fib Bulletin No. 69: Critical comparison of major seismic codes for buildings
fédération internationale du béton (fib)
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Technical Report 55: Design guidance for strengthening concrete structures using fibre composite materials
Concrete Society
3rd edition
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Concrete Society
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LizardTech GeoExpress - software solution for compression of raster images in the most popular and effective compact formats: MrSID and JPEG 2000 (corresponding to ISO standards).GeoExpress has tools for editing geodatabase, color balancing, compression in a given area and create a mosaic of images with different resolutions.
New in GeoExpress 9.5.1
Intuitive User Interface (UI) - An updated look and streamlined interface make this version more user-friendly while delivering top-quality compressed and manipulated images.
Seamless mosaicking of LiDAR files - Seamless mosaicking of LiDAR files supplements lossless compression that uses four times less storage space.
Faster default workflow for existing MrSID images - Processing of MrSID files is now faster by default when working with existing MrSID files, with cropping, editing, despeckling, AOI, tiling and more.
New format support - Compression of PCIs standard .pix raster files to MrSID means greater flexibility.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Abi O. Aghayere, George F. Limbrunner | Size: 15 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Pearson | Year: 2013 | pages: 313 | ISBN: 9780132859295
Reinforced Concrete Design Eighth Edition integrates current research and literature to give readers a modern understanding of the strength and behavior of reinforced concrete members and simple reinforced concrete structural systems. It takes a fundamental, non-calculus, practice-oriented approach to the design and analysis of reinforced concrete structural members, using numerous examples and a step-by-step solution format.
This eighth edition is fully updated to conform to the American Concrete Institute's latest Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-11), the current U.S. design standard. A new chapter discusses practical considerations and rules of thumb for designing reinforced concrete structures, including initial sizing and layout; calculation of approximate moment and shears in concrete girders; repair methods for existing structures, and a new student design project. The text also offers conceptual insights into topics such as prestressed concrete and detailing.
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Bentley Pointools supports the viewing, animation, and editing of point clouds in stand-alone workflows, enabling the intuitive cleanup and preparation of point clouds to make them easier to reuse in downstream applications. Users can streamline scan-to-model workflows by
importing point clouds from all major scanner manufacturers.
Fast Point-cloud Engine powered by Pointools Vortex
Improved Visualization can be visualized with a range of fully blendable shading options .
Support for Multiple Object Types (scanners,textured 3D models, 2D CAD drawings etc)
Layer-based Editing and Segmentation unique point layer technology for unrivaled point-cloud editing speed.
and much more..
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Beijing Record: A Physical and Political History of Planning Modern Beijing
Author(s)/Editor(s): Jun Wang | Size: 146 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: World Scientific | Year: 2011 | pages: 536 | ISBN: 9814295728
In 2003, the Chinese Xinhua News Agency journalist Wang Jun published the bestseller "Beijing Record", the result of ten years of research on the urban transformation of Beijing in the last fifty years. Home to more than 15 million people, this ancient capital city - not surprisingly - has a controversial, complicated history of planning and politics, development and demolition. The publication raises a number of unsettling questions: Why has a valuable historical architecture such as city ramparts, gateways, old temples, memorial archways and the urban fabric of hutongs (traditional alleyways) and siheyuan (courtyard houses) been visibly disappearing for decades? Why are so many houses being demolished at a time of economic growth? Is no one prepared to stand up for the preservation of the city? For his research, Wang went through innumerable archives, read diaries and collected an unprecedented quantity of data, accessing first-hand materials and unearthing photographs that clearly document the city's relentless, unprecedented physical makeover. In addition, he conducted more than 50 in-person interviews with officials, planners, scholars and other experts. Wang's publication presents a survey of the main developments and government-level (both central and municipal) decisions, devoting a lot of attention to the 1950s and 1960s, when Beijing experienced a critical wave of transformative events. Shortly after its publication by SDX joint Publishing Company House in October 2003, "Beijing Records" ignited a firestorm of debate and discussion in a country where public interaction over such a sensitive subject rarely surfaces.
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Urban Landscapes selects 28 outstanding landscape projects.Through comprehensive presentation of pictures, detailed analysis of technical drawings and text descriptions, this book fully reveals the panorama of contemporary landscapes in China. With a unique perspective and rich contents, the book will bring inspiration for landscape designers.
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Seismic evaluation of a 56-storey residential reinforced concrete high-rise building
based on nonlinear dynamic time-history analyses.
Author(s): Siamak Epackachi, Rasoul Mirghaderi1, Omid Esmaili, Ali Asghar Taheri Behbahani and Shahram Vahdani.
Published By:Wiley Online Library (
Published Year:8 March 2010
Size: 1,30 MB
Quality:Original preprint
Abstract: In recent decades, shear walls and tube structures have been the most appropriate structural forms for the construction of high-rise concrete buildings. Thus, recent Reinforced Concrete (RC) tall buildings have more complicated structural behaviour than before. Therefore, studying the structural systems and associated behaviour of these types of structures is very important. The main objective of this paper is to study the linear and nonlinear behaviour of one of the tallest RC buildings, a 56-storey structure, located in a high seismic zone in Iran. In this tower, shear wall systems with irregular openings are utilized under both gravity and lateral loads and may result in some especial issues in the behaviour of structural elements such as shear walls and coupling beams. The analytical methodologies and the results obtained in the evaluation of life-safety and collapse prevention of the building are also discussed. The weak zones of the structure based on the results are introduced, and a detailed discussion of some important structural aspects of the high-rise shear wall system with consideration of the concrete time dependency and constructional sequence effects is also included.
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The book contains the invited keynote and theme lectures presented at the 4th International Conference on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (4ICEGE). The conference was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 25 to 28 June, 2007, and was organized by the Technical Committee of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (TC4) of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the Hellenic Scientific Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering and the Laboratory of Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
It provides a comprehensive overview of the progress achieved to date in soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering, as well as in engineering seismology and seismic risk assessment and management. In situ and laboratory testing, theoretical issues and numerical modeling of soil dynamics, seismic hazard with emphasis on the long-period ground motion displacements, site effects and microzonation, liquefaction assessment and mitigation, soil-structure interaction, performance based design of geotechnical structures, earthquake resistant design and performance of shallow and deep foundations, retaining structures, embankments and dams, underground structures and lifelines, are all among the different topics covered in this book. Interdisciplinary subjects such as vulnerability assessment of, transportation networks and lifelines as well as of geotechnical structures are also discussed. Finally, the book provides a thorough presentation of the existing worldwide important large-scale testing facilities and geotechnical strong ground motion arrays.
The book is organized in nineteen chapters written by distinguished experts and includes the 2nd Ishihara Lecture given by Prof. Izzat M. Idriss in honor of Prof. Kenji Ishihara. The aim is to present the current state of knowledge and engineering practice, addressing recent and ongoing developments while also projecting innovative ideas for future research and development.
Earthquake geotechnical and structural engineers, civil engineers, geologists, geophysicists and seismologists will find in this book the most recent advances in soil dynamics, earthquake and geotechnical engineering, as well as their interfaces with geology, geophysics and engineering seismology. It is of interest not only to scientists, engineers and students, but also to those interested in earthquake hazard assessment and mitigation.
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