The analysis and formulation are provided for a variety of topics in inviscid and viscous fluid dynamics; it is hoped with analytical and physical insight. In part, this means formulating the appropriate equations and transforming them into a suitable form for the specific flow under scrutiny. The approach is applied to viscous boundary layers, shock waves, and numerous other flows, including asymmetric thrust
nozzles and supersonic diffusers. Of special interest are the analytical process and the corresponding physical interpretation.
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Paper title: An evaluation framework for identifying the optimal raingauge network based on spatiotemporal variation in quantitative precipitation estimation
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PCA Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures 15th Edition
Author(s): M. L. Wilson (Author), S. H. Kosmatka (Author)
Published By:PCA
Published Year:January 30, 2011
Size: 31 MB
Quality:Original preprint
Abstract: This book presents the properties of concrete as needed in concrete construction, including strength and
durability. All concrete ingredients (cementing materials, water, aggregates, admixtures, and fibers) are reviewed for
their optimal use in designing and proportioning concrete mixtures. Applicable ASTM, AASHTO, and ACI standards
are referred to extensively. The use of concrete from design to batching, mixing, transporting, placing, consolidating,
finishing, and curing is addressed. Concrete sustainability, along with special concretes, including high-performance
concretes, are also reviewed.
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IS 14732: Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Response of Occupants of Fixed Structures, Especially Buildings and Off-Shore Structures, to Low-Frequency Horizontal Motion (0.063 to 1 Hz)
For ISO 6897:1984 (this is an India standard that is identical to ISO 6897:1984)
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Size: 592 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: The National Frame Building Association’s (NFBA) | Year: 1999 | pages: 105 | ISBN: ASIN: B000TXDJDI
More about NFBA:
NFBA is the only national trade association that represents post-frame industry professionals. The association exists to support its members and stimulate the growth of the post-frame industry. To do so, the association helps its members by providing industry tools and code resources, education, access to technical and legal experts, builder accreditation programs, newsletters and post-frame market development updates, and networking opportunities.
NFBA is a non-profit trade association that promotes the interests of the post-frame construction industry and its members. The association’s members are primarily post-frame builders, suppliers, manufacturers, building material dealers, code and design professionals, and structural engineers.
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When Frankipile South Africa first published "The Guide" in 1976 the main purpose was to create a practical reference on all aspects of soil investigation and piling as carried out by the company in Southern Africa at that time. Judging from the popularity of the first edition this objective was achieved and most design engineers in Southern Africa have a copy on their bookshelves.
The second edition was published in 1986 as an update of the first and it was equally popular. This, the third edition, is in fact a re-write of the book as Frankipile has expanded its activities into soil improvement and lateral support as well as environmental engineering. The name of the Guide has thus changed to include all aspects of Geotechnical Engineering as carried out by the Company in Southern Africa.
The purpose of the book, however, remains the same; it is a reference with a wealth of practical information on geotechnical topics which we are confident all those who receive a copy will find extremely useful. The contents of this book are presented in good faith. As in all geotechnical design the methods and data presented in the book must be interpreted and used with a degree of knowledge, experience and judgement. Frankipile South Africa (Pty) Ltd does not hold itself in any way responsible for any inaccuracies or errors in the book or for any interpretation thereof by persons other than its own employees.
The company acknowledges, with appreciation, the contribution by Messrs. OVE ARUP & PARTNERS to the section on pilecap design.
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Structural Steel Design to Eurocode 3 and AISC Specifications deals with the theory and practical applications of structural steel design in Europe and the USA. The book covers appropriate theoretical and background information, followed by a more design‐oriented coverage focusing on European and United States specifications and practices, allowing the reader to directly compare the approaches and results of both codes. Chapters follow a general plan, covering: A general section covering the relevant topics for the chapter, based on classical theory and recent research developments A detailed section covering design and detailing to Eurocode 3 specification A detailed section covering design and detailing to AISC specifications Fully worked examples are using both codes are presented. With construction companies working in increasingly international environments, engineers are more and more likely to encounter both codes. Written for design engineers and students of civil and structural engineering, this book will help both groups to become conversant with both code systems.
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Triaxial Testing of Soils explains how to carry out triaxial tests to demonstrate the effects of soil behaviour on engineering designs. An authoritative and comprehensive manual, it reflects current best practice and instrumentation.References are made throughout to easily accessible articles in the literature and the book s focus is on how to obtain high quality experimental results.
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Cast-in-place or precast reinforced concrete box culverts are widely used throughout the world to provide safe and relatively economical structures for the conveyance of water, vehicles, utilities or pedestrians. Although the single cell or multi-cell box culverts are rather simple structures, the loadings applied to these structures during their construction and subsequent service life can be complex. These structures are subjected to substantial vertical and lateral earth pressures, and are often SUbjected to significant temporary loadings during the construction of the embankment. In spite of the complex nature of the loading around these structures, simple routine design procedures would be highly desirable if they could be made possible.When the relative settlement of the soil prism directly above the structure is greater than that of the adjacent soil prisms, as in trench installations, the layers of soil in the central prism are subjected to a reverse arch shape defonnation and consequently the earth pressure on the structure is reduced by the amount of the shearing forces exerted to the central soil prism.Likewise, when the relative settlement of the soil prism directly above the structure is less than that of the adjacent soil prisms, as is usually found in embankment installations, the layers of soil on the central prism are subjected to an arch shape defonnation and the earth pressure on the structure is increased. Although Marston[I,2] and Spangler[3,31,32] successfully quantified these phenomena by solving differential equations based on the equilibrium conditions of a simplified free body of prisms, an opportunity exists to revisit the problem using the modern-day numerical techniques made possible by the development of finite element methods
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