That book underscored the practice described in Strakosch with mathematical and computer analysis. Although the content of the book remains valid today, other authors have entered the field and have contributed to the theory and practice of lift traffic design and control.
In this book, I have attempted to bring together in one place a complete treatment of elevator traffic design and control. In addition to my work in the subject, the book draws on the work of other authors in the field, which I have included, commented on, extended, agreed with, or disagreed with. The interpretations are mine, as are the mistakes.
The early chapters concern well-established practice that is generally accepted. The latter chapters contain a more philosophical discussion and present controversial aspects that may require further refinement. I would like any comments and challenges to come to me in this continuing debate. Contact details are at
My career has lead me through industry, research, teaching, consulting, code making and training. I have written this book for everyone involved in traffic design and traffic control of lift (US: elevator) installations. I have based it on theory arising out of practice. Lift traffic design is a practical science.
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Kriging interpolation method optimized by Support Vector Machine and its application in oceanic data
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This book presents the main hydrological methods and techniques used in the design and operation of hydraulic projects and the management of water resources and associated natural risks. It covers the key topics of water resources engineering, from the estimation of runoff volumes and unit hydrographs to the routing of flows along a river and through lakes, reservoirs, and hydraulic structures. It deals with questions regarding basic hydrological data, hydrological modeling and the prediction and forecasting of low flows and flood discharges.
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Design Challenges for the Tallest Building in Madrid - Caja Madrid Tower, design details.
Author(s): Arantzazu ALARCON & Gregory LAKOTA.
Published Year:2008.
Size: 4,74 MB
Quality:Original preprint
Abstract: Working closely with Foster and Partners, an astonishing column free base tower was created by supporting the entire weight of the building on only its two end cores. These heavily loaded cores allow the slender tower to efficiently resist wind loads. With a height to width ratio of 11 to 1, this 250 m tower is the ultimate in structural efficiency. To achieve this unique structure, steel trusses at intermediate mechanical levels channel loads from the floors above to the cores and serve as beams in a ‘mega-frame’ to stiffen the tower. Structural redundancy was achieved in the design by considering a failure of any one of the three truss levels. This load case was considered to ensure that total building collapse would not occur if a local failure of a truss where to occur through an accidental or premeditated event.
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This code supplements the requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Structural Welding Code—Steel. This code is intended to be applicable to welded joints in seismic load resisting systems designed in accordance with the AISC Seismic Provisions. Clauses 1–7 constitute a body of rules for the regulation of welding in seismic load resisting systems. There are seven mandatory annexes in this code. A commentary of the code is included with the document.
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Energy Modeling and Computations in the Building Envelope instills a deeper understanding of the energy interactions between buildings and the environment, based on the analysis of transfer processes operating in the building envelope components at the microscopic level. The author:
Proposes a generalized physics model that describes these interactions at the microscopic level via the macroscopic characteristics of the building envelope
Presents mathematical models that utilize classical analytical tools and can be used to perform quantitative predictions of the consequences of the energy interactions
Reveals easy-to-apply engineering methods concerning the design and inspection of the building envelope, taking into account the effects of energy on the envelope
Energy Modeling and Computations in the Building Envelope provides comprehensive coverage of this environmentally and economically important topic, from the physics of energy transfer to its numerical estimation. The book is especially useful to those looking to increase building energy efficiency, decrease the consumption of primary energy carriers, and raise the ecological sustainability of construction products.
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Sustainability in Engineering Design and Construction
Author(s)/Editor(s): J. K. Yates, Daniel Castro-Lacouture | Size: 12 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2016 | pages: 452 | ISBN: 1498733913
Successfully Measure the Benefits of Green Design and Construction
Sustainability in Engineering Design and Construction outlines the sustainable practices used in engineering design and construction operations for all types of engineering and construction projects. Aimed at ushering the engineering and construction industry into embracing sustainable practices and green construction techniques, this book addresses sustainability in engineering design and construction operations from a historical and global perspective, and delves into specific sustainability concepts and processes.
The book explains the concepts of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility (CSR), the Dow Jones Global Sustainability Index (DJGSI), key performance indicators (KPIs), corporate sustainability, and the triple bottom line (economic, environmental, and social values in design and construction). Relevant to sustainability in every facet of engineering and construction, it also covers life-cycle environmental cost analysis, discusses sustainable engineering and site selection, the economic considerations evaluated when making sustainability decisions, and explains how to measure and quantify sustainable performance and apply these practices in the real world. It also covers project and corporate level sustainability practices, sustainable construction materials and processes, sustainable heavy construction equipment, traditional and alternative energy sources, provides implementation resources for starting and evaluating sustainability programs, and includes a checklist for measuring the sustainability of construction operations.
The text contains detailed information on sustainable construction materials and processes, heavy construction equipment, and traditional and alternative energy sources. It presents information on sustainable designs, selecting sustainable sites, designing for passive survivability, designing for disassembly, and the ISO 14,000 standards. It provides implementation resources for starting and evaluating sustainability programs and a checklist for measuring the sustainability of construction operations In addition, it provides definitions of sustainability terms and expressions, as well as case studies, examples, discussion questions, and a list of supplemental references at the end of each chapter.
This book provides information on:
Definitions for sustainability terms
Sources for locating global sustainability requirements
Current sustainability issues
Environmental laws related to sustainability and their implications
Sustainable design
Life-cycle cost assessment models
Sustainable practices currently being used in the engineering and construction (E&C) industry
Corporate-level sustainability practices
Project-level sustainability practices
Global sustainability trends and implications
Sustainable materials
Sustainable heavy construction equipment
Traditional and alternative energy sources
LEED Green Building Rating System
Sustainability organizations and certification programs
Sustainability implementation resources
A summary of sustainable engineering design and construction
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A Training Tool for the Environmental Risk Professional
Environmental Risk Analysis: Probability Distribution Calculations defines the role that probability distributions play in risk analysis, and gives direction on how to measure and compare the magnitude of risk more efficiently. Designed for the practicing environmental engineer and scientist, this book clearly explains the key fundamentals, principles, and applications of probability distributions in environmental risk analysis.
Based on years of research and the author’s own experience, the book provides nearly 200 illustrative examples utilizing probability distributions, as well as numerous solved problems that involve applications in the manufacturing, chemical, refining, power/utilities, travel/aerospace, pharmaceutical, anti-terrorism/military, and nanotechnology industries. It offers an in-depth discussion of the Weibull distribution, which describes failure rate as a function of time. It also details the author’s recent efforts to improve on Weibull’s work, and covers other continuous probability distributions that can apply to risk assessment/analysis.
The book addresses environmental risk calculations that involve both discrete and continuous probability distributions. It focuses on discrete distributions that include binomial, multinomial, hypergeometric, and Poisson; and continuous distributions that include normal, lognormal, exponential, Weibull, F, and chi-square distribution.
Includes a complete overview of environmental risk and covers environmental risk-related topics
Presents a simplified approach to the industrial application of environmental risk analysis and probability distributions
Offers a practical understanding of environmental risk analysis calculations involving probability distributions
Environmental Risk Analysis: Probability Distribution Calculations provides a working knowledge of the principles and applications needed to solve real-world problems relevant to environmental risk analysis and probability distributions. This book serves as a valuable resource for practicing professionals in environmental science and engineering.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Pete Silver, Will McLean | Size: 14 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Laurence King Publishing | Year: 2014 | pages: 208 | ISBN: 1780670559
This book gives students of architecture an understanding of the fundamental theories and practice behind the creation of architectural structures, helping them to develop an intuitive understanding of structural engineering. As well as providing a valuable reference and sourcebook, it will enable them to conduct productive dialogues with structural engineers. The book is divided into four sections: 'Structures in nature' looks at structural principles found in natural objects, 'Theory' covers general structural theory as well as explaining the main forces encountered in engineering. 'Structural prototypes' includes examples of modelmaking and load testing that can be carried out by students. The fourth section, 'Case studies', presents a diverse range of examples from around the world actual buildings that apply the theories and testing described in the previous sections. The straightforward, informative text is illustrated with a wealth of images, including specially drawn diagrams, historical examples, models, CAD visualizations, construction details and photographs of completed buildings.
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Applying any material to an existing concrete surface intrinsically entails the development of a bond. Considering the ever increasing importance of concrete repair and protection, which imply the creation of an interface between two materials, an improved knowledge of concrete surface characteristics is paramount.
Surface engineering, which has evolved from the world of metallurgy, addresses all surface-related considerations, notably adhesion. It provides a fundamental understanding of what will make the contact between two materials effective or not, allowing for interactions of variable intensity. It also comes with a variety of scientific tools for characterizing the quality of the substrate, the properties of the new material layer and their interface. In the case of concrete surface treatment, this is especially important for achieving lasting results.
This book addresses the essentials of concrete surface engineering in view of a wide variety of concrete surface treatments, from protective coatings to repairs. It provides a leading-edge source of information for practicing engineers, architects, repair specialists, and researchers on the following topics:
Surface engineering principles applied to concrete
Methods and techniques for assessing concrete surface characteristics
Fundamentals of adhesion between concrete and surface repairs/treatments
Compatibility requirements for concrete surface repairs/treatments
Review of surface preparation techniques available for concrete
Achievement and appraisal of bond between existing concrete and surface repairs/treatments
Benoît Bissonnette is professor of civil engineering at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada.
Luc Courard is professor of building materials at the University of Liège in Belgium.
Andrzej Garbacz is professor of building materials engineering in the Department of Building Materials Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland.
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