Abstract: It is the first upload of any real time DEA report in CivilEA or any other civil engineering forums. All the effort goes to our assessor and who complied this report as per our guideline and code prescribed rules. I have dedicated this report to all structural engineer who are working to ensure the safety of any building or structure. Also put your valuable comments so that we can upgrade the report standard.
On 14 December 2013, ARUP carried out a visual structural survey of this project. They have major concern about the following conditions in a factory building.
Design check all columns, beams and slabs. Create loading plans and heights to match actual structural code capacity.
Mezzanine: Uncontrolled loading on cantilever
Mezzanine: Plan and height restrictions to be introduced to prevent future overloading. (Loading plans in line with design loads from engineer)
We carried out a Detailed Engineering Assessment of this structure especially considering the conditions described above and step by step carried out the remediation criteria.
A detailed calculation and analysis has been described in the rest of the report.
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This book presents a new approach to modeling carbon structures such as graphene and carbon nanotubes using finite element methods, and addresses the latest advances in numerical studies for these materials. Based on the available findings, the book develops an effective finite element approach for modeling the structure and the deformation of grapheme-based materials. Further, modeling processing for single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes is demonstrated in detail.
Table of contents :
Front Matter....Pages i-xiii
Nanotubes....Pages 1-13
Interatomic Bonding....Pages 15-25
Finite Element Modeling of Nanotubes....Pages 27-46
Nanotube Modeling Using Beam Element....Pages 47-61
Linear Finite Element Analysis of Nanotubes....Pages 63-106
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Nanotubes....Pages 107-131
Effect of Geometrical Parameters on Tensile Properties of Nanotubes....Pages 133-155
Finite Element Analysis of Multi-walled Nanotubes....Pages 157-163
Influence of Defects on the Strength of Graphene and Carbon Nanotube....Pages 165-173
Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composites....Pages 175-212
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Concrete structures often suffer from cracking that leads to much earlier deterioration than designed service life. To prevent such deterioration, regular inspection of cracks in concrete structures and their repair are usually carried out by means of some kind of human intervention.
Once cracking occurs in reinforced concrete members, not only is the stiffness reduced but steel bars corrosion also occurs due to the permeation of rain and aggressive substances, reducing structural safety and serviceability. In order to avoid the dangerous situations caused by such deterioration, application of proper maintenance systems is required.
Self-healing, or autogenous healing, of concrete and reinforced concrete is a phenomenon that has been studied by various researchers. Reviews on healing of cracks can be found for example in Lauer & Slate (1956), Jacobsen et al. (1998) and de Rooij & Schlangen (2011).
Many experimental results and practical experiences have demonstrated that cracks in concrete have the ability to heal themselves, reducing water flow through cracks over time.
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The ever-increasing traffic demands, coupled with deteriorating condition of bridge structures, present great challenges for maintaining a healthy transportation network. The challenges encompass a wide range of economic, environmental, and social constraints that go beyond the technical boundaries of bridge engineering. Those constraints compound the complexity of bridge projects and motivate innovations in bridge engineering technology towards the design and construction of sustainable bridges. The sustainability aims at minimizing the cost of bridge construction projects and the associated environmental impact on the society, while maintaining healthy economic development.
On August 24–25, 2015, bridge engineers from all over the world gathered at the 8th New York City Bridge Conference to discuss and share experiences on the construction and maintenance of sustainable bridge structures.
This volume contains a selection of papers that were presented at the conference. The peer-reviewed papers are valuable contributions to the state of the art in bridge engineering and of archival quality.
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Sustainable Buildings and Structures collects the contributions presented at the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Structures (Suzhou, China, 29 October-1 November 2016). The book aims to share thoughts and ideas on sustainable approaches to urban planning, engineering design and construction. The topics discussed include:
- Civil engineering
- Structural approaches, including new materials
- New technologies and new techniques
- Green building and carbon neutral approaches to design and construction
- Sustainability, urban planning and development.
Sustainable Buildings and Structures will be of interest to academics, professionals, industry representatives and local government officials involved in structural engineering, urban planning, engineering design, and other related fields.
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The book provides a basic and clear introduction to the principles underlying finite elements and the computer based methods of the analysis of structures commonly used in industry. There can be a danger that, without such an understanding, engineers will use these computer based analysis tools as black boxes and accept results without being aware of the real significance of the information obtained.
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Ordinary kriging and genetic programming for spatial estimation of rainfall in the Middle Yarra River catchment, Australia
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Recommended Security Guidelines for Airport Planning, Design and Construction.
Author(s)/Editor(s): Transportation Security Administration of the U.S. DHS. | Size: 4,42 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint Publisher: TSA | Year: 2011 | pages: 226
This document is intended to bring to the attention of the airport planning, design, and engineering community the serious security concerns that should be considered for incorporation into an airport design at the earliest possible planning stage, in order to bring the most efficient and cost-effective security solutions to bear. An undertaking as extensive and comprehensive as this requires the participation and cooperation of a wide range of aviation security professionals contributing time, experience, knowledge and insight. We hope that this document accurately captures the broad experience of the community and will help the reader anticipate future expansion needs.
To complete this fourth revision of the document, an Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC) Working Group was formed. Under the auspices of this working group, over 100 persons attended meetings, contributed to the development of various drafts and participated in document reviews. A few participants, referred to as Section Chiefs, chaired team meetings and supervised edits of specific sections of the document. These and other participants rewrote outdated material, edited drafts, and brought current practices, real-world perspectives and new Federal regulations to the table, advising the Working Group of what would, and would not, work in an operating airport environment.
This document is not intended to be the final word on airport security design; it is meant to be a primer on the security issues important to airport development and a check-list of the more important things one should consider when deciding which of the many potential security approaches may be appropriate to a particular airport’s circumstances and requirements.
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Atelier Bow-Wow has up until now designed about twenty detached houses and holiday villas. An important part of the design process includes the production of technical drawings, which astonish with their level of detail, diversity and spatial depth. This book catalogues 24 designs accompanied by details and elevations and technical specifications.
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The Art of Natural Building: Design, Construction, Resources
Author(s)/Editor(s): Joseph F. Kennedy | Size: 20 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: New Society Publishers | Year: 2015 | pages: 480 | ISBN: 0865717710
The popularity of natural building has grown by leaps and bounds, spurred by a grassroots desire for housing that is healthy, affordable, and environmentally responsible. While there are many books available on specific methods such as straw-bale construction, cob, or timber framing, there are few resources which introduce the reader to the entire scope of this burgeoning field.
Fully revised and updated, The Art of Natural Building is the complete and user-friendly introduction to natural building for everyone from the do-it-yourselfer to architects and designers. This collection of articles from over fifty leaders in the field is now stunningly illustrated with over two-hundred full-color photographs of natural buildings from around the world. Learn about:
The case for building with natural materials, from the perspectives of sustainability, lifestyle, and health
What you need to know to plan and design your own beautiful and efficient natural home
Explanations of thirty versatile materials and techniques, with resources on where to go for further information on each
How these techniques are being used to address housing crises around the world.
Clearly written, logically organized, and beautifully illustrated, The Art of Natural Building is the encyclopedia of natural building.
Joseph F. Kennedy is a designer, builder, writer, artist, educator, and co-founder of Builders Without Borders.
Michael G. Smith is a respected workshop instructor, consultant, and co-author of the best-selling book The Hand-Sculpted House.
Catherine Wanek is a co-founder of Builders Without Borders and author/photographer of The Hybrid House and The New Straw Bale Home.
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