The book is an attempt to introduce Chinese gardens in various cities from unique professional perspectives, demonstrating the exquisiteness of traditional gardens in an effort to present the skilful and elaborate designs. The Chinese gardens presented here are classified in three categories: Traditional Chinese private gardens, Historic Chinese gardens in modern time, and Newly-built Chinese gardens. Traditional Chinese private gardens value harmony between man and nature.
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Structural Fire Performance of Contemporary Post-tensioned Concrete Construction
Author(s)/Editor(s): John Gales, Kathleen Hartin, Luke A. Bisby | Size: 4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2015 | pages: 104 | ISBN: 1493932799
This SpringerBrief equips readers to develop defensible fire safety designs for a range of concrete structures. It identifies current gaps in the research and provides a more complete understanding of the structural and thermal response of contemporary Post-tensioned (PT) concrete structures to fire. The brief includes chapters on contemporary construction using PT concrete, previous structural fire test research programs, recent research programs, real fire case studies, and current research needs. It explores the progression of PT concrete structures, looking at the sustainability and aesthetic benefits, the ongoing development of stronger concretes, and best practice guidance for improving safety in the event of fire. Designed for practitioners and researchers in fire engineering, this brief is a valuable tool for those studying the impact of fire on concrete, fire safety designs, and building safety optimization. Advanced-level students in civil engineering will also find the content useful.
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This book presents key advances in the modeling of reinforcement corrosion and concrete durability. It also examines various further aspects of reinforcement corrosion and concrete durability, striking a balance between modeling and testing. Particular attention is paid to innovative treatments for avoiding deterioration, and to methods for modeling performance in a real environment. Some basic aspects related to non-destructive testing techniques are also discussed. Deterioration-related topics addressed in the book include the basis for modeling alkali-silica reactions, chloride diffusion and the development of concrete microstructure; measurement-related topics include cathodic protection, polarization resistance and resistivity. A combined approach using the AFM technique and polarization measurements is examined, and the relation between cracking and corrosion and the treatment of concrete with hydrophobes or innovative products such as hydrotalcite is also discussed.
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Strain Hardening Cement Composites, SHCC hereafter, demonstrate excellent mechanical behavior showing tensile strain hardening and multiple fine cracks. This strain hardening behavior improves the durability of concrete structures employing SHCC and the multiple fine cracks enhance structural performance. Reliable tensile performance of SHCC enables us to design structures explicitly accounting for SHCC’s tensile properties. Reinforced SHCC elements (R/SHCC) indicate large energy absorbing performance under large seismic excitation. Against various types of loads, R/SHCC elements can be designed by superimposing re-bar performance and SHCC’s tensile performance.
This report focuses on flexural design, shear design, FE modeling and anti-seismic design of R/SHCC elements as well as application examples. Establishing design methods for new materials usually leads to exploring application areas and this trend should be demonstrated by collecting actual application examples of SHCC in structures.
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In this edited volume on advances in forensic geotechnical engineering, a number of technical contributions by experts and professionals in this area are included. The work is the outcome of deliberations at various conferences in the area conducted by Prof. G.L. Sivakumar Babu and Dr. V.V.S. Rao as secretary and Chairman of Technical Committee on Forensic Geotechnical Engineering of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ISSMGE). This volume contains papers on topics such as guidelines, evidence/data collection, distress characterization, use of diagnostic tests (laboratory and field tests), back analysis, failure hypothesis formulation, role of instrumentation and sensor-based technologies, risk analysis, technical shortcomings. This volume will prove useful to researchers and practitioners alike.
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# Title: An Analysis of System Flexibility and its Effect on Time-Lag in Pore-Water Pressure Measurements
# Author(s): R. E. Gibson
# Publisher: Géotechnique - Volume 13 Issue 1, March 1963, pp. 1-11
# ISSN: 0016-8505
# E-ISSN: 1751-7656
# Title: Pore pressure equalization of piezometers in compressible soils
# Author(s): J. Premchitt and E. W. Brand
# Publisher: Géotechnique - Volume 31 Issue 1, March 1981, pp. 105-123
# ISSN: 016-8505
# E-ISSN:1751-7656
# Title: Shape factors of cylindrical piezometers
# Author(s): E. W Brand, and J. Premchitt
# Publisher: Géotechnique - Volume 30 Issue 4, December 1980, pp. 369-384
# ISSN: 0016-8505
# E-ISSN:1751-7656
# Title: Response characteristics of cylindrical piezometers
# Author(s): E. W Brand, and J. Premchitt
# Publisher: Géotechnique - Volume 32 Issue 3, September 1982, pp. 203-216
# ISSN: 0016-8505
# E-ISSN:1751-7656
The Langham Place development was born in 1988 when t h e then-Land Development Corporation (later replaced by the Urban Renewal Authority) launched four major urban renewal projects. The Mongkok project, dubbed K2, was the largest with a footprint covering several blocks and straddling Shanghai Street. Though best known for its Bird Street, the group of city blocks mainly housed aging low-rise residential buildings and a cooked food market.
Architects Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd were brought onto the project at its inception to work with the LDC in creating a feasible masterplan for tendering. Developer Great Eagle Holdings Ltd was subsequently selected in 1989 to become the jointventure developer (and later the managing partner) of the project and a lengthy process to acquire more than 500 property rights within the project’s boundary was set in motion — a task that eventually spanned years.
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Compaction is the application of mechanical energy to a soil to rearrange the particles and reduce the void ratio.
•The principal reason for compacting soil is to reduce subsequent settlement under working loads
• Compaction increases the shear strength of the soil.
• Compaction reduces the voids ratio making it more difficult for water to flow through soil. This is important if the soil is being used to retain water such as would be required for an earth dam.
• Compaction can prevent the build up of large water pressures that cause soil to liquefy during earthquakes.
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Article/eBook Full Name: ASTM A1067M-12a-Standard Specification for Test Coupons for Steel Castings
Author(s): Subcommittee: A01.18
Publish Date: 2012
Published By: ASTM
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