One of the most exciting new trends in water quality management today is the movement by many cities, counties, states, and private-sector developers toward the increased use of Low Impact Development (LID) to help protect and restore water quality. LID comprises a set of approaches and practices that are designed to reduce runoff of water and pollutants from the site at which they are generated. By means of infiltration, evapotranspiration, and reuse of rainwater, LID techniques manage water and water pollutants at the source and thereby prevent or reduce the impact of development on rivers, streams, lakes, coastal waters, and ground water. This book summarizes 17 case studies of developments that include Low Impact Development (LID) practices and concludes that applying LID techniques can reduce project costs and improve environmental performance. This book also compares green energy programs and policies in China and the United States
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This book aims to serve as an essential reference to facilitate civil engineers involved in the design of new conventional (ordinary) reinforced concrete (R/C) buildings regulated by the current European EC8 (EN 1998-1:2004) and EC2 (EN 1992-1-1:2004) codes of practice. The book provides unique step-by-step flowcharts which take the reader through all the required operations, calculations, and verification checks prescribed by the EC8 provisions. These flowcharts are complemented by comprehensive discussions and practical explanatory comments on critical aspects of the EC8 code-regulated procedure for the earthquake resistant design of R/C buildings. Further, detailed analysis and design examples of typical multi-storey three-dimensional R/C buildings are included to illustrate the required steps for achieving designs of real-life structures which comply with the current EC8 provisions. These examples can be readily used as verification tutorials to check the reliability of custom-made computer programs and of commercial Finite Element software developed/used for the design of earthquake resistant R/C buildings complying with the EC8 (EN 1998-1:2004) code.
This book will be of interest to practitioners working in consulting and designing engineering companies and to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate level civil engineering students attending cours es and curricula in the earthquake resistant design of structures and/or undertaking pertinent design projects.
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This manual has been prepared to provide Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) bridge design engineers with a guide to the design criteria, analysis methods, and detailing procedures for the preparation of highway bridge and structure construction plans, specifications, and estimates.
It is not intended to be a textbook on structural engineering. It is a guide to acceptable WSDOT practice. This manual does not cover all conceivable problems that may arise, but is intended to be sufficiently comprehensive to, along with sound engineering judgment, provide a safe guide for bridge engineering.
It include the following parts :
-General Information
-Preliminary Design
-Seismic Design and Retrofit
-Concrete Structures
-Structural Steel
-Substructure Design
-Walls and Buried Structures
-Bearings and Expansion Joints
-Signs, Barriers, Approach Slabs, and Utilities
-Detailing Practice
-Quantities, Costs, and Specifications
-Bridge Load Rating
with all references
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This regulation provides the minimum requirements for the design and construction of structural concrete elements of any structure built according to the requirements of general building codes legally adopted, which this regulation forms part. In places where you do not have an legally adopted building regulations, these regulations define the minimum acceptable provisions in the practice of design and construction.
The 2005 regulation revises the earlier version of "Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-02)." This regulation includes in a single document the rules for all concrete used for structural purposes, including plain concrete and reinforced concrete both. The term "structural concrete" is used to refer to everything simple or reinforced concrete used for structural purposes. This covers the spectrum of uses of concrete structural concrete from the simplest to the reinforced concrete not prestressing with prestressing steel or composite sections with steel or pipes.
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Using dynamic programming for aggregating cuts in a single drillhole
Mark E. Gershona & Frederic H. Murphya
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Based on the publication "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings" (American National Standard ANSI / AISC 360-10) published by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC).
This specification establishes criteria for the design, fabrication and installation of structural steel buildings and other structures where other structures are defined as those structures designed, manufactured and assembled in a similar way to the building, thus indicating that its resistant elements vertical and lateral loads are similar to those resistant building systems.
If this specification refers to the applicable building code, and the code does not exist, loads, load combinations, system limitations, and general design requirements are set out in ASCE / SEI 7.
When these conditions are not covered by this specification, allowing the design is made based on tests or analyzes, provided they are approved by the competent authority.
The use of alternative methods of analysis and design, to the extent that such methods are accepted by the competent authority are allowed.
Seismic Applications: The code Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI-AISC 341) should be applied in the design of earthquake resistant systems structural steel or structural steel acting in combination with concrete, unless specifically exempted by the applicable building code. The provisions of Annex 1 of this specification should not be applied to the seismic design of buildings or other structures.
Nuclear Applications: In addition to the provisions of this specification, the design, manufacture and assembly of nuclear structures must meet the requirements of Safety-related Specification for Steel Structures for Nuclear Facilities (AISC ANSI-N690).
The design is made in accordance with the provisions of the design method based on factors Load and Resistance (LRFD) or any method based Design Allowable Resistance (ASD).
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Author(s)/Editor(s): N. Subramanian | Size: 38 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Oxford University Press | Year: March , 2014 | pages: 890 | ISBN: 9780198086949
This book provides an extensive coverage of the design of reinforced concrete structures in accordance with the current Indian code of practice (IS 456: 2000). As some of the Indian code provisions are outdated, the American code provisions are provided, wherever necessary. In addition, an attempt is made to integrate the provisions of IS 456 with earthquake code (IS 13920), as more than 60% of India falls under moderate or severe earthquake zones. The text is based on the limit state approach to design and covers areas such as the properties of concrete, design of various structural elements such as compression and tension members, beams & slabs, and design for flexure, shear torsion, uni-axial and biaxial bending and interaction of these forces. Each chapter features solved examples, review questions, and practice problems as well as ample illustrations that supplement the text. An exhaustive list of references as well as appendices on strut-and-tie-method, properties of soils, and practical tips add value to the rich contents of book.
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Dear all, maybe someone in here have this document and can shared to us, thanks
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Design Guide for Pile Caps
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
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Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
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CANADA - Illustrated guide for Seismic Design of Houses
Author(s)/Editor(s): The Homeowner Protection Office (HPO) & FPInnovations | Size: 2,78 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: The Queenʼs Printer of British Columbia | Year: 2012 | pages: 28
This guide has been developed to assist house designers and builders in understanding and complying with the new BC Building Code requirements applicable to Part 9 houses in high seismic regions in British Columbia.
This illustrated guide is only intended to provide readers with general information about aspects of Part 9 of the British Columbia Building Code (the “Code”). Readers are urged not to rely simply on this guide but to carefully review the Code and consult with appropriate and reputable professionals and construction specialists to assist in interpreting and applying the Code. It is the responsibility of all persons undertaking the design and construction of a home to fully comply with the requirements of the Code. The authors, contributors, funders and publishers assume no liability for the accuracy of the statements made or for any damage, loss, injury or expense that may be incurred or suffered as a result of the use of or reliance on the contents of this guide. The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of individual contributors or the Homeowner Protection Office, a branch of BC Housing.
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"The guidelines for design and constructions of river training and control works for road bridges" were first published in 1985. These guidelines did not include floor protection works and maintenance of the protective works. Also need for verifying the recommendations of physical model studies on mathematical model has been felt. Further, new material like geo-synthetics now find use in the strengthening of earthen embankment, slope protection and launching apron. As such need for revising the existing guidelines was felt.
Cover the layout and design of river training works and approach embankment protection works for ensuring safety of the bridges and their approaches.
Is limited only to some salient aspects of design and construction of the protection works mentioned above and does not extend to the much wider associiated problems of river behaviour, control and bridge hydraulics, etc.
The necessity or otherwise of the guidebunds, spurs and other protective works has to be decided upon carefully after observing the behaviour of the river at the site under consideration. Data about the protection works at other sites on upstream or downstream of the site under consideration can also be a good guide.
Given inadequate knowledge of and uncertainties around many aspects of bridge hydraulics and river behaviour characteristics in general, these guidelines cannot obviously claim to have any general validity of application.
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