The mixed building technology allows to utilise the best performance of all structural materials available such as steel, concrete, timber and glass.Engineers of steel structures in practice are often faced with the question of economical design of steel to concrete joints, because some structural elements, such as foundations, stair cases and fire protection walls, are optimal of concrete. A gap in knowledge between the design of fastenings in concrete and steel design was abridged by standardized joint solutions developed in the INFASO project, which profit from the advantage of steel as a very flexible and applicable material and allow an intelligent connection between steel and concrete building elements.
The requirements for such joint solutions are easy fabrication, quick erection, applicability in existing structures, high loading capacity and sufficient deformation capacity. One joint solution is the use of anchor plates with welded headed studs or other fasteners such as post-installed anchors. Thereby a steel beam can be connected by butt straps, cams or a beam end plate connected by threaded bolts on the steel plate encased in concrete.
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The Building and Construction Procurement Guide – Principles and Options (‘the Guide) consolidates current jurisdiction-specific approaches to procurement and contracting of civil (road and bridge) and non-residential building works and services into a single overarching framework.
The Guide defines a series of methods, processes and principles that have been designed to reduce inconsistency in member agencies’ approaches to procurement and contracting, and responds to a variety of issues raised by industry.
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Development and evaluation of an extended inverse distance weighting method for streamflow estimation at an ungauged site
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The residential unit par excellence is the architectural form that most lends itself to the free development of creation because, except in the case of enormous buildings with many units of apartments, it has characteristics of volume that are very practical and responds to interests that are not usually as demanding as those of other building types.
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This Venezuelan Standard establishes general provisions for seismic analysis and design for industrial installations (oil and non-oil) located within the national territory.
The Standard does not include buildings, whose analysis and design, by the Venezuelan code shall be governed COVENIN 1756.
In Annex A of this standard, comments explaining its contents are included.
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This book presents comparative design as an approach to the conceptual design of structures. Primarily focusing on reasonable structural performance, sustainable development and architectural aesthetics, it features detailed studies of structural performance through the composition and de-composition of these elements for a variety of structures, such as high-rise buildings, long-span crossings and spatial structures. The latter part of the book addresses the theoretical basis and practical implementation of knowledge engineering in structural design, and a case-based fuzzy reasoning method is introduced to illustrate the concept and method of intelligent design. The book is intended for civil engineers, structural designers and architects, as well as senior undergraduate and graduate students in civil engineering and architecture. Lin Shaopei and Huang Zhen are both Professors at the Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
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