook and Project, an intuitive Microsoft user experience, advanced analytical, reporting and project management capabilities, and a variety of unique features designed with the business user in mind.
MindGenius makes organisations more productive because it delivers improved working processes, interoperability and communications benefits. Some of these benefits include:
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Improved collaboration and task management within teams
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Simplicity and Confidence in Seismic Design (Mallet-Milne Lecture 4th)
Author(s)/Editor(s): T. Paulay | Size: 80 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 1994 | pages: 68 | ISBN: 978-0471943105
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1) "The effect of surface heave on the response of partially embedded pipelines on clay", Merifield R., White D.J., Randolph M.F.
ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 135(6), pg.819-829, 2009
2) "The relation between the shear strength of sands in triaxial compression, plane strain and direct shear", Rowe P.W.
Géotechnique 19(1), pg.75-86, 1967
The code shall apply to the welding of:
1. Reinforcing steel to reinforcing steel, and
2. Reinforcing steel to carbon or low-alloy structural steel.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda (MIDUVI) | Size: 4,87 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda (MIDUVI) | Year: 2014
NEC - SE - CG code (Minimum loads):
The NECSE-CG provides a general framework for structural designer. Loads to be considered in the calculation and design of all types of structures are:
• permanent loads (minimum dead loads in particular).
• variable loads (live loads, wind and hail).
They will be complemented by accidental loads are seismic loads (in new construction and rehabilitation), subject to the NEC-SE-DS and NEC-SE-RE standards. Shall not be taken into account:
• temporary loads due to the construction process,
• dynamic wind loads,
• loads or accelerations due to moving vehicles, explosion, sinking foundations and others due to natural phenomena.
NEC - SE - MP code (Masonry):
This chapter presents criteria and minimum requirements for the design and construction of structures of unreinforced masonry, reinforced masonry and confined masonry, up to 4 floors. The requirements of this chapter are aimed at achieving an appropriate behavior of structural masonry buildings in low load conditions defined in the NEC-GCSE. Structures able to withstand all expected internal stresses (compression, tension, bending, torsion, etc. and combinations thereof), to deform and move permissible way to design.
Units: units will be used S.I. according to ISO 1000 Standard.
NEC - SE - HM code (Structural concrete):
The structural elements of reinforced concrete must comply with the latest specifications of the ACI-318 code. The seismic design will be in accordance with the NEC-SE-DS standard, indicating except Chapter 21 of ACI-318 code (Earthquake Resistant Structures). The provisions of this chapter apply to the design of buildings where seismic loads resistant system consists of:
• special frames,
• reinforced concrete structural walls.
This NEC-SE-HM is for reinforced concrete. For other types of concrete, not specified in this standard, it should refer to the following chapters of the ACI 318:
• Chapter 16 (Precast concrete)
• Chapter 18 (Prestressed Concrete)
• Chapter 22 (Single structural concrete)
International system of units (SI) according to the ISO 1000 standard are used.
NEC - SE - AC code (Structural steel):
These provisions consider that steel structures will be designed, manufactured and assembled using hot rolled profiles or armed assembled by means of welded plates.
These provisions shall apply where the reduction coefficient of seismic response R, specified in the NEC-SE-DS of these standards is greater than 3. The structural steel systems designed to higher-R 3 is expected to dissipate energy from movements design ground through inelastic deformations of the structure. For those cases where the rate of reduction of seismic response, R, is equal to or less than 3, no need to meet the requirements in these provisions, except for special systems of columns projecting where it must meet the requirements included in these systems.
The provisions in this chapter are based on the provisions presented in the ANSI / AISC 341-05 documents, ANSI / AISC 341-10 (Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings), 358-05 (prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Applications) and FEMA 350 Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment Frame Buildings). These documents reflect the most current relative to the seismic performance of structural steel buildings in the United States knowledge.
Specifications and codes referenced in these provisions shall be those listed in Section A2 of the ANSI / AISC 360-10.
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