Curtain Wall Systems compiles a basic review of the many aspects of curtain wall systems that affect their design and performance. It highlights the materials used to manufacture curtain walls for low-rise to high-rise construction and describes different types of tests, mockups, and inspections.
Methods of improving the energy performance, waterproofing, and wind loading of curtain walls are assessed. Specialized aspects of curtain wall design and analysis for extreme events, such as earthquake and bomb blast, are explored. Innovative façade design and new curtain wall and glazing systems are covered as well. MOP 126 is written for architects, structural engineers, HVAC engineers, general contractors, building owners, and building operators who are new to curtain wall systems and want to learn more about this specialized and emerging field.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Anthony N Palazotto | Size: 9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Year: 1992 | pages: 267 | ISBN: 1563470330
The increasing use of composite materials requires a better understanding of the behavior of laminated plates and shells. Large displacements and rotations, as well as shear deformations, must be included in the analysis. Since linear theories of shells and plates are no longer adequate for the analysis and design of composite structures, more refined theories are now used for such structures.
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Predict or Explain the Pavement Response to Load: Understand the Physical Governing Principles
Analysis of Pavement Structures brings together current research and existing knowledge on the analysis and design of pavements. This book provides a platform for the readers to understand the basic principles of physics and mechanics involved in pavement analyses.
From Simple to Complex Formulation: Learn to Develop Your Own Research or Field Problems
The book introduces load and thermal stress analyses of asphalt and concrete pavement structures in a simple and step-by-step manner. Uniformity of symbol and sign conventions have been maintained throughout the book. References are made to more than 300 sources for the interested readers for further reading. The book helps to build confidence in the reader and allows them to formulate and solve their own research or field problems.
Divided into eight chapters, the material in the book addresses:
Characterization of various pavement materials
Simple rheological models for asphaltic material
Beams and plates on elastic foundations
Thermal stress in concrete pavement
Formulations for axial and bending stresses due to full and partial restraint conditions
Analysis of elastic half-space
Analysis of multilayered structures
A formulation for thermo-rheological analysis of asphalt pavement
Pavement design principles
Analysis of a beam/plate resting on elastic half-space
Analysis of dynamic loading conditions
Analysis of composite pavement
Reliability issues in pavement design
Inverse problems in pavement engineering
Analysis of Pavement Structures covers the basic approaches for pavement analysis, and highlights the fundamental principles followed in the analyses of pavement structures through numerous schematic diagrams.
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Find Practical Solutions to Civil Engineering Design and Cost Management Problems
A guide to successfully designing, estimating, and scheduling a civil engineering project, Integrated Design and Cost Management for Civil Engineers shows how practicing professionals can design fit-for-use solutions within established time frames and reliable budgets. This text combines technical compliance with practical solutions in relation to cost planning, estimating, time, and cost control. It incorporates solutions that are technically sound as well as cost effective and time efficient. It focuses on the integration of design and construction based on solid engineering foundations contained within a code of ethics, and navigates engineers through the complete process of project design, pricing, and tendering.
Well illustrated
The book uses cases studies to illustrate principles and processes. Although they center on Australasia and Southeast Asia, the principles are internationally relevant. The material details procedures that emphasize the correct quantification and planning of works, resulting in reliable cost and time predictions. It also works toward minimizing the risk of losing business through cost blowouts or losing profits through underestimation.
This Text Details the Quest for Practical Solutions That:
Are cost effective
Can be completed within a reasonable timeline
Conform to relevant quality controls
Are framed within appropriate contract documents
Satisfy ethical professional procedures, and
Address the client’s brief through a structured approach to integrated design and cost management
Designed to help civil engineers develop and apply a multitude of skill bases, Integrated Design and Cost Management for Civil Engineers can aid them in maintaining relevancy in appropriate design justifications, guide work tasks, control costs, and structure project timelines. The book is an ideal link between a civil engineering course and practic
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This book presents a one-stop reference to the empirical correlations used extensively in geotechnical engineering. Empirical correlations play a key role in geotechnical engineering designs and analysis. Laboratory and in situ testing of soils can add significant cost to a civil engineering project. By using appropriate empirical correlations, it is possible to derive many design parameters, thus limiting our reliance on these soil tests. The authors have decades of experience in geotechnical engineering, as professional engineers or researchers. The objective of this book is to present a critical evaluation of a wide range of empirical correlations reported in the literature, along with typical values of soil parameters, in the light of their experience and knowledge. This book will be a one-stop-shop for the practising professionals, geotechnical researchers and academics looking for specific correlations for estimating certain geotechnical parameters. The empirical correlations in the forms of equations and charts and typical values are collated from extensive literature review, and from the authors' database.
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ACI Certification Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade I
Size: 5.3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE | Year: 2012 | pages: 172
The ACI Certification Program for Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I has been developed for the purpose of certifying concrete technicians who have demonstrated the knowledge and ability to properly perform the basic field tests on freshly mixed concrete.
This Technician Workbook (CP-1) describes the operation of the ACI Certification Program and provides technical materials and directions necessary to prepare for the examinations
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Marshall University 2015 FE Exam Review (Civil Engineering)
HD 1080
- William I. Ford, Ph.D.
- Jeffrey T. Huffman, M.S. P.E.
- Richard F. McCormick, Ph.D. P.E.
- Gregory K. Michaelson, Ph.D.
- Andrew P. Nichols, Ph.D. P.E.
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Revising Green Infrastructure: Concepts Between Nature and Design
Author(s)/Editor(s): Daniel Czechowski and Thomas Hauck | Size: 19.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2014 | pages: 488 | ISBN: 1482232200
Consider this …
• How do we handle the convergence of landscape architecture, ecological planning, and civil engineering?
• What are convenient terms and metaphors to communicate the interplay between design and ecology?
• What are suitable scientific theories and technological means?
• What innovations arise from multidisciplinary and cross-scalar approaches?
• What are appropriate aesthetic statements and spatial concepts?
• What instruments and tools should be applied?
Revising Green Infrastructure: Concepts Between Nature and Design examines these questions and presents innovative approaches in designing green, landscape or nature as infrastructure from different perspectives and attitudes instead of adding another definition or category of green infrastructure. The editors bring together the work of selected ecologists, engineers, and landscape architects who discuss a variety of theoretical aspects, research projects, teaching methods, and best practice examples in green infrastructure. The approaches range from retrofitting existing infrastructures through landscape-based integrations of new infrastructures and envisioning prospective landscapes as hybrids, machines, or cultural extensions.
The book explores a scientific functional approach in landscape architecture. It begins with an overview of green functionalism and includes examples of how new design logics are deducted from ecology in order to meet economic and environmental requirements and open new aesthetic relationships toward nature. The contributors share a decidedly cultural perspective on nature as landscape. Their ecological view emphasizes the individual nature of specific local situations.
Building on this foundation, the subsequent chapters present political ideas and programs defining social relations toward nature and their integration in different planning systems as well as their impact on nature and society. They explore different ways of participation and cooperation within cities, regions, and nations. They then describe projects implemented in local contexts to solve concrete problems or remediate malfunctions. These projects illustrate the full scope presented and discussed throughout the book: the use of scientific knowledge, strategic thinking, communication with municipal authorities and local stakeholders, design implementation on site, and documentation and control of feedback and outcome with adequate indicators and metrics.
Although diverse and sometimes controversial, the discussion of how nature is regarded in contrast to society, how human-natural systems could be organized, and how nature could be changed, optimized, or designed raises the question of whether there is a new paradigm for the design of social relations to nature. The multidisciplinary review in this book brings together discussions previously held only within the respective disciplines, and demonstrates how they can be used to develop new methods and remediation strategies.
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Masonry is a traditional, highly durable mode of construction; many heritage masonry structures, built at various historical periods, have survived, to a lesser or greater extent, adverse environmental conditions, which have reduced, sometimes considerably, their integrity, strength and durability. Due to the cultural significance of heritage architecture, resources are today allocated towards their restoration and conservation. Topics covered include: Understanding of constituent materials, modes of construction and overall mechanical behaviour; Dynamic behaviour; Sonic pulse velocity tests; Micro-vibration measurements; Failure mechanisms; Structural strength assessment; Binding material mixtures; Composition and properties of ancient mortars; Contemporary repair material; Infra-red thermography measurements; Mortars, plasters, renders and grouts. The various issues mentioned above are addressed by the present collection of scientific papers with considerable insight and thoroughness. It is thus hoped that this volume will fill a gap in the literature as a valuable source of information and guidance to researchers and engineers working in the area of restoration and conservation of heritage masonry structures.
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A comprehensive guide to the design and execution of sophisticated exterior building enclosures
Focused on the design process for architects and related professionals, this book addresses the design and execution of sophisticated exterior building enclosures for a number of commercial building types and in a variety of building materials. It focuses on the design process by delineating enclosure basics, the participants (owners, architects, engineers, consultants) and their roles and responsibilities through collaboration, and tracking the design process through construction.
This comprehensive handbook covers all of the factors that affect the design of a building enclosure, including function, visual aesthetics, performance requirements, and many other criteria. In-depth case studies of projects of various scales, types, and climate conditions illustrate the successful implementation of exterior wall enclosure solutions in brick masonry, stone, architectural concrete, glass, and metals.
This unique and indispensable guide:
Defines the functions, physical requirements, design principles, and types of exterior building enclosures
Identifies the participants in the design and construction process and specifies their roles and responsibilities
Presents a step-by-step process for the design of exterior enclosures, from defining goals and developing concepts through creating construction documents
Reviews the construction process from bidding and negotiation through the paper phase to the "brick and mortar" stage
Provides details on the properties of exterior enclosure materials, including structural considerations, weather protection, fire safety, and more
Covers a variety of materials, including brick masonry, natural stone masonry, architectural concrete, metal framing and glass, and all-glass enclosures
Written by the technical director of the San Francisco office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Exterior Building Enclosures is an indispensable resource for architects, engineers, facade consultants, and green design consultants working on commercial building projects.
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