Posted by: RyanRS - 03-21-2016, 10:17 AM - Forum: Concrete
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Post-Tensioned Buildings: Design and Construction
Author(s)/Editor(s): Dr. Bijan O. Aalami | Size: 37 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner Full Color | Publisher: | Year: 2014 | pages: 396 (202 two pages) | ISBN: 0615924123
Must have reference book for engineers, students, contractors, building officials, and researchers. Provides an in-depth review of concepts and procedures of practical and modern post-tensioning design and construction. Book comes in US and International editions.
Book on Post-Tensioned Design and Construction by Dr. Bijan Aalami The book builds on over three decades of author's observation and design of post-tensioning projects in more than 35 countries worldwide. Having met and discussed with thousands of practitioners whose work encompasses the design or construction of post-tensioned projects, the author presents his observations and experience in a clear and concise format, highlighting the concepts and procedures that lead to good practice and economical designs. The book is easy to read and is accompanied by many schematics and photographs of actual post-tensioning installations.
Topics that are covered in-depth and taken to the point of practical application include:
Concepts and procedures of practical and modern post-tensioning design with an emphasis on achieving "safe" and "serviceable" outcomes
Unbonded and bonded (grouted) systems - construction technology, design procedures, and discussion of comparative features
Post-tensioned floor design with step-by-step calculation
Post-tensioned beam design with step-by-step calculation
Software and design tools with flow charts and examples
Calculation of stress losses, deflections, cracking and crack width
Application of finite element to design
Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to post-tensioning
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As a result of recent findings of corrosion of prestressing steel in post-tensioned bridges, the
Florida Department of Transportation will be changing policies and procedures to ensure the
long-term durability of post-tensioning tendons. The recommendations of the Consultant for
revising FDOT policies and procedures is presented in this study entitled, New Directions for
Florida Post-Tensioned Bridges. The study will be presented in several volumes, with each
volume focusing on a different aspect of post-tensioning or bridge type.
Volume 1:
Post-Tensioning in Florida Bridges presents a history of post-tensioning in Florida
along with the different types of post-tensioned bridges typically built in Florida. This volume
also reviews the critical nature of different types of post-tensioning tendons and details a new
five-part strategy for improving the durability of post-tensioned bridges.
Volumes 2 through 8:
Design and Construction Inspection of various types of post-tensioned
bridges - applies the five-part strategy of Volume 1 to bridges in Florida. Items such as
materials for enhanced post-tensioning systems, plan sheet requirements, grouting, and
detailing practices for watertight bridges and multi-layered anchor protection are presented in
detail. The various types of inspection necessary to accomplish the purposes of the five-part
strategy are presented from the perspective of CEI along with detailed checklists of critical items
or activities.
Volume 9:
Condition Inspection and Maintenance of Florida Post-Tensioned Bridges addresses
the specifics of ensuring the long-term durability of tendons in existing and newly constructed
bridges. The types of inspections and testing procedures available for condition assessments
are reviewed, and a protocol of remedies are presented for various symptoms found.
Volume 10:
Load Rating Segmental Post-Tensioned Bridges in Florida provides guidance for
meeting AASHTO LRFD load rating requirements as they pertain to precast and cast-in-place
segmental bridges.
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Sustainability Guidelines for the Structural Engineer
Author(s)/Editor(s): Dirk M. Kestner, Jennifer Goupil, Emily Lorenz | Size: 17.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers | Year: 2010 | pages: 324 | ISBN: 0784411190
The Sustainability Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineer s Structural Engineering Institute (ASCE SEI) prepared these guidelines to advance the understanding of sustainability in the structural community and to incorporate concepts of sustainability into structural engineering standards and practices. This book will educate and guide structural engineers as they meet the challenge to design and construct a sustainable built environment. The guidelines are organized into five sections: Sustainable Design and Construction, Sustainable Strategies, Building Materials, Infrastructure, and Case Studies. Although many of the subjects presented are related, each section and the related subsections have been written to stand alone, allowing this report to be used as a practical reference. This report was written for structural engineers, but related disciplines will also benefit from the contents. The book includes an important section on infrastructure because, many of the concepts and ideas presented in this guide relate to infrastructure, as well as design and construction.
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Design Guide 30: Sound Isolation and Noise Control in Steel Buildings
Published By:
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I would like to request for this canadian code. Lower edition will do.
Article/eBook Full Name: A23.1-14/A23.2-14 Concrete materials and methods of concrete construction / Test methods and standard practices for concrete
Author(s): CAN/CSA
Publish Date: 2014
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This timely book deals with a current topic, i.e. the applications of metaheuristic algorithms, with a primary focus on optimization problems in civil engineering. The first chapter offers a concise overview of different kinds of metaheuristic algorithms, explaining their advantages in solving complex engineering problems that cannot be effectively tackled by traditional methods, and citing the most important works for further reading. The remaining chapters report on advanced studies on the applications of certain metaheuristic algorithms to specific engineering problems. Genetic algorithm, bat algorithm, cuckoo search, harmony search and simulated annealing are just some of the methods presented and discussed step by step in real-application contexts, in which they are often used in combination with each other. Thanks to its synthetic yet meticulous and practice-oriented approach, the book is a perfect guide for graduate students, researchers and professionals willing to applying metaheuristic algorithms in civil engineering and other related engineering fields, such as mechanical, transport and geotechnical engineering. It is also a valuable aid for both lectures and advanced engineering students.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Nayera Ahmed Abdel-Raheem Mohamed A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering) | Size: 4.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada | Year: 2013 | pages: 173
With the rise in constructing using FRP reinforcement, owing to corrosion problems in steel- reinforced structures, there is a need for a system to resist lateral loads induced from wind and earthquake loads. The present study addressed the applicability of reinforced-concrete shear walls totally reinforced with glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars to attain reasonable strength and drift requirements as specified in different codes. Four large-scale shear walls – one reinforced with steel bars (as reference specimen) and three totally reinforced with GFRP bars – were constructed and tested to failure under quasi-static reversed cyclic lateral loading. The GFRP-reinforced walls had different aspect ratios covering the range of medium-rise walls. The reported test results clearly showed that properly designed and detailed GFRP- reinforced walls could reach their flexural capacities with no strength degradation, and that shear, sliding shear, and anchorage failures were not major problems and could be effectively
controlled. The results also showed recoverable and self-centering behavior up to allowable drift limits before moderate damage occurred and achieved a maximum drift meeting the limitation of most building codes. Acceptable levels of energy dissipation accompanied by relatively small residual forces, compared to the steel-reinforced shear wall, were observed.
Finite element simulation was conducted and the analyses captured the main features of behavior. Interaction of flexural and shear deformations of the tested shear walls was investigated. It was found that relying on the diagonal transducers tended to overestimate shear distortions by 30% to 50%. Correcting the results based on the use of vertical
transducers was assessed and found to produce consistent results. Decoupling the flexural and shear deformations was discussed. Using GFRP bars as elastic material gave uniform distribution of shear strains along the shear region, resulting in shear deformation ranging from 15 to 20% of total deformation. The yielding of the steel bars intensified the shear strains at the yielding location, causing significant degradation in shear deformation ranging from 2 to 40% of total deformation. The results obtained demonstrated significantly high utilization levels of such shear wall type, therefore, primary guidelines for seismic design of GFRP- reinforced shear wall in moderate earthquakes regions was presented, as no design guidelines for lateral load resistance for GFRP-reinforced walls are available in codes. The ultimate limit
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Rule-based rain gauge network design in urban areas aided by spatial kernel density
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