The Art of Reading Buildings focuses on the practical art of reading a building and applying its positive and negative attributes in developing a size-up for fireground operations that center on structure fires. First-due company officers, incident commanders, and safety officers will appreciate the practical "street-wise" lessons captured in the book. Chief officers, training officers, engineers, firefighters, and fire science degree candidates will benefit from the wide range of building construction topics covered in this text. Features include: Understand the technical and practical aspects of building construction Learn on-the-spot building construction assessment using the authors' custom Rapid Street-Read Guides Develop a quick construction size-up for immediate application to fireground operations Recognize firefighter traps in newer and alternative construction methods This text covers objectives for the National Fire Academy's Fire and Emergency Services in Higher Education (FESHE) Building Construction for Fire Protection course
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This manual is a directive for Architecture and Engineering design professionals (hereafter referred to as A/E or designer) for the planning and design of the drainage, waste, vent, water distribution, storm drainage, natural gas and fuel gas, medical gas, medical vacuum, and specialty systems at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities. VA facilities have a wide range of occupants including patients, employees, volunteers, and visitors. An important mission of VA is to provide healthcare to Veterans who, in some cases, have severe disabilities, including sight, hearing, and mobility. The A/E must always keep the interest of the sick and/or disabled Veteran in mind when making decisions in locations where design choices affect Veterans.
This design manual shall be utilized for all VA projects, including major, minor, and NRM projects. It is expected that systems designed shall meet their primary intent of providing a sanitary, safe, reliable, and sustainable facility. In order to provide the latitude needed to accommodate new technologies, methods and materials, and/or pre-existing field conditions, technical deviations from the stipulations of this manual may be made only if a safe, reliable, and sustainable design shall result. Such deviations must be approved by VA Authorities. Unless otherwise directed by VA, the Authority Having Jurisdiction is the VA Project Manager and/or the local VA Medical Center. Deviations that are not permitted are requirements included in public laws, federal regulations, Executive Orders, and all applicable codes. Deviations from Section 4.5 Legionella Mitigation in VA Facilities, should be approved by the Facility Water Safety Committee. This manual is intended for use by the A/E and others engaged in the design and renovation of VA facilities
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Gregory Tsinker brings his extensive knowledge of structural engineering and geotechnical design to his translation of George E. Lazebnik's work on soil-structure interaction. Monitoring of Soil-Structure Interaction is aimed at professional geotechnical and foundation engineers who deal with soil-foundation interaction, soil pressure distribution, or ground monitoring instruments. This book will incorporate original data and emphasize practical, mathematical models for measuring soil pressure on the foundations of a structure. Readers will be able to compare their calibrated measurements to the data presented in the book.
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Marine Structures Engineering is designed to help engineers meet the growing worldwide demand for construction of new ports and the modernization of existing ports and terminals. It provides an authoritative guide to the design, construction, rehabilitation, repair, and maintenance of port and harbor structures. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing readers to access specific information. The Author draws on his extensive experience in offshore structure and port engineering to demonstrate evaluation, rehabilitation, repair, and maintenance of in-service marine structures. Also covered in detail are state-of-the-art approaches to: *marine structures in cold regions, with special attention to the role of ice loads, permafrost, and other ice effects *shiplifts, marine railways, shipways, and dry docks *offshore moorings *floating breakwaters *marinas *structures that protect bridge piers from ship impact. Offering practical information on all aspects of marine structures, this book serves as an indispensable resource to all engineers and professionals involved in design, construction, maintenance, and modernization of ports and harbors.
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Handbook of Port and Harbor Engineering: Geotechnical and Structural Aspects
Author(s)/Editor(s): Gregory P. Tsinker, Ph.D., P.E. | Size: 144 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. | Year: 1997 | pages: 1054 | ISBN: ISBN 9781475708653 | ISBN 9781475708639 (eBook) | DOI 10.1007/9781475708639
In past 10 years or so several excellent books and handbooks on "Port and Harbors Engineering" and "Coastal and Ocean Engineering" have been published in Europe and in North America. Reference to these works is made elsewhere in this book.
The authors of the aforementioned works offer a shrewd and comprehensive discussion on the marine environment and its effects on port design, port operation, port hydraulics, coastal geomorphology, littoral drift and sedimentation, port and shipping technology and economics, design and construction of a floating port related structures, and others. However, proportionally the geotechnical and structural aspects of port construction have been given very little attention. This happens, perhaps, because the subject of marine structures engineering is very broad by itself; it is a blend that encompasses the array of engineering disciplines, e.g., civil, structural, geotechnical, hydraulic, strength of materials, corrosion, naval architecture and others knowledge of which is required to produce a sound and economical design of a modern port or marine terminal.
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Slope stability considerations in differentially weathered mudrocks
Abdul Shakoor
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Reviews in Engineering Geology
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In risk studies, engineers often have to consider the consequences of an accident leading to a shock on a construction. This can concern the impact of a ground vehicle or aircraft, or the effects of an explosion on an industrial site.
This book presents a didactic approach starting with the theoretical elements of the mechanics of materials and structures, in order to develop their applications in the cases of shocks and impacts. The latter are studied on a local scale at first. They lead to stresses and strains in the form of waves propagating through the material, this movement then extending to the whole of the structure.
The first part of the book is devoted to the study of solid dynamics where nonlinear behaviors come into play. The second part covers structural dynamics and the evaluation of the transient response introduced at the global scale of a construction. Practical methods, simplified methods and methods that are in current use by engineers are also proposed throughout the book.
The aim of this book is to present theoretical elements regarding solids and structures, as well as modeling tools in order to study the vulnerability of a structure to a short duration action, generally of accidental nature. The book takes the point of view of an engineer seeking for the modeling of the physics at stake to relevantly carry out his study. The book originality is that it gathers elements from various fields of engineering sciences, for the purpose of a practical objective.
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Posted by: tomcat007 - 01-26-2016, 06:01 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hi All,
Could you please provide me the following guidelines?
"Seismic and Lateral Load Design and Testing Guidelines"
DFI Seismic and Lateral Loads Committee (2011-2012), Chaired by Mark Petersen and Zia Zafir (2003-2009); Robert Kruger